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Business Announcements. JOHN HUGHES, SHARE BROKER, COMMISSION AGENT, &e. Rents Collected and Tradesmen's Books made up. Terms Moderate. « „onlir1ated Stock ( £ W) in Wrexham Waterworks r ^npany and 12 fully paid-up Shares in Brymbo Water- "? Company on Sale. HOPE VILLAS, HIGHTOWN, WREXHAM. I COAL SUPPLY. TV* LLAY HALL COAL, IRON, AND FIREBRICK CO. (LIMITED.) BEGS to announce that for the better convenience of t{ the Tradesmen and general inhabitants of the town and its immediate outskirts, they have opened an Office in the CORN EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, HENBLAS STREET, For the reception of orders, settlement of accounts, &c., where all commands and inquiries will receive careful and prompt attention. COAL DELIVERED IN SACKS OR BULK. Builders' Clay Goods stocked in every variety at the DepOt (Railway Station, Rhosddu.) A GENT E Dw,N G ILLAM. "Y TOUR FUTURE COURTSHIP, MARRIAGE, or t Business Questions answered free, by buying a uifture price 13 stamps (a superior picture :? stamps), and lifetime free. State age.—Enclose addressed envelope, IAMIIF.RT, 26, Rosse-street, Brownroyd, Bradford, York- gbire. 361b PERAMBULATORS. Simpson, Fawcett and Co. r Manufacturers, Leeds, Established 1^59. Specialities. sound material, good workmanship, and price moderate. PERAMBULATORS all bear their name and Trade Mark. ALHAMBRA THEATRE, LONDON. OPERA -Y BOUFFE and BALLET. Supported by the leading Artistes. Commence at S o'clock every evening. Prices from tid. Another CoTile&ni  l. ?r again the <"►IST JLJ Y" OJS"IHJ R,I !'or m v t T> *? ? T????<? ??Y? ]\}U-:L->. -;¡ r\ Irk i/Cj"v y 1 ,i ? tj) ?t <;r? ?.'iT?- ?. A V  ? ?" 1 ? -1 '<*? ——- -1 -?.i?t-,?.. ?L??? 1.) iS7o K !'J 1 *T rju: l d!t, ? 8; .r- r 1. A 11 ROLLER'S W C0D-LIVEROI^ G IAn l1 ,J t. \1 \.i S I'repaTCil l,y Mnller's Special Method, freo from ibie fat- of other oils, is superior to ANY ;n iiuiip;.t:.v <>■ tn8tt; anll.yucli, metli,-inLLI virtue :inu pur;ty. Tin" eminent T.onuon and Kuropean it the Purrs> and lie. Given the highest award at JIATIONALtXUlBlTIOSS. Vnlj/VO.cnju'uUa bolt !e-,o! ail ih.Tiu-rs. HiS D' A I,, c y I s DlTBLTN STOUT. Specially suit.-iWe for INVALIDS, being guaranteed to he brewed from WALT AND HOPS ONLY. ANCHOR BRKWEHY DUIII.I V. (Largest Brewery in Ireland but one). VOWEL WASHING MACHINE f I Wringers, Manples, Chaff Cutters, Colli | rmcE I USTS POST FREE. I Crushers, Churns, New Butter W orers, under Sifters, Cask Stands, Bone Mills, Knife Cleaners, and every requisite for the House, Dairy, Stable, Laundry, and the Garden. T. Bradford & Co.. 140 to 143, High Holborn, London, and at Manchester and Liverpool. ? ? T?T ONE Y." JUST PUBLISHED, 1(. BUSINESS," now edition, ONE SHILLING. ?i. "MORALITY," ONE SHILLING. Mr Platt, of 7R, st. Martin's Lane, London, W.C., will send a copy of any of the above, post free, on receipt of 1/- in stamps.—Should be in every tradesman's library. JEMIMA, 3/6; and WON BY WAITING, 4/6 each, gilt, 5/ Stories for the Family. W. B. Whit- iingham it Co., Printers and Publishers, til, Gracechurch Street, London. (Post Free ) LONDON SCHOOL OF MEDICINE for WOMEN JLj Entrance Scholarship, value £ 30, to be competed fo September, ISSII. Apply to Mrs Thorne, hon. sec., 30 Henrietta St., Brunswick Square. London, W.C. K OPF'S I, X T R A (, r 0 F M EAT i ESSENCE OF BEEF, 2/6 per tin. Beef Lozenges, 1/ per box. Consolidated Soups from j 2d per tin. PEA SOUP For Charitable purposes in Large quantities, SPECIAL TERMS. K DPF'S SPECIAL F 0 0 D FOR INVALIDS. See Price List. Apply for AGENCIES to Managing Director, 5 Agar Street, Charing Cross. 