Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

1 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



SCALE OF CHARGES ICR PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS PRIVATE NOTICES. One inssftion.—Sixpence for 20 words, and 3d. e^tra for evsry 5 words mors. Threa Insertions. Ntnepe?cc for 29 words, and 3d. extra !cr every 5 words ?nore. Six Insertions. -One shilling <or 23 and 34. extra for every 5 wariis mors. LOST AND FOUND. One Insertion.—Ninspence for 20 words, and 3d. extra for every 5 vnaids mors. Three tnsertions.-One shining for "3 words, and 3d. extra for evary 5 words more. Six Insertions.- Gr.a shiliing and sixpence for £ 3 words, an?^ 3d. extra for uvary 5 words mora- BIRTHS, MARJvi ACES, DEATHS, IN MEMORIAL, ANO SYMPATHY NOTICES. One I;-tio-n.-One shining an4 sixpence fc.- 20 and 3d. extra far eifery 5 wards more. This Scale does not apnly to Advertise- ments from Corporate or Public Bedies, Bankruptcy or Liquidation Notices, Salss and Let by T-sr.Ctcr, ur Tradesmen's Busi- ness AniisKirtcetnents. NEAD Oí-FJCE- LEADER BUiLDiHCS, SWANSEA. Telephones: Gantrii lfhE (Eleven Lines). Teiegrans: "Leader, Swansea." LONDON OFFICE- 151, FLEET STREET, E.C. TclapiJone: 2273 Centra). LLAMELLY OFF iCE- LONUON BUILDINGS, THOMAS ST. Telephone: No. 174. NEATH OFFICE- ALFRED STREET. CARMARTHEN OFFICE- LAKKAS STREET. BRIDGEND OrFiCE — OLD FC;3T OFFICE. Tafephene: No. 51 Post. The Suporiol" Circulation OUr1 Leadsr" makes it easily the 6est Lècal Paper for Small Afiveriisarrents. During tho past year these announcements have nearly doubied, and with our Sales increas- ing, the public may, wtrh canrtticnca, depend upon better results than are obtained elsewhere. k. ■IWilKOPUP J TRADE SPECIALISES. ta- When leplYing to advertisements please mention the Leader." T?AZO??: Razf-iti Ground and Set. 6d.; V Set <?n;y. M.—T. Ward Davids, 7, Nel- son-street, Swansea Razors from Is. up- .rds. 219A1-3 '? iLfjAM. HAMPER, 3. Mount-street. it D?ke. ?'j.iol?.a.16 ?ud R<'?aii Tbac. cenist. have a large selection of cigars, and ci. garette in stock for New leal". Presents. 217Al-7 T?R-??HTS Almanack and Tide'TabIee "fu r 1?1?. c?w re<i<iy.—?holft?le hULl Albert Wr.ght, Oxford Printing Works, Beach-street. 217A1-7 '"jj iR.t,&CO-L, io a ?oi?uecful Remedy tor JL Hair rroibl?e. Get a lOd. or a la. 3d. Bcn:? to-da.j, ?ttich wih our?y convince you. All iuidnig Chemists ^ind Stores.— A'?t?cy j. V, att-sf-voau, &\v?n&<a. ?XAl-Z NEESHA.S MAGiC COUGH QUftS COSTS LESS THAN A A U N DERTAXER. A Compcund cf th? beet m'-d?rn Cou?h Kemedies kiiowu to the Medical Profession. Ocb dQc?<tt'.?.cs; u?o Dottle cures, Price 1/ —NEl'?jti?t? DHUC .VIOKES, RAFOD, SWANSEA. Cl-25 'P ti E Cheapest, and L -c%t SLoc, tc r _l1ould!;q;, Gl. ?n'on>. l)rln} Ol€<?, Ca.rdbo.ndti. Bac?boa.rd? to:' ths tmâ" Moulding and Glass importer.—Go to M. Shatz. 176, High-otreet, Swansea, or the A¡'u, Merliiyr; also fetation-road. Pontv pr-ria.   ?):<t PMOLYNEUX, Ltd., Pish Merchants, P. 126, High-gtreet. Swausea. Che?-st House in Town for .Fish of all Varieties, Wholesale and Retail. Trial Solicited. Myrddin Davies's Anncujicsments. MiL'DUl^'S Iiidigretiou and L?i' Mixt1Z.t.. D..l an t?cetLem p:epat-a.tioa fcr  n- digætiun, Heartburn. Pains in th? Fit of tLa Stomach, Vomiting, Flatulency, Ga«triti3, C LC. and i«.—Myrddin Davie*, M.P.S., Chemist 23.8, Iligh-street, Swansea. cl-16 ISOHI/K'S B^kacho and Kidney Pills, XJ reeoffiitK-nded for Kidney Troubion*. iJackacbe, Ccugtsstion of the Kid- neys, i niiaaiuiation of the tf'iadd^r, Gravel, etc. Por box, 10. and ^>. faci.—Myrddin Daviets M.P.S., Chemist, 238, Iligh-street, bwaasea. Cl-lo MYitDDxJS '& Liver ?rmnuie?, a most ea'?c- ?JfJL tive ?Mt? pili for T«ipid Li'?r. Bii- )iouenfco*i, lieauiiA;iie, C(: !16t .;¡a. tio-i. Sold in bottles, Gd. und 'JcJ,-lt'frdùii' Da.vies. M.P.S., Cheaii&t, Z3?, High-etz-eet k?a-ub?a.. Cl-li T"li-Ë' Am""n'3n Corn ?m?terr?umiL.'u'?' I T ediy ?lit mo?t ettecUve Corn Pi???r mantifaoturea. i-T il once, then j udce, no I lUaiure; no tiarra^i/ig' corn* no pain or bunilJg; 3?a6.Y K> PUT U!? readily culqf,? 'j'?' por po&t, Swd.—Myrddin Davies, M.R.P.S., 2?, iiish-&tre<>t, Swansea. Cl-16 I £ iLAs'i'iC ^iOCiUAuS, ?. 6d. ea?h, ?. &.r. per a,,c; A:mi-st?. 1&. 10d.; Kn?? Capa, I r: #7' ')., 2. Legginga, 26.; "l, British _\dk: Mvrddin Daviee, M.E.P.S., Chemist. 2?8. I Kigh-atieet, Swansea.' Cl-16 Trufj&etj- in u.i siaes, 1 clouMa or eingie.—Myrddin Da vies, M.R.P.S., 233, Hi^h-streiot, Swansea. CI-J6 --=- EDUCATIONAL. 