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Shipping Notices. Jl "WHITE STAR" LINE. NOTICE.—The Steamers of this Line take the Lane Routes recommended by Lieut. Maury, on both the Outward and Homeward passages. ? „ UNITED STATES MAIL STEAM- '??? ERS. ????.?,?t' 5>^0 tons burthen. 3,000 Horse power. •liing from LIVERPOOL for NEW YORK, every THURSDAY. From QUEENSTOWN (Cork) every FRIDAY. forwarding Passengers to all parts of the United States ani Canada. RETURNING FROM NEW YORK EVERY SATURDAY. the well-known Fast Mail Steamers of this Line sail So cmder From LIVERPOOL via QUEENSTOWN BUIT ANNIC Thursday, July 13th OMR MA NIC .Thur:;t!ay, July 27th CEI.TI' .Thursday. August 3rd. DittrANNI( Thursday, Aug. 17th GERMANIC Thursday, Aug. 31st From NEW YORK. BRIT ANN! C Saturday, June 24th GERM ANIC Saturday, July 8th These new and splendid Vessels reduce the passage to the shortest possible time, and afford to Passengers the highest degree of comfort hitherto attainable at ■ea. Average passage 9; days in Summer, 9t days in Winter. Each vessel is constructed in seven water- tight compartments. The Saloon, Ladies' Boudoir, State Rooms, and Smoking Rooms are amidships, and are luxuriously furnished and fitted with all modern conveniences; pianos, libraries, electric bells, bath rooms, barber's atiop, &c. R Sal*>on Passage, 15 Guineas, and 18 Guineas; Re- turn Tickets at reduced rates. The Steerage accommodation is of the very highest Character, the rooms are unusually spaeious, well lighted, ventilated, and warmed, and passengers of this class will find their comfort carefully studied. An unlimited supply of Cooked Provisions. Medical comforts free of charge. Stewardesses in Steerage to attend the Women and Children. Steerage fares at Reduced Rates, and pas- sengers C forwarded to Boston, Philadelphia, Balti- more, and Portland, without extra charge. Dmfts on New York for sums not exceeding £10 InIti. War freight or passage apply to ISMAY, IMRIE, & CO., 10, Water-street, Liverpool; or to 34, Leadenhall-street, London, E.C. Agent for Wrexham: WILLIAM HAWKINS TILSTON, 3, High-street, Wrexham. Agent for Holyhead :—Mr W. W. SMITH. 95era ALLAN LINE. SHORTEST OCEAN PASSAGE TO JUL At E R I C A. COMPOSED OF TWENTY FIRST-CLASS ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. SAILING DAYS—from LIVERPOOL, every TUES- MAY and THURSDAY to CANADA, and every ALTER- NATE TUESDAY to HALIFAX an.1. BALTIMORE, forwarding Passengers on easv terms to all parts of CANADA and the UNITED STATES. Surgeon and Stewardesses provided free for all classes of Passengers. Passengers who secure their Tickets before leaving borne are met -it the Railway Station in Liverpool by an appointed Agent of the Company, who takes Charge of them until they go on board the Steamer. The Canadian Government grants ASSITED PAS- SAGES l,y the ALLAN" LINE. For Rates of Freight or Passage, apply to ALLAN BROTHERS & Co., Alexandra Buildings, James street, Liverpool, or to KDWAK D LOVATT, Auctioneer, Wrexham. W. GREEN. Junr., Florence House, Ruthin. d. HOWARD, Brymbo. 181r __m- FREE EMIGRATION TO SOUTH AUSTRALIA. THE GOVERNMENT OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA GRANT FREE PASSAGES TO Artisans, Agricultural, Railway, and other Labourers and Gardeners, Copper, Tin, and Lead Miners, not exceeding 40 years of age, single or named with not more than three children, also to adugle female domestic servants. COAL MINERS ARE INELIGIBLE. All Persons who are considered eligible by the Emigration Agent, paying their own full passage, receive a Land Order Warrant of the value of £ 20 for every adult above 12, and .£10 for children be- tween 1 and 12 years of age. Intending Emigrants are informed that no payment whatever is allowed to be made by them to Selecting Agents. Full particulars and information, with forms of ap- plication, to be obtained at the office of the Govern- ment of south Australia, 8, Victoria Chambers, Westminster, S.W., London, or of J. JONES, ESQ., Solicitor, IH7 Wrexham FREE EMIGRATION TO QUEENSLAND. FREE P ASSAG ES are granted by the Government Jt' of Queensland as under -To General Servants, Cooks, Housemaids, Nurses, Dairy Maids, &c. Wages £25 to X50 a year all found. To married and single Farm Labourers. Wages £ 30 to X50 a year with board and lodging, Assisted passages on payment of .£4 to Artisans (of all kinds) ] Blacksmiths Carpenters and Joiners.1 Butchers Book hinders Bakers Bricklayers Cabinet Makers c:; ardeners Grooms Saddlers I Plasterers Plumbers and Painters Quarrymen Hope Makers Shoemakers Shipwrights Sbo herds Tailors and others At wages about double English Rates. Each Ship carries an experienced Surgeon and ron Families have separate sleeping compartment. Work can be carried on in the open air all the year round. Beef and Mutton 3d a lb; tea 2s 6d a lb; flour 15s a cwt; sugar 3d a Ih.1 Apply per-onally or by letter to Agent-General for Queensland, 32, Charing Cross, London, S.W., or to TSDWAKD JONES, 50, Vale-street, Denbigh. 