4LTHAM WATCHES (have won two Gold Medals) V T )MM? re?'<!&? ?'M?vepers in the world. Price list free. Illliam Carter and Son, 43, Gt. Charles Street, Birmincjam. Tj?DW.?RD BAYLEY, Manufacturer of Best, Best Bests ar| Treble Best, Boiler, Boat, and Tank Plates, Ga and Locomotive Tube Strip, Sheets for Galvanising and Corrugati and for all kinds of working up purposes, also Bars, Angfes, Tees, Hoops, &c., Crown Iron Works, Toll End, Tiptfa, Staffordshire. "J V£ N TEW VHISKY IS POISONOUS, no matter how agree J?t aM?a\-orpd. Exact age of SWAN and CROWN wN bisky guVanteed by H.M. Customs Officers. Distillation of lr., fi7, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77. Per 2 gals.til' 63/ 5(; 5,2,1-, 4SI-, 44/ 42/ 40/ 38/ 36/6. Kail tarriage Paid on sample cases, case free. THO)1,11 SCALLY A Co., Eustace-street. Dublin.. Purchasing Agents Wanted. HE VAF'JKIFKR, by DR. SnnrARD, is a Bronmiti Kettle.Inhaler and Vapor Bath combined, recom mended by thk Lancet, British Medical Journal, &r., as the ebeapest and lost efficient apparatus invented. 5/- & 7/6. Sold bv allChemists, or direct from the Pyientees, ARNOLD (fc,SONS, 35 & 36, West Smithfirid, London. "VTAUDEVIIIE THEATRE, Strand. London, Every V Evening S o'clock, ROAD TO RUIN." Open every Evemng at Seven. Prices 1/- to £ 2 2s. TRAVELLER WANTED canirg upon Ironmongers, Upholsterers, Bazaars, &c.. for the sale of a new invention used inevery house. £ 5 per week easily made. Full particulars cent (in receipt of stamp. W. N. WOHSSAM and (iD., Brass itorks, Barrett's Grove, Stoke Newington, Lonrtou I AMERICAN HJACTICE absolutely cures Chronic ADise.isesan(INervoiis Debility, resnItin from over- taxed powers. Evidences containing hints of great vaiue seiit free. Address, hurray Hill Publishing Co., 12!), East ¡ 2M h Street, Now T)rk, U.S.A. Postage on American Letters, 2Jd. AIR DESTROYER.—ALEX. ROSS'S DEPILATORY renoves supeifl tous hair from the face and arms without effect to the skin, 3/6 sent by post secretly packed foi ."4 stamps. Hai"; of Chemists. 21, Lamb's Conduit- street, London. ~4 GOOD COMPLEXION is Ensured by the daily use J\, of C"t<Ma"'N H'iite Prepared Fullu's Earth. Does not Choke the pores <>! the Skin. Invaluable to protect the Skin of Infants, Contains no Bismuth, Zinc, Magnesia, or Chalk. Post Free for 14 Stamps. H. Cottman, Chemist, Sydenham. N OTIC]i,l'be CHIAPF-r CARPETS in the world. Floor coverings :'{ all kinds. RAY and MII.ES, No. 23. Oxford-street, 1 aid 2, Rathbone-place, London, W., and at Liverpool. Now Ready, and nia; be had post free for one stamp, Sixth Edition ofG. H. Proctor's pamphlet on RED PERUVIAN BARK A S A CURE FOR Jt< INTEMPEKANUi, AND GENERAL TONIC AND RESTORATIVE. GEORGE H. PROCTER, 56, Deane-street, Newcastle- •n-Tyne. K FT O FFO LOT « IN G. W ANTED FOR J EXPORTATION. LEFT OFF CLOTHING, FURNITURE, OLD CHINA, I <J JEWELLERY, PLATE, GUNS, DIAMONDS, PIANOS, PICTURES And all other descriptions of Property BOUGHT FOR CASH P.O.O. remitted to country families immediately upon Terript of goods for v. hich carriage is paid. Wines and Spirits bought. Cellars cleared WARRANTS BOUGHT. We buy Goods for shipping, therefore we can give a good value for them. All Parcels from town or country receive ii-oiapt attention. Money Orders returned same day. Alili!v to F. J FOGHILL and Co., Craven street, Strand, LONDON, W.C. FAMILIES WAITED UPON. TTX1TED TATE; OF AMERICA. For information ? ??"t the States of KANSAS, NEBRASKA, :md  LOKADo. lands, mineral resources, &c., and the route \1 "IUtra1ia, ew Zealand, Aia, India, Ac., via the U.S., ,t0 ? ? Groat. General European Agent for Union p?l('ifle P.)cinc, and Central Pacific Raih!ay. The U- P H, aihvay. in Nebraska, and K.P. Railway, in Kansas, "?'