1- to please mention the" Leader. GIRTHS' EOARM?C 'A?D DAY SCHOOL, ?T DUM?ARYu?. JJRI?YMORROAD, ??A\fl-.?. inc Hou&e ? -fil ?it?a?d in its own g?und-?. ??;? term commc?ce? ?'edn?Jay. January 15th. Princir'a.i— GAai,.ICK, A.C.11. Cl.?S öJ. ElLO-vAHHHAWtW. M.A., rJonours aian, Tutor tor University, Civil Service, Pr(:flÚ.D:lJ.xawllia"oliS; l'a¡nEc! tecioiitirj htaraest rcf*renee«. A iiiuc-rous t>ucoesgea.— ProepectUd 4, St. ueorge-otreet, SW, n- &eo.a. 21aAlT3 QWA.NSEA COMMERCIAL SCHOOLT Cattle O Buumn?. corner of Co.L?t-.?r?t.— bhorth&nd, 'IOCCII lyp?writin?, ?ook-k<?p- ing, &na aL Commercial Smjint?. The ta,uibtie. a.ti:urd at th? Hwa.n&t? Coainn&r- cm? School tor rapidly ac?mi-tHS a tho,iui,iiiy pra.ji.icai knowledge of tiiete popular and necessary Commercial Subjects are universally pr-onoiiuceJ to be un- equalled. Xcw begins 6th January; write tor free proepectus now. l"rUDEN1;S Trained to a Speed of 100 '0 Words a Miuute in PITMAN'S ';hat. hand. Civil Service Candidates Successfully Prep<lrt;Ü for Lxaiiiiyations. Numerous Recent Successec. Learners and Sorlera, Swunseii and Ijondon. Lessony given in Arithmetic, Book-keeping, Trigonometery, etc., Ladies and Geuilemen. Success Giutr- anteed.-Mr. J. HARRIiJ, Shorthand Teacher, 66, Osfoid-str*>et, Jswanciea. Day and Even- Ing cltlsses-, ,.h- rpKE PELL-ST. PR IV ATE SCllOOL (Kin- X dergarten and Preparatoiv for bCYd and Girls), held in Pell-btreet Chapei Sohoolrcorn, will re-op€n on Monday, J,). 6th, at 9.46 a.m. Je.-ms, from 10s. 6d per quarter. Pupilb prepared for the IntAr- mediafe St-fcoola and Mutic^i Kxamiuations. Principal, Mi £ « Wotton, 42, Mansel-stre«t. 214A1-6 r -II I ".I u LL-ij je=g? I POULTRY, DOCS, LIVE 6TOCK. &o, iW- When replying to advertisements please mention the Leader. GOLDEN Wyandott? Cock. 1911; &M<)Nd G prize in food company (only time thown): only la?.; worta donbie.—Evaita, Hong Kong, trolioon. 21?1-o ?LtU EngiJ?h Le*,p Dog&.—Kacdeomt, 0,,) t, r -bi-ed, Blu,? Merle Puppies for Sala. Pliou?r?;,cui;h and particulars jent. — H. Deaoo*, Gottam, Pr?Mt?n. Danes. ■ 216A1-6 '?H?HITE Pomeranian for S;d good hou-?e? [i V < uog; Z years; very affectionate; will sell reasonable.—Apply J, H. Long, 36, Qucon &-road, Mumbles. 216A1-6 EULL TERRIER^.—High-claes Litter for Jjt Sale; their pedigree c-jntairid three <ibampions; they have Ion* lI<,Ü" Of black eyes, and shortest of whip tailo; etortain show speeimens.—Price, P.O., Bnr- rowa-road. Swansea. ..? _? 2bAl4 Y" CARRIACES, HORSES, &C., FOR SALE. LW- When replying to advertisements please mention the Leader." FOR SALE, a Jenny Donkey; aleo Bridle and Saddle (new); would suit invalid or children; quiet and good; gn^rantee riven .—A poly Prank Alien, Ammanford. I 21SA18 FOR SA1J5, B;i-:M.a:re.-14-handE'n I F yeaxs old; ;?aos a?l trai&c in harn,; I open t? Vet.-Apply Box 10, Deader Of&c?. I bwanae*. ZIW4 LOST AND FOUND. WheH replying to advertisements | please mention the Leader. AJOTICFi.—If Alberta Melvilleo&ll??t } i.M Victoria 1;, ¡. Wind-street. Swansea., &etw?en 7 vud 7.30, he can ha,v? h is &I insrxirarice Card. 219A1-4 ? T OST—R?tw<<Au SwaiLt?a, and ?wa,un-ca? -tirwen, Stepr.ey Spare Wheel, with Tyre. If tinder will return same to John i b brown's Cicirage h-e will be suitsnlv if- warded. 219AI4 T OST, a puree on Sunday night, Dec, 29, 1J v rom King Ed ward-road, ronnd r?ill'p's Para?, WeaLbury-?traet, to th 14'?i-nd-c-r rewarded cn returning j ?ame to ?I.\V., Lea.U.?r OIju.?, _? ? Cl?! l-OST-&;inirigh-t- Õ,yn TJ Hall :md .puSryn C-b are h. Glwyr. Gold NeckletFinder will be rewarded OIl retumi-? s.?n€ w Lletty Uufal i?d?. | Aberdylais. 217AW T OST, at Kaneelton, cn Tuesday. Lady's -Lj F?r?e ccatattiiti? moimy. Finder re- warded on rMurrnig saLM: t? XrtS. CriiHtha. 52, Philhp-sLi-eet, Mauselton. ■ Cl'? EEWASD.—.Loe?. Memorandum book, | O/ b iaches by 4i;—ADove reward on j r?tumiTtS &"e to 13, ?ciitp?Ucr-t.err&<:?. ?wa.n?ee,. "?16A1-6 LOST, at Ciydar.b, Airdale Dog; answers -Lj to name of .Bob; bore ia-ine on collar, "P. W. Francis, Cwmbach, Clydach; finder rewarded detainer prosecuted. 214A1-4 OUND Íll Wind;treet, on December 26, .1' ;1 Lady's Purse, containing money.— Apply, giving full particulars, to 38, Sidney- street; Brynhyfrydd, Swansea. TT'OUND, on Thursday, Puree containing X Money.—Caii be had by '/iving parti- culars to T-. FcLier, James-street, Aeath. JloAl-3 FOU-ND, in Wind-street, on December 26th. .I: a Lady's containing money.— Apply, giving full pai-ticulars, to 33, Sidney- 8tl-.eet, Brynhyfryd, SWa¡We,R. DOMESTIC SERVANTS WANTED. fBT" W hen replying to advertisements pie j ad mention the" Leader." T\7AKTED-A Cie*.n, Renipfectable Young » T Genera), with ?,ord Kf?penc?e.—Mrs. J &niith, Tne Gabk?. &?i.ty-ruad, Swa;?? 