1268 Business AunounGements. Po-t free from the Author for five stamps. ON CONSUMPTION of the LUNGS; or Di-cline, and the only successful Treatment; showing that formidable disease to be curable in all Its Stages, with additional Cases of Cure and Ques- tions f..r Patients consultin the Author by Letter. By GEO. THUS. CONGREVE, COOMBE LODGE, PECKH AM, LONDON. "For the BLOOD is the LIFE."—See Deuteronomy, chap. xii., verse 23. C L A R K E'S WORLD FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND RESTORER FOR CLEANSING and CLEARING the BLOOD ? h«iu ALL IMPURITIES, cannot be too highly recommended. It IXJKKS OLD SORES, CURES ULCERATED SORES in the NECK, CURES ULCERATED SORE LEGS, CURES BLACKHEADS, or PIMPLES on FACE, CUKES SCURVEY SORES, CUKES CANCEROUS ULCERS, CLitES BLOOD and SKIN DISEASES, CURES GLANDULAR SWELLINGS, CLEARS THE BLOOD FROM ALL IMPURE MATTER, FROM WHATEVER CAUSE ARISING. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and war- ranted free from mercury—which all pills and most medicines free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex, the Proprietor aolicits sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. 'i'h"u.ands of Testimonials from all parts. Sold in Bottles 2s 6d each, and in Cases, containing six Bottles, lls each, sufficient to effect a permanent cure in long-standing cases, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine eudors; or sent to any address on receipt of 30 or 1:i2 stamps, by F. J. Clarke, Chemist, High-street, LINCOLN. holesale Agents: BARCLAY and SONS, LONDON, and all the whole- sale Houses. 1844c RAILWAY ACCIDENT Mutual Assurance Com- pany (Limited). The Right Hon. Lord King. sale. Chairman. Reserve and Guarantee X14 700 AAA ? ?'"?.. ?"h hb.ra! aUowa?cesif 3&-LV?U injured, tor SIGLE PAYMKNT of Ci COVERING THE WHOLE LIFE. Smaller Amounts in proportion. 42, Poultry, London, W. Burr, F.S.S., Manager. BLAun; GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS. Price 18 lid and 2s 9d per box. THIS prepantion is one of the benefits which the < science of modern chemistry has conferred nponmankind ;fer during the first twenty years of the present century to speak of a cure for the Gout was considered a romance but now the efficacy and safety of this medicine is so fully demonstrated, by un- solicited testimonials from persons in every rank of life, that public opinion proclaims this as one of the most important discoveries of the present age. These Pills require ne constraint of diet, or crnfine- ment during their use, and are certain to prevent the disease attacking any vital part. Sold by all Medicine Vendors, or obtained through any Chemist. 1138s PUBLIC NOTICE. muOMAS LEWIS, general bill poster and adrertia- J. ing agent, renta all the posting stations in and around Oswestry; bill poster to the Cambrian and Great Western Railway Companies. OfEce Oswald How Beatrice-street, Oswestry, where aU orders must be -;A&B?ettric?e-street, Oswastry, where all orders must i ROO T "B () I L E R, I -M-? Patent Steam Boiler Co., '&FE & SURE." ? Heneage-st., Birmingham. SAFETY, EFFICII^CY & E<'O?C??y j L Illustrated price lit post free. Business Announcements- j SPECIALITIES IN TEA. VERY STRONG GOOD FLAVOURED FAMILY TEA, A mixture of CHINA and ASSAM, 2s 8d per lb., 3 lbs for 7s 6d. Caddies containing 201bs. J Nett 2s 5d per lb. EXTRAORDINARY ASSAM PEKOE FLAVOURED, 3s per lb. Caddies containing 201bs., 2s lOd. A really Delicious Mixture. A SELECTION OF THE FINEST TEAS IMPORTED Into the English Market, mixed with the greatest care, 3s 6d per lb., or Caddies containing 201bs. 3s 4d per lb. Unduly forcing the sale of common goeds on the public, instead of cultivating the con- .qumption of GOOD ARTICLES is, perhaps, the most injurious practice in Trade. It is not too much to say that the closely packed inhabitants of our cities and towns require food, air, and water of the best and most refreshing kind; this will give tone to the system, and elevate the spirit to the promotion of good health. HENRY ROBERTS & CO., TEA MERCHANTS, 6,- 2, HOPE-STREET, WREXHAM, 1226g And HIGH-STREET, MOLD. RICHARD EVANS AND CO., BEG TO CALL ATTENTION TO THEIR SPECIALITY OF AROMATIC GINGER ALE, which is an Agreeable, Stimulating, and Healthy Beverage, at the same time not intoxicating. It is [equally a pleasant invigorating drink in hot as in cold weather, and is highly recommended. ORDERS WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. CHEMICAL LABORATORY, WREXHAM. 1281p EDWARD ROGERS & SON, ESTABLISHED 1764. WOOLLEN DRAPERS AND HATTERS, CLERICAL AND MILITARY TAILORS. SHOOTING, FISHING, AND HUNTING SU ITS. LIVERIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. 6, CHARLES STREET, WREXHAM, AND SCOTLAND STREET, ELLESMERE. 1172 g E W I N G MACHINES. SINGER, HOWE, WHEELER AND WILSON, PRINCESS OF WALES, I PEABODY, NUSSEY AND PILLING LITTLE WANZER, I WILCOX AND GIBBS, I SHAKESPEARE, FAMILY FAVOURITE, AND ALL BEST MACHINES. I WEEKLY, FORTNIGHTLY, OR MONTHLY PAYMENTS TAKEN. INSTRUCTIONS FREE. NEEDLES FOR ALL MACHINES KEPT IN STOCK. COTTONS, SILK, AND OIL FOR MACHINES. S. SOTHERN, Removed from HENBLAS-STREET to commodious premises 21, CHARLES STREET, WREXHAM, NEAR THE WYNNSTAY ARMS HOTEL. jf.B.