(?spt?rai' n?'Uton acres of fine agricultural and stock jiu,sing lands i:i the best portion of America for sale in free- li?)1(1 from about S/- to £ 2 per acre, on liberal tfrn? payment. Special attention given to settling '•"lonies. Enclose stamps 2d for return postage. Address' (lneen Anne Chambers, 1 and 2, Poultry, London, E.C. —— I Money. ..J _r- rr- ~TONF.Y TO LEND, WITHOUT SURETIES BY THE j? IMPERIAL ADVANCE BANK.—DISTANCE NO I'BKCT.-All respectable Householders (gentlemen or bulies ) Farmer ?tallv ies). Farmers hopkeepers: Clerks, Tr;ar'" Proprietors, Tradesmen, Cowy kcepers, or ,wensed Vict)?Hers can be accommodated by this office with sums of money from £ 10 to ?1,.? repayable by easy instalments, t< en?e the increase their stocks and afford them every kind of tem- porary accommodation. No sureties required, Applicants would do well before applying to anN- office to ascertain its respectability. This office was established in 1875 and since then its business in advances has been rapidly in- creasing. Every information willingly afforded.-Apply either personally, or if by letter state amount required, to LEWIS SIMMONS, Proprietor, 2117a 27, South John-street, Liverpool. THE CAMBRIAN LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY, LIMITED, IS prepared to advance any sum from £ 5 to £ 500 upon personal or otker security, for periods of from three sntnths to two years, repayable by weekly, monthly, quar- terly, or other instalments. Good bills discounted on ad- vantageous terms. The strictest confidence observed.— Applications to be made to the Secretary, Mr James Price, Offices, Summer Hill, near Wrexham. Forms of application furnished free, and if applied for by post will be forwarded im receipt of a stamped directed enxelope. 773n MONEY LENT on PERSONAL 8r OTHER i' SECURITY. THE WRBXHAM LOAN AND INVESTMENT COM- i'AXY, Limited, is prepared to advance any Sum from S5 to • £ 500 xpon Personal or other Security, for periods of from three months or two years repayable Sy Weekly. Monthly, Quarterly, or other Instalments. Good Bills Discounted Olk advantageous terms.. The strictest confidence observed. Appliuatioa to be made to the Secretary, Mr Jehn lkvies. Office* Temple Place (over the County Court Office), Wrexltam. Forms of application* furnished free, and if applied for by post, will be f orwirde(I on rweipt ol atwnped direded Linvelope.-Office hours for the pur- pwe of making advances and receiving repayments, from IV ..11. t. 4 ».111, 72B Business Announcements. VOICE LOZENGES, For Clearing and Strengthening the Voice, relieving all Affections of the Throat, Hoarseness, Huskiness, Sore Throat, Relaxation of the Uvula and Tonsils. Public Speakers and Singers take them with much benefit as a Preventive of Hoarseness, and aa a Remedy when it exists. TESTIMONIALS. Miss Davies, R.A.M., London—"I have found your Lozenges very effective in removing hoarseness, and can thoroughly recommend them." Mr Fanish, Liverpool— "The effect of the Lozenges is remarkable indeed; gave me a voice as clear as a bell." Mr Lewis (Llew Llwyvo)—" I believe that I could not have performed my part (owing t. hoarseness) at the concert had it not been for thee fficacy of your Lozenges." Mr Hughes, Chorister, Bangor Cathedral, N. W.