21SA.1-4 I "Xfcf ANTED, good (?sncraJ Servant fci T email family—Apply 10, Beechwood- I road, Upi?uds. Swansea. 2?7AI 3 \V" ANTED, a good G-eMNÙ Servant.— ) t Vi! Apply Dd. Evan6, Grocef, Treboeth. 219A1? VV"*A1\T;JI>. a Strong Girl af; G?ner?t; trom ,'t!.t<1 country preferred.—Apply Mias J?l?yd. Alexaj?dr? Ca?e. Alexandra-road, ?w&ni?a.. 21SA1-4 iL?AJXTED, a clean Girl; ju?t, Icfh school; » T sk&p cut—Apply 34, Jersey-terrace. 1)anyg-,ad Sl?Al-4 I t;"ÀN'f'1;.E1J, i'wo Hcusemaid? and Met?e?ji- T M?d.—Mjs. Ri&lMn-da. ?. High?tr?;? SW¡lna, 219A1-8 '?.?,?-i??.ED—A Gocd General Servant for ''I' ûUilwürk aid assist in business.— Apply Mrs. E\-a.n8, Somerset iiotel, Neath. Zl?Al-7 ..A N 'l'I D-=-G<w d-Ü.;n£- ai a;t -O; -:¡; e' 20- VV 30, j:n?:. Lave good references, good I home, two children— Mrs. Bernard John, Giifach Bargosd. 217AA-7 I G'{oÙD'âcn0a]:lyt¡n -¡laUghter;, *J) good home, good girl, W?lsh pÎerred. —7. Ciit'iou-streei, Aix>rc*ro. 217A1-7 ~J~Ai< TELD—A Good Genera.1 Servant, t V good character indispensable — I Apply 43, Crown-otreet, Mtirri?t?M. 01-7 I '¡íT li'ED-l:šië.tabi;gil, ?Lbout 14, V for Nursing, sleep out.—Apply from f.) r -L-, u", ?_i 'ii" t?icep O_LLT -Al?p? y irc,,m 6 to 7. 3. Suniey-terrace, Mount Pleasant. 217A1-3 ??A?TED immediat?y Gc?JdG?M?a'I Tt Servant, abla to wash and do plain I cooking; small family.—Apply, with refer- I euces, slating age and wages required, I Mrs. Morris, OHrdal6, Handilo, 01-7 I '7\'1 A',rEDg;O] ??nci'al Sorvant, able to T co<?k ??eH.—Rob<mM, T.?.tnp?i'anca How!. Goi'seinon. 215A1-6 '\Ã:rED'¡1J exp?nenced V V Apply Brooklanas Hotel, Oxford-street, Swansea- ? 21&A1-6 T\ij'ÈD;-a-gÕod General; able to do I}' Plain c<!O?U)?; sleep in or out.—Apply ¡ .)adS'aE' 216A1-6 VOUNG General w?'.?" i two in fU:.lily,-1 J. Apply, from 6 to o "■ the evening, Mrs. A''th'j:, 4. Fsll-?treet, '?v?.?aca.. 2l!4Al-4 I A"OTHER'S Help Eequ;red; '?lsT ?' rou? ¡ XTJL work ever;/ convenienvv; comfortable, ¡ ?upenor h':Hu.-r". Pike, ::m,?.<:y Houee, Montrt?e-?vcjiue, BriBlingtün, Bristol, 1 214A1-4 XS/"AXTEI>. an experienoed a I Tt January 23rd.—Apply Mi's. Owen, The Mil yd dings, Brynmill. 213A1-3 COOKS AN 1.1 COOK-GEiiERALS. &W- When replying to advertisements I please mention the Leader. "'{;ff A'FEV-C..)(;k-LMnel'al &lid eX¡;>ell.elll.>8Cll ?ur&8 (baby th'ee months), foe Cardiff; good wages; Housemaid liept.- Apply to Dr. Lloyd Edwards, Gwynfryn, I iiiands, Swansea. 219A1-4 COUK-G E N ERAL and urge-HOUâemctid ? wanted; experienced; 5 in family.- Apply, after 5 p.m., SLOc?woott. 4, King<iwu- L"? .Sketty _?.? 214A1^ '\¡"E;21) eud Januai-y, good Plain Cook. t< —Apply by letter, stating age, wages, references. Mrs. Jeffreys, Riilay Croit, :Kr.tLY. 214..L-4 TED, good plain Cook at once; small family; age not under 24; early riser; wages £24; Pembrokeshire or Carmarthen- shire girl preferred.—Write fully, Mrs. ilackey, Academy, Woolwich, Kent. 214A1-4 ERRAND BOYS WANTED. W !Fllen replying to advertisements please mention the" Leader. JJ '?f'A?T?D, a, Lad.—Apply Watt6. Conft?- I T tiouer, Xcis.on-strt.fct, Swansea. 214A1-4 ?'' SMART ?rrand'Boy Wanted.—Apply L. ii Uiariove ana S&u, Uroc?ro, SL. Leien's- ¡ av?nue, i'iW?ue.fa. Al-4 aV6w1iffe-tO-&:lr-the ?"Neath JO ?axeHo and Mid-GIauK,"?an Hel'a,ld" I a. Neath, .9elineryt?i"u, and sWToundlllg <nstric!?s every Friday "nd Smurd?y.— Apply Mr. Edwin Hemming, 39, Queen- street, neatn. Lads Wanted to Sell "Loaders'1 k, at lieat.i, Melinorythan and districts.— Apply iaimediately to iqr. E. Hemming. Pablisher, Queen-street, Neath. "^TUMBLES.—Soys Wanted to Sell the iVJL "Leader'' every evening.—Apply Ceatdn Newsagent, Mumbles. LEADER BOY" S wanted.—Several G.od Boys are Wanted at once to Sell "Leaders" in Morris to ?i and District, to meet increasing demand. Apply John I Morgau, Newsagent, Woodfleld-street, Mor- ristc.n. ??ANTBD. 8mart Boys to Sell tho V > Leader alter school homs.—Appiy to Charlie Evmis, the Up-to-dace News- :lnt, e.c., 72, Brynymor-road. Swansea. CLERKS. mr Wh en replying to advertisements I please mention the" Leader." XT^ANTED, smart Youth as Invoice Clerk » in Vv hol-iwitle ft a rehouse.—Apply, witlt references, W<?reh<)u??," Leader CSif,? ?w?ui?a. _?_? 217A1-8 j "vi/"ANTED, for Port Taibot Colliery OJt;e' .t L a Junior Clerk, aboub 1G years of ?a?. with 0ice experience; must be an e'ticiem shorthand writer and typist.— ■Apply, statu;g salary required, and enoloae copies of references, to "EfEciclnt," Leader Office. C14 V*WANTED—Clerk, age about 20, in Iron VVi Merchant's Oclice, for correspondence and invoicing.