—A number of Machines kept for Hiring out at 6d. per day or 2s. 6d. per week. 630r DAVI-ES AND SOlql MILITARY TAILORS, HOSIERS AND HATTERS, 58, HOPE STREET, WREXHAM, BEG to direct the attention of their Patrons, and the General Public to their large and Extensive Stock of SCOTCH TWEEDS, CHEVIOTS, AND THE NEWEST VELVET-FACED CLOTBD In the Newest Patterns and Shades. HOISERY. We have now in Stock a large variety of all the new Shapes, Styles, and Colourings for the present and coming Season. The favourite Four-in-Hand Scarf, made up in washing materials. Also the K AS*,I.NIAR SCARF, brought out in honor of the return of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales from India. A laige variety of CAMBRIC SHIRTINGS to select from, made to measuie in any style. HATS. A large assortment of STRAW, SILK, and FELT HATS of the newest style for the season. Always in Stock, a large Assortment of Fowne's celebrated KID GLOVES. All other departments complete with a stock of Gentlemen's WEARING APPAREL for the present and approaching season. 37b THE WREXHAM DISTRICT PERMANENT B ENEFIT JGUILDING SOCIETY, INCORPORATED UNDER "THE BUILDING SOCIEIIES' ACT," 1874. TRUSTEES: THE HON. G. T. KENYON I THE REV. D. HOWELL W. OVERTON, ESQ. I SIR R. A. CUNLIFFE I I PETER WALKER, EsQ. W. LOW, ESQ. DIRECTORS: I MR WM. SNAPE, CHAIRMAN. DR. BUliTU-N MR Y. 8TRACHAN MR J. F. EDISBURY MR HUGHES I MR C. K. BENSON I MR W. GARRATT JONES  MR RICHARD CHADWICKI ) MR E. )llTH. AUDITORS: MR F. STORR I MR W. G. WOODFORD BANKERS: The NORTH AND SOUTH WALES BANK. SOLICITOR MR EVAN MORRIS. SECRETARY: MR R. C. FEARNLEY. Prospectuses and Rules to be had at the Office of the Society, 3,51 Arcade Chambers. High-street Wrexham SHARES— £ 50 each, payable in 7,10, or 14 years. Advances made on Mortgage Security to Shareholders' repayable in 5, 7, 10,14,18i, or 22 years, 1057 E S T L E 8 2 S MILK FOOD, FOR INFANTS, PREPARED AT VEVEY, SWITZERLAND. LONDON DEPOT, 3, BARBICAN, E.C. THE basis of HENRI NESTLE'S MILK FOOD is the choicest milk of Swiss cows, which is obtained JL from his extensive dairies around Vevey. the milk is dried in a particular way, which preserves its original valuable properties unchanged. Its preparation for use is simple and easv at all times, requiring only to be mixed with water; in this respect differing from most other foods, which generally need the addition of milk and sugar. It is, therefore, not only a good but also cheap food. NESTLE'S MILK FOOD, which is in the form of a fine powder, is highly lecommended by the highest medical authorities, as the best substitute for human milk. It is very nutritious, agreeable and easily digested, and is the best food for the earliest periods of infancy. It keeps infants healthy, and it can be retained on the stomach when all other foods are rejected. This food has also proved itself highly beneficial for invalids. NESTLE'S MILK FOOD was rewarded with a Medal and Diploma of Honour at the Marseilles Exhibi. tion, and also at the last Paris Exhibition. The sale for last year in France and Gelmany last vear was OVER A MILLION BOXES. Every box bears the signature of HENRI NESTLE, without which none is genuine. Treatise on the nutrition of infants, sent free on application. SOLD BY ALL CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS, AT 2s. PER BOX. TO BE OBTAINED OF J. F. EDISBURY, WREXHAM.* 589r WALL PAPERS. HUGHES AND SON, 56, IIOPE STREET, IJ-RFXHAII, BEG to call attention to their NEW STOCK of WALL PAPERS for 1S76. NEW PATTERS in great variety, surpassing any previous season in quality and price. An APPRENTICE WANTED, who understands the Welsh language. 6á7e BUY RECKITT'S PARIS BLUE, IN SQUARES, As supplied to the Laundress of the PRINCESS OF WALES. IT is used by the RICHEST i on account of its BEAUTY, And by the POOREST, Because of its CHEAPNESS, PRICE ONE PENNY THE SQUARE. To be had of all respectable Grocers, Oilmen, and: Druggists. BEWARE OF INJURIOUS IMITATIONS. f MESSRS RECKITT & SONS, I Letter from I Shepherd's Bush, I October 28th, 1874 1 THE DUCHESS Gentlemen,-I am very much pleased with your SQUARE BLUE, of I have now used it for sometime and I both for BEAUTY of COLOUR and1 I ECONOMY it far SURPASSES any II EDINBURGH S other I have hitherto used.—Yours  Ir2spectfully, SARAH GARDNER. Laundress. I Laundress to H.R.H. the Duchess L of Edinburgh. 3481 RICHARD EVANS AND CO., THE LABORATORY, WREXHAM. PURE AERATED MINERAL WATERS, SODA WATER, GINGER ALE, SELTZER WATER, LEMONADE, POTASS WATER VICHY WAT FT? IGINGERADE, MAGNESIA WATER, LITHIA WATEB, E AU DE SELTZ IN FRENCH S TPHONS. Delivered in Town or Country. price LIST ON APPLJCATION. lrior itr AGENTS WANTED THBOtGEOCT JSOBTr AND SCUTE WALES. Business Announcements. JAMES T AYLOR, AUCTIONEER, VALUER, AND ACCOUNTANT, Offices, 8, High Street, (Adjoining Mr Heywood's Jewellers' Shop), Wrexham. Valuations for adminstration, transfer of business or otherwise accurately made. Sales of every descrip- tion conducted. Settlements prompt, and chagres moderate. 