—" Your Lozenges completely restored my voice," &c. Rev. Mr Roberts, Glanaled—" They are excellent for dis. ordered voice and hoarseness." A Clergyman, near Wrex- ham-" They have a wonderful effect upon my voice." L. England, National Schools, Appleby, Penrith—" I must say that I have derived great benefit from your Voice Lozenges." Y. TheBbiad-" Crugleisio o'r blaen-canu yn awr." Isalaw—" I strongly recommend your Voice Lozenges." Miss Harris, R.A.M., London-I found the Lozenges highly beneficial." Miss Marian Williams R.A.M., London—"The Lozenges at once and completely removed a slight hoarseness under which I was suffering." Mynyddog—" Os oes crygni, Francis's Lozenges maeut y rhai gorau agefais erioed." Sold in Boxes, Hd, Is lid, 2s 9deach; or per post, the Is ljd for Is 2d, 2s 9d for 3s, in stamps, from J. FRANCIS, Pharmaceutical Chemist, Hope-street, Wrexham. 1726c IMPORTANT TO ALL IN TRADE. X ESTABLISHED 1836. X g T U B B S MERCANTILE OFFICES, 42, GRESHAM STREET, LONDON, E.C. WEST END BRANCH-53, CONDUIT ST., REGENT ST., W SUBSCRIBERS, BY OBTAINING TIMELY INFORMATION, MAY AVOID MAKING BAD DEBTS, AND MAY, THROUGH THIS AGENCY, RECOVER DEBTS DUE WITH PROMPTITUDE. STUBBS' WEEKLY GAZETTE Supplies Information IndispensaWe to Traders. BRANCHES at Dublin, Glasgow, Birmingham, Bristol, Brighton, Belfast, Cork, Edinburgh, Liverpool, Leeds, Manchester, Newcastle, Norwich, Portsmouth, Soutkamp- ton, Sheffield, Gloucester, and Bradford. TERMS— £ 1 Is, £2 2s, £3 3s, £5 5s, according to re- quirements. PROSPECTUS forwarded on application to the SECRE- TARY, Stubhs' Mercantile Offices, 42, Gresham Street, London, E.C. TRADE AUXILIARY COMPANY (LIMITED). CAUTION. THERE IS NO OFFICE IN LONDON CONNECTED WITH STUBBS' MERCANTILE OFFICES. 42. GRESHAM STREET, E.C. (SITUATE AT THE CORNER OF KING STREET, OPPOSITE GUILDHALL), EXCEPT THE WEST END BRANCH AT 53, CONDUIT STREET, REGENT STREET, W 2022b COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS &c. JJ U G H E S a COMPOUND v ESSENCE OF HOREHOUl), g ? 5 H FOR THE COMPLETE CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Asthma, Bronchitis, Spitting of Blood, Whooping Cough, Difficulty of Breathing, Soreness and Tightness of the Chest, Hoarseness, and all other Lung Complaints tending to CONSUMPTION. THE COMPOUND ESSENCE OF HOREHOUND is entirely composed of those roots, herbs and vege- table substances which have a specific influence upon the lungs and their connected organs. Its immediate effect is to allay irritation, and gently to remove phlegm and other morbid secretions from the throat and air passages, thus relieving the cough by subduing the inflamation and other causes which give rise to it. It also stimulates and im- parts a healthy tone to the lungs themselves, thereby en- abling them more thoroughly to remove from the blood those impurities and diseased particles which, if retained, do so much mischief in the system and lay the foundation for incurable Consumption. In bottles, Is lid, 2s 9<1, and 4s fid each, duty included. Sold bv most Chemists, or may be had from the Proprietor for Hi, "36, and 60 stamps. Full directions on the label of each bottle. Important testimonial from Dr. Pierce, Coroner for