—Apply stating experience and salary required to Ferro," jlajly .OO. 217A1-7 A in good office, Juni,.)r C"' e rii; 'ANTED, in good oaice. Junior Ci?rk? VV over 17; must have *30me practical knowledge of book-keeping; previous office experience preferred; good wr-?iu?, e6,?'ential, -Apply C.B.A. Leader O&ce, Swamea, uloAl-6 ~Wf ANTED, a Book-keeper for Anthracite T V Colliery Oiiice; one accustomed to balancing books.—Apply Balance," Leader Orrice, Swansea. 2J6A1-6 -'7 LYl'lm. intelligent Youth for Whole- ttj salcr?' C?fice; quick writer; commenc- ing wage, 7s. 6d.—Apply Fruiterer, Daily Loader. Swansea. 214A1-4 VIVT A-NTEI) Junior Shorihand-Typist a"t V V Docks Coal Olliee.-Apply Ctyarbons, Leader Oilire, Swansea. 214A1-4  t?A?TED. Competent I?ady Shorfhaud- ?Y Typist, at onc?.—Apply W .D.L., Leader Office, Swansea. 214A1-4 OFFICE BOYS. !«r When replying to advertisements please mention the Leader." a smart Office Boy.—Apply 9. V U W o¡dnet.M:wr Cl-4 ( TAILORS, &c. tr IVhen rejJlying to advertisements please mention the Leader. Hp.AILORESS Wanted for Coats; one used X. to first-class work; constant; and good paid.— v< rite Oiass, Leader Qibce, Swa.¡:ii-aa. Z16Al-6 ACEMTS, Ac., WANTED, g, £ r* When replying to advertisements ple-ase mention the" Leader WANTED by filtit class Swansea Com- pany, ttliJrough good representative, none but reliable laeu need apply.—13, Swansea-road, Pont^rdawe. 217A1-7 A' GENTS Wanttsd in any district; others ?. apee?rmu? 1?. to ?s. v.?k?y, and you ? should Mpr?fMut t,? Old T4?a Finn, estab- iisneo. 15 >eais; good to g00d, "gonts.-Agpiy United Prize Tea Co.. 7. Gower-str&et, Swansea. 216A1-5 j A-'G1<:L"iTS\ViW t.-Cd' in every district; <xhisc*j  are earnip 15& to 32s. ??okly, a?d Y< 'i b?ould represent the Old Tea Firm, estate j lJ6h-eu 15 years; good terms to good, reliable Agents.—Apply United Prize Tea; Co., 7. Gower-streeu, Swansea. 2ISA 1-6 ACOMMlSION Appointment iavaeant A that will erl ablf., you to earn L- 75 to £10û yearly. We will teach you the business and appoint you as special representative. You can inak-a money without interfering with your present occupation. We will give you the right training (£rOO) in your epare time to enable you to leave the overcrowded and poorly-paid trades when the supply always exceeds the demand. .if you. want a. better position enter th-e M.P. servi.ce. 100 representatives are wanted in South Wales to extend a new Family MedicaJ :3ervice,- Write for full particulars to J. C. Evans, M.P. Company, Castle Buildings, Swansea. 217A1-7 T- 'RA VELLER-reciuircdith-m;:ne{)tiOll jL a?on?L l?ic?M?-d lCtU£.Hcrs pre- ferred; state goods i^reviousiy nandied, ground covered, remuneration required, etc., to Box 42, Daily Leader. 217A1-3 QPECLAL Outdoor J.?(iUtr?d io at on(??;; auj.??, mteryiewing b?uM?s men and ?QOFkeope?t*; high terms to Quit- able applicants wno are disengaged.—Write iulty, Secretary, 26, Western Mail Chambers, Cardiff. 21b A1-3 "|3 EFiii^SxiMENT lloll Keepers.—Increase Xt your Pronto £ 1 weekly by Buying a bi11ia..ct Table for 6s. a wook; no hOOilOO required.—Full particulars, apply 14, Gower- street, Swansea. 214A1-4 '0-()- WEEKLY.—Per&c?ne Want? iai- C>{\ mediat?y fcr Ciif-ular Ad?.rs&si?g (work at home)—Write, enclosing auunpad envelope. Waterman Co., Great James-street, London. C'2-10 APPRENTICES. Bar* When replying to advertisements please mention the Leader. TV/SV 7ANTEO—btnart Boy, good opportunity Tt to n?ayn Boot trade.—Apply Stead and Simpson, 4 ilign-strett, Swansea. 219A1-8 ANTED, Improver for Garage; must be ? ? good turner. Also Apprentice for Coach Painting Dept.—Apply Coach." Leader Office, Swansea. 01-6 "if.ANii\o8il PêrIOr;pn-ÙIXCB For Dr?f-t?- 't' makmg and LaUl;¡ 'l2.UOnng, twelve months; live out entirely; no premium.— Mrs. Jarvis Jones, &0, St. Helen's-road. Also good. trustworthy General, able to do plain cooking; EIB-920; about end of Feb. 216A1-6 MtSXELLAMEOUS SSTUATiOMS V A C P. iNJ T. When replying to advertisements please mention the 4< Leader." TTU'AXTED, Knitters.—A PP*ly t f Parry and Rocke, Ltd., Swansea, 21911.13 OCEAN LINERS.—Persons desiring to '< J come Stewards, Siewai-dessee, Butchers, liakets, Engineers, Stokers, etc., send ad- dressed envelope; forms free.— W. Breakell, 96, IRO_N EES and Beginners Wanted for Steam Laundry, at onoe.—Apply Matron, Swan- sea Hospital. 219A1-3 T?NITTERS?—A good Kmt?r W&nted.?cr L ?- Lh? KouEd Ma,(,hU!?.—Apply by letter to it. Griffiths, Hosiery Manufacturer, Swan- sea 2I9A1-8 ANTED, a respectable Girl to Manage V V Fruit Shop; on.e uc:.e,,d to the trade preferred. Also a good General.—Apply Mr?. Short, Square, Clydaoh-on-Tawe. 219A1-8 T?ANTED,'byJant?y"'15j,h.1915? 1 V X?Ba?,??-e& for D rarefy and Boot D?