927 BRIGHTO i- AQUARIUM, containing SEA LIONS, JD PORPOISES. ROYAL STURGEONS & largest Collection of Fishes in the World. G. Reeves Smith, General Manager. Removed from Temple Bar to 44, Queen Victoria St., City, E.C. P URE WATER.-Mit. LIPsCOMBE'S self-cleaning I. CHARCOAL FILTER.-The Government duty of £ 100 on the seventh year of this successful patent was paid by him in January last. The only filter that removes lead, lime and sewage from water. Agents in every town keep them in stock. SUMMER DRINK.- CHAMPAGNE CYDER LIME JUICE, LEMON CORDIAL; important articles for health see Pamphlet,—Sold everywhere, & Wholesale by Messrs. Henley & Son, Joiner St., Tooley St., London. PATTERNS FREE.—NOTICE. ALL the NEW SEASON FABRICS for L 1876. Cambrics, Piques. Linens, Lawns, Alpacas, and Hundreds of Novelties from 6d. per yard. SILKS of every description from 1 Guinea, Dress. BAKER and CRI iP, 198, Regent Street London, W. LYONS SILK WAREHOUSE CO., of Lyons, Offer CHEAPEST & BEST BLACK & COLORED SILKS & Velvets DIRECT FROM THEIR LOOMS & received weekly. Black Persan Lyonnais wide width No. 1 to 15 4s. to 10s. yd. „ Cachemire Britanninque It No. 6 to 20, 5s. 6d. to 14s „ Colors 4s.. 5s. 91., Drap de Soie Louis XV.—our own special new make of Black Silk in 5 Qualifies. Patterns free on application, 179, Regent Street, London, W. ( HOGSKIN SADDLE & DOUBLE BRIDLE, cheapest and best ever offered for 5 guineas.— All complete. Style and quality guarranteed on the reputation of the House. SHIPLEY & CO., 181 Re- gent Street. W. CASH with order. PONY CARRIAGES, Village and other Carts in i every variety, including the much admired Parisienne, Victorias, Single and Double Broughams; Landaus with Mc'Kenzie's Patent a Lady can open or close instantly. Moderate prices. Trade supplied finished, or in wood and Iron. Drawings. J. & W Biddlecombe, 118, Euston Rd. & 57, Gt. Queen St W.C. J ONES' Concentrated and Refined are the best. /CHOCOLATE POWDERS are the best. No „ MORE CC,Sl\IETICS. -DR DURANDS NHEATH SOAP, removes all freckles, blotches, pimples, and discolorations. and renders the skin beautifully white and soft, 6d. per tablet (by post 2d extra), 5s. per box of 12, MARTIN & Co., Wool Ex- change, London, E.C., and all Chemists. B RECKNELL'S SKIN SOAP has a pleasant fresh- U ness in use, and is recommended as the best for producing a clear and healthy skin. In Is. Pac- kets. BRECKNELL, TURNER, & SONS, (to the Queen, &c.) Haymarket, London. And may be had of Grocers and Chemists. CITY BUILDING SOCIETY, 3, Finsbury Pave- C ment, London, E.C., Estd. 1866. Shares £ 10 and X25 in one sum, or by Instalments of 5s. per month. Dividends paid half-yearly. Prospectuses on application to H. C. POWER, Sec. INDIGESTION INDIGESTION INDIGES- TION 1!! Flatulence, Foetid Breath, Distention of the Stomach, Coated Tongue, Sickness, Mental Depression, &c., cured by LIQUOR PEPTICUS, the only NATURAL DIGESTIVE FLUID, 2/ and 4/6 per bottle. LIVER and all BILLIOUS Affections, Giddiness, Headache, Palpitation of the Heart, &c., cnred by TARAXACINE or LIVERER CURER, Is, lid. and 2s. 9d. per bottle. AGENTS WANTED F, VERY WHERE. Prepared Solely by GEORGE MILES, Analytical and Operative Chemist, Freemantle, Southampton, and Sold by all Chemists. or sent direct frem the Proprietor on receipt of stamps or P.O.O. TRY POOLEY'S VEGETABLE DIGESTIVE PILLS A well-known, safe and effectual remedy for Indigestion, a tonic to the stomach, and a gentle stimulus to the liver and bowels, gradually restoring them to a healthy action. Latest Testimonial. March 27th, 1876. I suffer much at times with headache from Indiges- tion, and have derived quicker and more permanent benefit from your Pills than from any of the many re- medies I have tried. To Mr Pooley. GEO. SPEAR, Chemist, Portsea. To te hadof any Chemist through the Wholesale Houses, in boxes Is. ?d. and 2s. yd. each, or post C.epSoLETcheS or 3s. in stamps, from JOHN C.' POOLEY, VATH. OOPING COUGH HOOPING COUGH HKITCHING's HOOPING COUGH POWDERS tne safest and most efficacious remedy, 12 Powders post free 15 stamps, 3 doz. 36 stamps State age. S. Kitchiiig, Chemist, Hull. TO PARENTS ANDGUARDIAN?.-A firm of TARClilTECTS and SURVEYORS in large practice in London have a VACANCY for an ARTICLED PUPIL. A premium required. Address Beta, care of H. C. PONVER Esq., Accountant, 3, Finsbury Pavement, London E.C. AMERICAN WATCH COMPANY FACTORY AT WALTHAM, MASS. Agent for Wrexham and District, P PHASER, 42, HIGH STREET. Watches in Gold and Silver Cases, at prices ranging from £4 10s. upwards. 