- partment. Stale age, experience and wages required —Applications m writing only to the Secretary, Co-operative Society, Pont- ardulais, not later than January 2nd, 1913. Cl-Z "r ANTED, Manager to take charge and t V develop small Anthracite Colliery in Carmarthen.—Apply with reference* to Mr. Ft. Marker, aiming Engineer, Poet Omce ChamGers, Swansea. Cl-8 I T¡!Á-=1f.ED. good KaTiee, Ciydach Water 7 t Main and Sewer extensions—Hill, Contractor. 217A1-7 "IXrAjSTED. for Seel aud Tinplate Works, w a Traffic ManRger; state experience, and wages required —Apply Traffic, Leader Oilicc, S Wu.ileF1. Cl-4 ??A?TED, Strong Youth, about 16, '3 Y< Driver, and hdp inside; must be uac?d to horse. Also sharp Errand Boy.—Web- ster. Grocer, St. Thomas. 213A1-3 TV SV /AKTEI), an Experienced C-curwr liarid f and Waitrees.—Apply Sidney Palmer. Oxford-street, Svvansea. Cl-4 r" ROCERY.—Wanted, at once, reliable Man VX to drive out; must ba used to hor&&6; total aJOAtanMr pr?f?rcd.—Jcne?, Bore' Stores, Ncalh. "Of ANTED, Appr&nHc?s and Improvei'S for i'anoy Dra?fy.—l. James, 76, St. llelen's-road, SWan&Ni" 214A1-4 A RCKITECT has Vacancy for well-educa- Ated Youth as Pupil; premium re- quired.—Architect, Leader Office. 213A1-3 ) SITUATIONS WAITED. m- When replying to advertisements please tjlerit;.on the Leader." EXPERIENCED Young Lady offers her i services at3 Nurse to invalid lady.— Replies to Stark, 27, Corporation-road, New- I port, Hon. 216A1-6 ,iT A.Ñ'l'ED, by energetic couple, Manage- V ment cf Licensed Hot?l, town or country; both used to trade; oxcoilem refer- ences; cash deposit. Or any i?6it}0ii of I trust.—Apply Energetic," ixiacter OSloe. 8'lw;j 216A1-6 ??.?AKTED, by redpeotabi? woD?an, Daily VT Work; hould unuertske cooking or plain &&v.'i??; in Loughor or GO), '1(¡'U,- Apply Work," Leader Office, Swansea. 1 216A1-6 /00b Plain Needlewoman ?ould under- G take Sewing or Lignt Wcik in li>tllrn I for home.—Apply A. Sh?pht?'d, 10, Grove- p..Ü. Swansea. 212Alr4 I MOTOR CARS, CYCLES, Ac., FOR SALE. %fW~ When replying to advertisements please mention the Leader." F Oli S.A,L-I,Ilo Side car, quick detaoimtuo joints, new ruober studded tyre and tube, apron, practically new; a bargain.— Quirk, 33, Caj:mar then-road, ywansea. 2i6A1-7 ARRE-.PT 3 ToD Compound Superheated r Steam Motor Wagon on Rubber Tyres; fastest and most economical wagon in the w&iM; specially suitable for Removal, HaaIage Conn actors, Brewers, Muieid. Fruit and Pi-??vir?ion Merchants, etc.; 40 per cent, cheaper to run than petrol vehicles; many m'e?a in Soutn> W&iea.—Full particu- i?rs from Sole Ag,wt, Frank Munn, Engi- I neer, Caj,dia. Cl-6 G. Ciarke's (?;;¡¡b;t)Ãt- I Q "O TRiUMPiJ. b?nJMd.? h.p., re- O.Xi. enameLed anu J)HHöd ana over- I hani?a; a?jMW; £ 30. t?T?? HUUD? j,iuiti, ? he.: Brand .m'-&-? Now; ?,52 1?. 1- ')1 OI.'i-.l'lT6- h.p.; Tne Sidecar XC/JLM .?<Main?;_ Brand New; ?53 10?. ;-lÜ' PRE.:l\f-Œ 1 t' '-3; hp;oýe 1"1: ali.l.ed;-iri I lulU ptirtCL ce-nuition; £ 23 1?. ?/fA?Y Othor Second-hand Machines at XVI Bar-gain 4nciuding Zeniths, Ulynos, h umbers. Lnfieias, etc. l' 0:, .jti.J: H¡;; Oar; good running -JL ? -L-t c'dar; ?d. 1WTOW i6 the time to bock your cider for I JL? your 191? Car, Cycle-Car, or !I 0wr Cycle. We are Official Agom& for the fol- lowing:—Enteld, Ahday'e and Ford Cars; Perry, Morris-Oxford, Chat?en Lsa, and Humberette Cycle-Cara; Zenith Gradua, Triumph, Rudge, CqDO, B.&.A.. New 11?- eon. ?i?zl?TVoad and Humbcr Motor Cycif?. ¡ Any other Make Supplied.—Clarke's Garage, Aiiy c)?iier G:ira?;e, T,:l. 01,4 I j MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. FOREIGN and Colouial stamp Collection < Wanted for Caiiii-F. Kynaston. 2/, ) R<Mt-ot.t?a,Tenue. ?i-?rr'opL 219A1-8  IL-'AJ)!iS;-nai.-COrmh' ir:f;'3 Wanted; cash  value by return.—Ernest ilorrocks. 33, 1 PortLa?id-?trect? B?ghJ?D< 4Al-4  ) 1 I i .7.7. r m. .m. m.m "m..m. ) I ¡ B.' ¡' 1 I ¡ V IN 1 ERL. i COMMENCES TO-MORRO W THIS A NTA/UA L SA LE is keenly anticipated by the- Patrons of ED WA RDS' every year for the Phenomenal BARGAINS ALWAYS to be obtained. -*—? ? -a. -?- ? '??' ?.: JL ?. ?. Y A?.? ?; .JL J[_? ? ?..?. ?C. ?? ?' L? <? t-? <L/1? ?' %? ?- F&' C- ?? I ;:¡i.:Çt05;j;yçJ?.CJ.t.t.p!:teS! ?J. £ n:fticance who are on the look-out for  I REAL BARGAINS IN NEW AND UP-TO-DATE GOODS. I On all our Stocks of Ladies' and Children's Wear, Blankets, Household Linens, Furniture and Furnishings we have REDUCED PRICES ENORMOUSLY. Make a point of Seeing our Windows, and remember there are thmiscmds of other Bargains to be met with in our Shops and 1.? Showrooms that reach tiie very Limit of Value. Visitors to this Great Sale will find unlimited opportunities to sectirb very substantial savings. I D);. Hm TIHRi/ STO R E S fH t Oxford Street- -¡W"aEl" j Waterloo Street Gt I M 1^ n and fDa.l1f Jeet! HOUSES FOR SALE AND TO LET. lUter- When replying to advertisements j I please mention the Leader." J IVTSATH.—House to 1-et, ?l, lion I j Ai Aii)iy Mrs. Fre?ga.rd, 32, London-road, I Neath. 2BA1-C ?T'UMB'LES.—To Let, part of a nou. I J?- i furnished or u?urniahod; good locality; three minui0S' walk from trains. —Apply B.A.C., Decider Officer, Swansea. Cl-4 FOR SA1»E, S?x-roomed House R?na,?d at F Bilgiaji, Briton?rry, overlooking b?a?h. —Apply T. A moid, Lan-y-mor House, lJag-1 Ian, Britonferry. Cl 4 rJpL HE MAYALS! BLACK PILL.—TO iCT ) JL with immediate pot?e?n?on, to? 'KM)? dence, "Belmont,' eituated in one acre of ground, with gaTden com-a.ming a large number of iruit trees, Wg?bLher with tennis ground; ten minutea waik from Biackpiil and -Mumbles-road Stations; th a r<?-<p' I tion rooms, six bedrooms, dressing room. bathroom with hot and cold water, china j pantry, bitchen, and scullery .—Apply to Mr. litry G. Thomas, Brynheuiog, Black- pill, Swansea. 217A1-7 IpOR SALE, compact Dwelling House, JC Oystermouth-road; good repair. For full particulars, apply to Bowen and Evams, Salubrious Passage, Swansea. 217A1-7 TWO Houses to Let, six room and four A room; two minutes' walk from Dun- vant Station.—Apply Mrs. Roberts, Brythcn H?use, Dunvant. ZlSAl? i I-AN:I5bRf,Toï:et, four-roomed House, IA suitable only for bmall family; a?pli- cants must produce r?nt-bool? of previous tenantries.—Bowen and Evans, &lubrioua Chambers, and Ev?,,ns, Sailll)ric,-Lia ?OR?-ALE, one-Seven-roojnedBouse. X: corner 8ÜuatiOI\, BrymniH-terr?ce; M years unexpired; immediate pos8ession.- Apply ?7, Brynmhi-terraoe. 215A1-? EIGiTT-ROOMED Houee for Sal& or to -ï; T? bath (hct and cold); other conveni- ences- Apply Mrs. Gordon, Glenroy, Ciydach-on-Tawe. 213A1-3 DRAWINGS, &o. t.W- When replying to advertisements please mention the Leader. WINNING Numbers of Prize Drawing '¡ held in connection with the Calfa-ria t Brass Band, Clydaeh:-i-, 327 2, 1,237j 3. 187; 4, 247; 5. 1,040; 6, 530.- D. S. Davies. Secretary^ Cl-4 rnHE \vrinning Number of George Gutridge X is 34b.-Applica,tions to be made 34, Court ney-street, Manselton. 213A1-3 -q- MISCELLANEOUS SALES. I (Sf" When replying to advertisements I please mention the Leader." -6ULDI-G and Gla?e BoMs for Sal? — IVI Apply Wei6hard. Picture 'ramer. Alex- &ndra-road. ?wd.nsea. 216A1-S ACETYLENE Generator— C^wen's 10 Li?ht j'.L Generator, almost M\W; L)? ?ao I-eW and burner6 complete; sUltable for pri.ate house.—Jones, Contractor, Penllergaer. 214A1-4 i^OR HALE, Ladders, 3d. a rung; New Boat, just finished, £ 9, 16ft.—J. Nightingale, Workshop, Mysydd-road, near Landore Station 214A1-4 FOR SALE, Four Powerful Electric Arc Lamps, in good condition.—Apply Light," Leader Office, Swansea. MACHINERY, &c., FOR SALE. I DW- When replying to advertisements | please mention the Leader. ].1 OlLElt: (50) and Machinery, gcod second- .J baud.—John Stringer and Son, Dept. 65, Blackburn. C2-16 F OR SAIF,, 500 Tons Steel Rolled Joists, various sections; Built-up Girders; Angles; 'lees; and Rail. Also a Large Assortment of Tanks, Stretching Screws, etc., etc. Inspection Invited-—Shipbreakiug Go., Ltd ',ng a__Dock, S?'ane?a. C.T .D. SU{JrflON GAS ENGINES ?ND "PLANTS. O Fielding's Pa,L?nt. Gold Medal Awarded. 81? 9 to ?00 B.H.r.; 10 B.H.P. for Id- per  hour. Cheapest power known. Hundreds working. Catalogue Free- Write present ccfit, and we will show Saving to be effected. Few Second-hand Gas Engines Chf,ap.-Sole Makers: FIELDING 6; PLANT, G LO U CES'i'Jslli. • f MUSSCAL INSTRUMENTS. j Um~ When replying to advertisements J: to -a dv?-,tt;senients J OIZ SALE, Piano in Walnut; Iron Frame; ..t £15 16s.—Can be seen at 8-0. Brynymor- road, Swansea. 216A1-8 j P:iA1\6'iil-RÕoowQOd'CaG-in'- perfect condition, warranted, suit a beginner or statlent. £7 10s. ea-;ii. I;rader and Soirj., j 9. Wind-street, Swansea. 217AJ.-7 FOR SALE, Quantity of Records, cylinder and disc, cneap.—iaies, Sewing t Machine Shop, Waterloo-street. Also a Few Good Gramophones. 216A1-6 T7TOLINS by the best makers; finest V Italians; Strings for all lustrument?; Expert Hepa?re to all Stringed Instr;,¡.rncIltiS: I ?owa Repaired by J. T. Wooding, Violin Maker and Bepairer, 22, Gower-street, Swan- ? sea. D. J. Sneli's Announcements. Q?C?'D-RA????itT'uy J. & J. Hopliiu- b "on, in massive bUIT walnut case; full trichord; pt?'I?ct condition; only £ 11 10s.