1135e ACCIDENTS I IMPERIAL UNION ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY Limited. Head Office: 9, Finsbury Place South, London, E.C. Assures £1,000 at DEATH or a weekly payment of £ b dunng DISABLEMENT caused by ACCIDENTS OF ANY KIND, for yearly premium of or in case of RAILWAY ACCIDENTS ONLY, the same benefits for 15s. per Annum. Apply to the LOCAL AGENT or to J. H. EVENS, Managing Director. THE ALLIANCE SOCIETY, 27, Mooregate JL Street, London, E.C. To INVESTORS 5 per Cent. Interest Bonuses and Drawings. To BORROWERS Advances free of Interest. Prospectus on application. A. R. WORMALD, Actuary. E. T. R. WILDE, Secre- tary. AGENTS WANTED. BORWICK S Custard Powder is now used by all JL respectable Families for making delicious Cus- tards. Sold by all corn dealers, in Id & 2d Packets, & 6d to Is tins.  P. BRIAR PIPES. Briar Pipes. stamped As A. D. P., are guaranteed against burning and cracking. The bowl of each A. D. P. Pipe contains a printed guarantee. Price from Is t'ach, of all Tobacconists. Wholesale and for exportation of D. POSENE.R & CO., 61, Mansell-st., Aldgate, London. CG. BAYLEY calls attention to his excellent Is Ce Packet of 5 Quires of NOTE PAPER, in wrapper, having a well-executed view of Oswestry Old Church. Sold only by C. G. BAYLEY, Bookseller, The Cross and Church-street, Oswestry. g M1LSAFES' best and Cheapest SAFE- H. i G^IU?A?RX?D TX against FIRE and THIEVES. Phoenix Safe Works, Liverpool. EDWARD PINK'S DELICACIES are the best. Buy of all Grocers. Jams, Jellies, Marmalade, Pickles, Sauces, Bloater Faste, &c. TIMBER SLATES BRICKS TILES CEMENTS LATHS SEWERAGE PIPES And all other Building Materials at E. MEREDITH JONES'S, TIMBER YARD and STEAM SAW MILL, CHARLES-STREET, 1816 WREXHAM. I FINDLATER & Co's NOURISHING, & XXX DUBLIN STOUTS MOUNTJOY BREWERY, DUBLIN. Supplied in cask and bottle by their Agents. la, Second largest Shippers into England, LAMPLOUGH'S PYRETIC SALINE is most JLA agreeable and efficacious in preventing and curing fevers, ertiptive complaints, and idflamation. It instantly relieves the most intense headache and thirst, and if given with lime-juic.. syrup is a specific tn gout and rheumatism. 113, Holborn-hill, E.C. R???'??"'SP.wderwa8awardedTHREE BGOLD 31ED.4,LS for superiority over very Business Announcements. rA LFRED 0WEN, Has pleasure in informing his agricultural friends that his STOCK for the coming season is completed and is now on view. The usual large assortment ef the newest and best ENGLISH and AMERICAN REAPING AND MOWING MACHINES, HOWARD'S HAY MAKERS, HORSE RAKES, With and without seats. THE NEW AMERICAN DITTO, With seats. (Beautifully light and strong.) AMERICAN HAY COLLECTORS. CAST STEEL HAY FORKS, THATCHING CORD, &c.,&c. THE LARGEST SELECTION OF AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS IN THE COUNTY. A NEW CATALOGUE OX APPLICATION TO THE WREXHAM AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT DEPOT, AND SHOW GALLERIES, CHESTER STREET. SHOP, HIGH STREET. N.B.—Please send machines for repair early. 1078 PRING MEDICINE.-Sarsaparilla and Quinine 6 strengthens the nerves, purifies the blood, pro- motes appetite, and restores the health. Bottles 2s 6d iach. J. F. EDISBURY, M.P.S.. Wrexham, sole maker. DR. HUNTER'S Special Lectures to Young Men- JL7 on HEALTH, its RESTORATION, and HAPPY MARRIAGES.—When to marry, with advice to those who contemplate marriage, pointing out certain im- pediments which render married life unhappy, and direction for their speedy removal. Should be read by all who value health, strength, and manhood, and wish to attain a happy old age. Post free on receipt of two stamps.—Address, Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, Birmingham. 748 PAINS in the BACK, GRAVEL, LUMBAGO JT RHEUMATISM, GOUT, DISEASES OF THE KIDNEYS and BLADDER. STRICTURE, &c. DR. DE ROOS' COMPOUND RENAL PILLS Are celebrated all over the world as the most safe and speedy remedy for the above dangerous com- plaints, Discharges of any kind, Stone in the Bladder, and Diseases of the Kidneys ana Urinary Organs generally. Possessing tonic properties, they agree with the most delicate stomach, strengthen the diges- tive organs, increase the appetite, improve the general health, and in three days will efteat a cure, when copaiba, cubebs, arid all dangerous medicines of that class have utterly failed. Is lid, 2s 9d, 4s 6d. lis, and 33s per box. fhese celebrated Pills are an infallible remedy in the most obstinate cases. By their use alone, many thousands have been annually restored to health. when every other medicine has failed. Their vast superiority over everything else in the cure of the above complaints is universally acknowledged, and the extraordinary demand for them ever since their first introduction is without precedent. In no in- stance have they ever been known to fail, or produce those dangerous symptoms so often resulting lrom copaiba, cubebs, turpentine, and other medicines usually resorted to. They require neither confine- ment nor change of diet, and may justly be considered the only safe efficacious remedy for all stages of those disorders for which they are.recommended. THE MOST WONDERFUL PILLS IN THE WORLD. DR. DE ROOS' PILULA: VIT-Æ OR VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS. ALL Sufferers from general nervousness, morbid feelings, low spirits, loss of memory, sleepless- ness, harassing dreams, unnecessary fears, mental