— D. J. Sneii, 14a. ?1 ana 22, iiigu-ctivt.L Arcade, Swauo?a. 216A1-6 1 O.N-D-IiA."iD German Piano, in b<cauti- O iul walnut case; good tone, and in ex- cellent condition; £ 10 ids. to a quick buyer. -D. J. Snell, 14a. 41 and 22, High^treet Arcade, Swan-sea. 216A1-5 QECOND-HAISD Piano by Harrison, in U beautiful rosewood csee; sweet tone; a tremendous bargain; £ 11.—D. J, Sn-el), 14a, 21 and 22, Hign-street Arcade, Swansea. 216A1-6 QECOND-RAND Bridgeport Organ; very k3 high; massive mirror top; eleven stops; two knee swells; coat £.w; bargain I at £ lo D. J- Su?ii, High-street Arcade, I Swansea. 216A1-6 QiEUO'ND-itAIsD Jslalcolm Organ; beautiful C) tone; bargain, .M 106, Second-hand Pianoa Knd Orgi?m Bought for Cash.—D. J- SneJl, 14a. &1 and 22, ?.igh-etreet Arcade, Swansea. 216A1-6 {'*< RAMOPHGNES from 21s.; New Doubie- G s?&d John Bull i?cord?, 1,?. 6d. ch; all new titles. Largest litook in Wales.—1>. J. hfitvl. 14a, 21 and 22, High-street Arcade, Swansea. 216A1-6 CuUfrcy & Cc. s Announcements. O C^PECIAL P,? ,-tprig4,t Grand by .?) )ni4on maker; in rfi;;ût !?o,')dition; FuU Iron Ff&m?; OVH'6trung Check Action; Underdamper; very rich, full Lone; very handsome Designed Case; original price 50 guineas; reduced to 28 guineas cash, or 12s. and Co., Ltd. 22, St. Helen's-road, Sv^aneea. 214A1-4 B IJCUModei by Godfrey; Steel Frame; 13 Full Trichord; Check Action; with all latest improvements; Walnut Case; 17 guineas cash or 86. 6d. monthly; absolutely 1 the tinest "due ever offered.—Godfrey and Co., Ltd., 22, SL Helen's-road, Swansea,  21Al-4 ELMAN Upright Grand; FuU Iron J\. Frame; Overstrung; Full Trichord; Ull derd¡o_mp6l" 8heck AoUon; ??1 rich tone and ?,.rit touch; a very hIgh-daBS mstru- mant at a mod?rato price; ?3 guineas <?ah. ?r 1?. 6d. monthly.—Godfrey and Co., Ltd., 22, St. Helena-road. Swansea. a6iid Co 214A1-4 APARTMENTS. When replying to advertisements please mention the Leader." YOUNG Frenchman requires Board and .L Ijodgiiigs in English family; central I neighbourhood.—Write, stating terms, to I "Y.Z. Leader Office, Swansea. 217A1-4 ■\TOUNG Married Couple Want, immedi- JL ately. Permanent Comfortable Apart- ments; must be central, and in the im- mediate neighbourhood of Mansel-etreet or Wallet-read; piano also essential; terms should be moderate and inclusive.—Reply "lLL." Office of this paper. 219A1-8 ANTED, in West End, for three months. VV by young married London lady wish- ing to do little Dressmaking, Comfortable Bed and Sitting-room, in modern house; usmal attendance; buy own food; no chil- dren 1, ply Modern." Leader Office, Swansea. 216A1 6 BOARD 2nd Residence for Young Men; good cooking; every comfort; reason- able terms.—Apply, after 6 p.m., 1, Penmaen- terrace, Swansea. Cl-4 TME NŒW t?ENCM RSMaOV. W<* Mo'X Mo?  P*?  ?? ? ?*% 9 ?? S& 8 pIke fJ i<'adi*!c S?rS ? ?? ?E ? a?Chen? cuRM BtOOD POZSOK, KJT^JSY, BI.ADDER, URINAUV DISi^VSKS, RISCHATJG^S. WBAKM £ SS» PILES. SEND STAMP ADDRESS JCNVELORJE 1rOl{ BOOKLET TO DR. LE CI-AUC Co, HAVSF^C^ -==-- NOTICES. |  i>'Uen replying to a?pert:M?tK'n?t please mention tite- 11 Leader. j 'VOl correct attention -ur ¡tru- J F meats, in ail districts, write A. Clarke, J i uxier, Mumbies (law 01 Tnompson and 6h&ckell, Limited). 217A1-7 LADIES.—Our Famous Gold "Triumph"! jTADlES.—Our Famous Gold "Triumph" teed effective under one hour, however ob- stmate case, li-lbey act like magic where ail eise fails, so why waste money on worth- Imm remedies. Sworn testimonials; Boo ii let; j Samples i iee; 1;3. lkd., 20;, 3d., 4s. j Braaseur Surgical Co., Ltd., Dept. O.K., Bright-street, Birmingham. Works; iI Passy, Paris. MME. JEANNE liEGEiAlRE, Parisian Palmist, Phrenologist, Ladiee' Special- ist. Advice daily, 10 a.m. till 9 p.m.—Alex- andra Arcane, Swansea. Engagements ar- ranged for iiasaara, Garden Fetes, etc., at I send Id. stamp for FSEE J SAMPLE of BLANCHARU'S PILLS. Tney supersede Pennyroyal, Pil Cochia. Bit- ta" ApIÜe, etc. SoiJ at Is. Isd. a Box by Boots' Branches and all chemists, or post I frec from Leslie Manyn, Ltd., Chemists. 34, Dalston-lane, London. C5-8 -H-=' OTL-'Bä:r'-Fiti-rs. Ma,Tiufactur?r? of Ber Engines, Washes. CorkdrawBrs, I Spirit Measures, Seatings, Tables, Camfa of aH kinds, Skittles.—W. 1. Vaughan, Queen's-I f Pi?e._ Cardiff.  riAST-C)EF Clothing and FumituTû of a?y i ? d?cnptioi bought to any amount fcr caeh; postcards receive prompt attention; beat pnc.M giycn.—Not? addre6G: Ruck, 16-16, Prince 01 t?a-i?