irritability, failure of the mental and bodily powers weakness of the nerves, headache, noises in the head giddiness, indigestion, and other symptoms of chronic disease, will hail with joy the discovery of Dr. De Roos' Life Pills, which speedily and almost magically remove pain and disease of whatever nature, restore cheerfulness to the spirits, vigour to the body, and strengthen all the ergans on which health and life depend. They do not contain a particle of mercury, but are purely vegetable; and for all affections ot the liver, flatulency, bile, sick headache, dizziness, loss of appetite, lowness of spirits, sensations of fulness at the pit of the stomach, pains between the shoulders and the distress arising from indigestion and general debility, they will be found of unexampled efficacy; and it is no mall advantage that they can be taken at any time without danger from wet or cold, no ne- cessity for restraint from business or pleasure. They act mildly on the bowels without pain or griping, im- part strength to the stomach, promote a healthy ac- tion of the liver, thus preventing, or when present, curing the jaundice and dropsy, clearing the skin, removing sallowness and pimples, purifying the blood, bracing the nerves, and marvellously invigor- ating the whole system. Females of all ages will tind them invaluable and should never be without them. Price Is lid, 2s 9d, 4s 6d, lis, and 33s per box. Life is real; life is earnest, And this world is not the goa Dust thou art-to dust retutnest," Was not spoken of the soul. Nor, in many cases, may these sad words be so early said over the Body, if only recourse be had to DR. DE ROOS' WORLD-FAMED GUTTLE VlTxi OR LIFE DROPS, Whose effects are really magical in restoring lost tone to the system (arising from whatever cause) reinvigor- ating and enlivening the whole corporeal frame and gradually, but effectively, building up the most shat- tered constitution. Although this truly wonderful recuperative tonic is not put forward as imparting immortality, it is not too much to say that by its means New Life is, as it were, imparted to the nervous and debilitated' who were evidently sinking into an early grave; whilst to those of maturer years it will gently and serenelv protract the close of life. Thousands of apparently hopeless cases, given up by the faculty, are now in the enjoyment of health (life's greatest blessing), a living testimony to the unspeakable value of this remarkable medicine. Hundreds of testimonials, too numerous to publish, may be seen by anyone. This preparation is extremely pleasant to take, and none need suffer whilst such a miraculous medicament is in existence It is recommended with the utmost confidence in all cases of Nervousness, General Debility. Defective cir" culation, Impurity of the Blood, Langour, Lassitude, Depression of Spirits, Indigestion, Pain and Palpitt- tion in the side, &c- Persons of studious habit de- bilitated females, and those on whom the wear and tear of life is beginning to tell, should persevere steadily with this Life-reviving Tonic for one month, and they will be astonished at its results All those who have tried any other means, galvanic and electric appliances, &c., without any beneticial result1 are earnestly recommended to make a fair trial of this invaluable medicine, which being compounded on the highest scientific principles, invariably succeeds. The great success attendant on this wonderful discovery has led to a host of humble and worthless imitations. Priee Us and .33s per bottle. The large size contains sufficient for ONE MONTH. Every package bears the Government Stamp, with the words WALTER DE Roos, London," in White Letters on a Red-ground, by order of Her Majesty's Honourable Commissioners, without which none can possibly be genuine. DR. DE Roos' world famed medicines are sold by Mr J. F. Edisbury, Chemist, 3, High-street, Wrexham, Mr Francis, Chemist, Hope- street. Wrexham, and they may be obtained of every Patent Medieme Vendor in the world or, ahonM the least dimculty occur, will be forwarded (Carriage Free) per return, on receipt of the amount, by DR DE ROOS, 43, Holford-square, London, W.C. ^bHitated and nervous sufferers should read the "Medical Adiriser, by W. DE ROOS, M?). which contains most important information, interesting to every reader; sent post free on receipt of tw?? stamps, by Mr LA WEB, Medical Publisher i4 Hand court, Holbom, London. W.C. 2?b SEA WATER & MOUNTAIN AIR do more than )? anything to strengthen and purify the h?od? ?Sand S  nervous system, but can only be found comfin CONDY'S OZONISED SEA SALT" for baths ? dissolves instantly. In Bottles, 1/ i « oI ^b0S W/- To be had of JOHN BELL & ?'' nf'0 Street, London, and of all first-class Chemists. "?° ?? "Condy's Disinfecting Fluid" orF londzs Ozonised Water" rfor Toilpt-x ask for that bearing the signature of !J. Bollmaun Condy, and ssee that you, get ;?'. Beware of spurious and worthless imitations. The genuine have the Signature H. Boi r M » W' D er  S ?? ??. Londo?;? on everynil the address BATTERSEA, London, S. W., on every Label. THE BEST CONFECTIONERY. NKKOlis SCOOM^ Hackney Wick Works, London, E. Specialities Perfection Drops" Boiled Sugars  for high-clas Counter Trade.  Macaroni Beads, Mystic Comfits & peIling Bees Surprise Packets, SherS?? ?rranted to mantain the froth. I Comfits, Mixtures, Boiled Sugars, &c.. Ac Prices on application, State quantity required. Business Announcemeats. JONES'S HEAL-ALL OINTMENT (Trade Mark—registered), OR EVERY MAN'S FRIEND. BEST APPLICATION KNOWN .for Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin Diseases, and Sores of all jtinds. It cures Old Sores, Ulcerated Sore Legs. It cures Ulcerated Sores on the Head and Neck. It cures Blackheads, or Pimples on the Face. It cures Scurvy Sores, Cancerous Ulcers. It cures Burns and Scalds, Ringworm, Itch, Piles. It cures Weak and Watery Eyes. It cures Red and Sore Eyelids. It cures Inflammation in the Eye. It cures Moving Specs or Floating Bodies before the It cures Cataracts and Partial Blindness. [Eyes. It cures Obsurity of Vision and Dimness. It cures Children's Sore Eyes left after measles. It allays Inflammation in a few hours, and soothes pain very quickly. Sold in pots at Is. lid., 2s. 9d., and 4s. 6d. each. THE WONDERFUL BLOOD PURIFIER. JON E SAN D CO. 'S UNIVERSAL PURIFYING MIXTURE. Trade Mark-" Purifying Mixture. For Purifying, Cleansing, and Clearing the Blood from all impurities, arising from whatever cause, and guaranteed to be the best preparation in the world for all eruptions of the skin, blotches, spots, pimples, black-heads, pustules, boils, carbuncles, ringworms, scald heads, sore eyes, erysipelas, itch, scurf, scro- fula, scurvy, glandular swellings, cancerous sores, bad legs, piles, syphillis, secondary symptoms, and for all blood and skin diseases. For rheumatism also it is unequalled for relieving pains and subduing inflamma- tion, and speedily effecting a perfect cure. It is agreeable, palatable, and safe, and may be taken at all seasons, and under any circumstances. Sold in bottles at 28. :M., and 4s. 6d., each, and in cases (containing six times the quantity lis each; by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the United Kingdom, or sent to any ad- dress on receipt of 27, 56, or 132 stamps. COUGHS! COUGHS! JONES'S BALSAM OF HOREHOUND, TOLU, & LINSEED—(Registered). THE MOST AGREEABLE & EFFECTUAL A REMEDY for asthmatic and consumptive coughs, bronchitis, winter coughs, difficult breathing, whooping cough, hoarseness, loss of voice, and all affections of the chest and lungs. One bottle in most cases effects a cure. Price la. lid., 2s. 9d., and 4s. 6d. per bottle. JONES'S PATENT VEGETABLE PILLS FOR WIND, (Registered), ARE THE BEST PILLS IN THE WORLD Y for bad digestion, wind and pain in the stomach, liver complaint, jaundice, sick head- ache, pains in the chest, loss of appetite, flatu- lency, griping, a sense of weight in the back and loins, darting pains in the region of the heart, liver and kidney constipation, pains in the thighs, sometimes shooting down to the calf and feet, suppression and retention of urine, pains in the stomach, and all liver complaints. Thousands have been cured by these Pills, and many who had been pro- nounced hopeless, have been thoroughly re- stored to health by their use. ONE BOX WILL CONVINCE THE MOST SCEPTICAL OF THEIR EFFICACY. Sold in boxes at Is. lid., 2s. 9d., and 4s. 6d. each. Sent post free for 15 or 36 stamps. Sole manufacturers, W. JONES and Co., Chemists, 157, Great Howard-street, Liver- pool. REMARKABLE CURES. 2, Birkett-street, Liverpool, 20th March, 1874. Dear Sirs,—It is with feelings of pleasure I write to inform you of the good effects your PURIFYING MIXTURE and HEAL-ALL OINTMENT has done to me. About six years ago I was bitten on the leg by a venomous reptile, which nearly cost me my life and I now declare to you and the world, after spending over 9150 in doctors' bills to try and heal the leg, it is now entirely healed, after using only two 4s. tkl. pots of your WORLD-FAMED OINTMENT and two lis. cases of your universal PURIFYING MIXTURE. The truth of the above statement any person wh. wishes may refer to me. Your very obedient servant, Messrs Jones and Co. JAMES SMITH. Baton Rouge, Louisana, U. States, July 21st, 1814. T States, July 21st, 1874. Gentlemen,—I enclose you a P. O. order for £ 210s., for one dozen boxes of your Vegetable Wind Pills and Heal-All Ointment. Please send by the first mail, and direct as before. I intend to distribute them amongst my friends here. Your Wind Pills are the best I ever used in my life, and your Ointment exceeds anything I ever saw for healing all kinds of sores. Yours very obediently, To W. Jones and Co. EBWIN MCCLOT. Sold in bottles at 2s. 3d. and 4s. 6d. each, and in cases containing six 2s. 3d. bottles, lls. each, sufficient to effect a cure in long-standing cases. Agents for Wrexham and districts:- MR. J. F. EDISBURY, Chemist, High-street. „ J. FRANCIS, pp Hope-street. Khos Mr Magm Ruabon.Mr Ed. Davies Llangollen Mr Evans Oswestry