-roa-d, Swawa. To Buyers: A large s&i?tioTi of either good, kept to choc8e froin. CI-15 ==:¡: Swansea Trade Directory. I tm~ IF hen replying to advertisements j Please mention the" Leader. I \TIV ç; I M. P. DAVIESi [14014i3 BUILDINGS, UNSON STREET, A IjARGE ASSORTMENT OF 1913 PATTERNS JUST ARRIVED. II -1N,SPECTION I.NLVITED. Papers from 26). par piece. I C A R fTi AG fc, VAN ¥ A rt r" L A MPST" CLlFflNii JVsAGHiNta, HOftiiE I k u zi. Purchasers of the aoove goods would do I well to call an-A inspect our Stock. Car- riage Lamps Kepaireu. New Glasses Fittsa. £ > >v A1\M.A Sii.uiJijERi Co., HIGii-JsT. ARCADE. Tel. 103y Central. L EAT N ER AND CRIWLSERY. Real Useful Soie Leather Pieces for Boot Kepaircrs can be haa at the Cueapest House I in wales—Svv AIsSEa teAxiuLiRi UU.. Eaatlier Merchants, ?CAt)?, S?AASEA. llci:aü¡iÛ:' I' CA H 06. Superior British Designs, from 28. M. aozen.1 W edding Cards—Choice selection M aU I prices.—^LtiEKT DaVj.ES, iriuter, t?. UXFURD-esTK??T. ?WA?SEA. Cl-4 I qT^W. Mobbss, 1B. UNIOd STREET, — FOR VALUE AND FIT. — 50 K NUTTY OVERCOATS to cnooe from 30s. PENHALE, Tesnpie Street. WATERPROOFS REPAIRED. Whore to Ca on Halny Days, Send your WATERPROOFS to FURSLAND À.I."d.J CO.,",J.LJ.n.>.UA.u. b «f A. Sl d. T A Y L 0 K'S E L t CT^ic STUDIO, 12. ST. HEliEN 'S-SOAD, Photos take. by ELECTRIC LIGHT Every Evening. 01-6 Waterproof Horse Lain CSoths, Tar- paulins, Cart, Truck, and Wagon Covers, Nosebags, etc. Hauliers, Contractors, and Horse Keepers, before Buying the above Goods, kindly call and inspect our Stock.—SWANSEA SADD-. LEKY CO., HIGH-STREET, ARCADE. Tel.. 103y Central. MEDICAL. gas- When replying to advertisement* please mention the Leader. LADIES. The Safest and Most Reliable Remedy ia Deakin's Special Mixture. It is made from Herbs, and is backed by a reputation of 40 years. Safe and Harmless. Price, 2s. uy post, securely packed in plain wrapper, os.—Deakin, HerbaEat, 14, Alex- aud la-road. S WaTh3'£a.. LADIES LADIES! M'G. J5TAFlGap-BBOOK.ES, the Eminent Lady Specialist in all Female Complaint* has much pleasure in announcing tnat her Remedy for restoring leguiaricy W1TH- OUT MED^ ICINE is the only positive, safe, certain, and speedy one known. it acts almost immediately, and does not interfere with househola duties, 1 guarantee every Send at onoe stamped-addreseed envelope ior full particulars and most convincing testimonials (Guaranteed Genuine under a. penalty of £ 1,000;, to ilys. STAFiORD- BROOslES, 22 Dept., Ardgowan, Hithef [ Ulen, London. LADTESI LADTETT- si ithout Drugs, Pills, or Medicine, Nurse I Ross guarantees to cure irreguiantiec and obetmctions, female ailments in married I or single women, from whatever cause ari_ sing or how long standing; no disap- pointments; every case a cure; numerous testimonials; send stamp for free advile.- NURSE ROSS'S LABORATORY, 13, CHURCH IEAK-M E N. I Nervous and I'hysical Weaknesses, G«rnto- Urinary Troubles, Lack of Vigour, Varico- cale, and all the Allied Troubles. Send for lieatise with full particulars, including Hundreds of Testimonials of complete cures. No electricity. Sent seated for tb ree. staiups. C. L. mURRAY, I 125, HJgh KoSborn, London. QURGJ.CAL Appaances, Enemas," etc.; I Û samples, la.; best quality; securely packed. Prc, Xilbp lane, 8t.. Mary-street, Cardilf. M'ABRMD LXDTes. Mrs. LAMBTON, Brighton-street, Sea. combe, has a SAPE, RELIABLE REMEDY. Particulars Free. Send stamped envelope. Please name paper. C24 BUSINESS PREMISES TO LET. EW- R-hen replying to advertisement* please mention the Leader." TO J?ET, am<tU Lock-up Stoi?. at Skinn?r?  street, Carmarthen-road, & for Plumber, Shoemaker, etc.; i-ent 301. pec week.-Apply West, 2, Dy fatty-sr., Swansea. 217A1-7 I' GORSEINON.-To let, House and lW; 'U!' in best part of High-street, Goreeinon. —Apply immediately Tnomas, 129. Wood- fiela-street, Morriston. 217A1-7 I TO LET, large Rooms over ShoP; I (Hospital Sciuare), suitable for tailors workrooms, biiiiaru tables or oftioft.- I Apply 1, Finshury-terrace. Swansea. Z17.A1-7 217A1-7 QTABLING to Let in Centre of Town (six I Stalls); will let singly or otherwise; also very large Loft.-A,pply 19, Dynevor- Dlaoe. 216A14 AUCTIONEERS and Others.—Capital Shop, f L Somerset-street, Abertiilery; immediate possession.—Apply Z, Ocmmercial-fitreet, Newport. 216A1-6 PIANOFORTE TUNING. LW- When replying to advertisement* please mention the 1-ea??y." please niet?,tt on the I:>IANOFORTE-rUNING6d.; recam. I menJttionB from Dr. Turpm. GladRtone. and Broadwood and Sons. Pianos from Eeahatein, Hopkinson, Collard, Brinsmead, etc., Sale or Hire. Charles Eadon, 53, Brunswick-street, Swansea. MOUSES WANTES. &ST- When replying to advertisements please mention the "Leider." TITANTED:-t;;¡:;lli:hase in Morriston De- ?V. tached or Semi-detached House; 6 or 7 rooms; within eaay distance of tram*; give fullest particulars and state lowest prica.—Householder, Daily Le&der, Swan- sea. 214A1-4