Mr Saunders Mold Mr E. Williams Denbigh Mr Jones Ruthin Mr Rouw Holywell Mr Carman Rhyl Mr Jones Abergele Mr Jones Corweu Mr Jones 1092 c OCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS. In use amongst all classes of society SEVENTY-SIX Y EARS. May be had throughout the United Kingdom. In Boxes at Is lid. 2s 9d, 4s 6.1, and lis. 18, NEW ORMOND STREET, LONDON. COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS These Pills consist of a careful and peculiar admixture of the best and mildest vegetable aperients with the pure extract of the flowers of the camomile. They will be found a most efficacious remedy for de- rangement of the digestive organs, and for torpid action of the liver and bowels, which produce in- digestion and the several varieties of bilious and liver complaints. They speedily remove the irritatlon and feverish state of the stomach, allay spasms, cor- rect the morbid condition of the liver and organs subservient to digestion, promote a due and healthy secretion of bile, and relieve the constitution of all gouty matter and other impurities, which, oy circu- lating in the blood, must injuriously affect the action of the kidneys, thus, by removing the causes produc- tive of so much discomfort, they restore the energies £ bo!t2L h of body and mind. To those who indulge in the luxuries of the table' these pills will prove highly useful, occasioning no pain in their action, unless they meet with an unusual quantity of acrid bile and acid matter in the stomach and bowels. To Europeans on their arrival in India or China they are recommended as a preservative against the fatal dis- orders peculiar to tropical climates. Their occasional use, if combined with the strictest attention to diet will be frequently found to remove at once, by their in fluence over the secretions, that congestive and un- healthy condition of the liver which is so often the earli- est antecedent of severe febrile and constitutional dis. turbance. It must be understood that these pitis are not recommended as containing any new or dan- gerously active ingredients on the contrary, they are characterised by a remarkable simplicity of combina- tion, and whatever merit they may be found -o possess depends as much upon the selection of pur? drugs, and the unusual labour and attention bestowed upon their subsequent preparation, as upon the ac- knowledged peculiarity of their composition. They are not recommended as a panacea, nor are they adapted to all complaints but as a mild and efficacious aperient and tonic in the various forms of indigestion, it will not, perhaps, be an exaggeration to state that they have been resorted to under all systems of diet changes of climate, or atmospheric alternations, with an extraordinary degree of success, for 76 years. This celebrated family aperient may be had throughout the United Kingdom, in boxes at Is. lid. 2s d. 4s. 6d. and lis., as well as in India, China, New Zealand, and the Australian Colonies. COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS. THE OLDEST PATENT MEDICINE. In boxes at Is. lid., 2s. 9d., 4s. (;d., and lIs. c OCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS. In use 76 years for INDIGESTION. In boxes at Is. lid., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., and ils. Co C K L E SAN T I B I L IOU S PI L L S. In use 76 vears for BILlØUS AFFECTIONS. In Boxes at Is. lid., 2s. 9tl., 48. tkl., and 118. COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS pljaLS. In use 76 years for LIVER COMPLAINTS. In boxes at Is. lid., 2s. 9d.,4s. &1., andllq. 752f pOR?HOLERAT DIARRm??  DYSE.N'Œh Y DR J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODY?- — DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODniE.- A few doses quite effectual. Caution-The extra- wdinary medical reports on the efficacy lE Chf r?fly"e render it of vital importance thawA h« public should obtain the genuine, which is proto^o stamp bearing the words Dr. J. CoHis Brownes' Chlorodyne.   j:?;S°"? W. Page Wood, the" Times," July 16,1864. Numerous testimonials from eminent physicians ac- company each bottle. The General Board of Health, London, rpports th.,tt it acts as a charm, one dose -enerally sufficient. Earl Russell reports thr Col iL pPth"y4s' ,c,■ ans,- London, that Chlorine was the innll! y remedy of :l»y service in Cholera. °° remedy of :u)y Dr. Gibbon, Army Medica.l Staff Ca.lcutta, shtes "Two doses ?oraptotely cured me of Diarrhœa," Sold in bottles, Is I1d s 9d and 8 rd, bv all chemist. Sole manufacturer, J. r. DAV&{PORT, :<d, Great Pu?i- seU.,tr??S' v;?- DAv?po&T,?, C?t lie T° pt ^C°™R^T MINISTERS! \?.' TPLANS an.! ?ESIG*S for CHAPEfs' SCHOOLS, &c., J furnished by a firm fl!t• ?. ""r' Architects in extensive pracJce? u? fb:e'! an,1 reasonable terms. B.ulders' amounts it-' ? '? advice given upon question?s ??.??ph???Ti??-' tions.  Upon appljca¡ 'P. Apply to ARrmTRCT, care of Mr W I> Accountant, 3, Fm.bury Pavement, London, E.? BORWICK'S GoM medal BAKrG POWn-r1p1' ?1?" Puddings, Pies ? Tart", iNvet:c;t"i wboleme