the county of Denbigh— Of all Patent Medicines which have come under my notice, the Compound Essence of Horehound" is the best, and most effectual remedy for Coughs, Colds, &c. For Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis. Influenza, &c. Denbigh. Mr. R. D. Hughes, Chemist, Denbigh. Dear Sir,—Having suffered for more than a week from a severe cold and cough, I was recommended to try your Essence of Horehound," and was cured before I had taken half a bottle. Should you care to use this as a testimonial, you are at perfect liberty to do so.—Yours gratefully, P. Asthma and Difficult breathing, arising from affections of the Respiratory Organs promptly relieved by taking Hughes' Compound Essence of Horehound. 2S, Park-street, Hereford. Dear Sir,—I am very glad to inform you that your Com- pound Essence ci Horehound" has cured me. The tight- ness in the chest, which I am subject to, was immediately relieved, and the cough which I suffered from has alto- "ethp?eft me. I firmly believe it to be the best remedy knowiTW all diseases of the chest and lungs. Please send me anrcher bottle by return of post. You can use this as you tfiink proper.—Yours truly, R. J. CLARK, Assistant Vicar Choral, Hereford Cathedral. Invaluable for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, its effect is wonderful. Chester-street, St. Asaph. Dear Sir,—I have very much pleasure in offering my humble testimony to the wonderful efficacy of your prepara- tion for the relief of colds. &c. Last winter I was suffering from a very severe cold, accom- panied by a serious coutrh (caused, I believe, by sleeping in a damp bed), and after applying various minor remedies, I was persuaded to try a bottle of your Essence of Hore- hound," and in the course of a day or so, I found the cold much better, and the cough greatly relieved and my chest free from pain. I can, therefore, from my own personal experience, strong recommend it to anybody suffering from colds or tightness in the chest.—Yours truly, GEO. WEHSTER PARTINGTON. One teaspoonful gives immediate relief, taken in a little warm water. Liverpool. Dear Sir,—With every confidence, I can recommend your Essence of Horehound." My wife considers it invaluable as a safe and effectual cure for colds even of an alarming nature, all my children having received great benefit during the trying weather of the past season from the use of the same.—Yours most respectfully, W. G. MEADOWS. The best remedy for Coughs and Colds. Wigfair Hall, St. Asaph. Dear Sir,—The second bottle of your Compound Essence of Horehound has completely cured me of the severe cough and tightness in the chest which 1 suffered from, and in fact it is the best remedy I have ever tried, and you may make use of this testimonial whenever you wish.—Yours truly, JAMES HARRIS. HUNDREDS OF TESTIMONIALS. Salisbury. Dear Sir,—I believe your Fssence'of Horehound to be an excellent remedy for coughs, bronchitis, &c. It gave me immediate relief when I was suffering frem a very severe cough.—Yours truly, L. GUMMOW. Prepared only by R D. HCGHES OPERATIVE AND DISPENSING CHEMIST, COUNTY MEDICAL HALL, HIGH-STREET, DENBIGH. Be careful to ask for ESSENCE of Horehound, not BALSAM of Horehound. If Special Agents: THE APOTHECARIES' HALL TOWN HILL, WREXHAM, AND J. FRANCIS, CHEMIST, HOPE-STREET, WREXHAM. Wholesale: BARON, SQUIRE AND Co., LONDON EVANS, SONS AND Co., THOMPSON, HANOVER-STREET, LIVERPOOL. 212fbpen TO VISITORS. THE pENNY GUIDE TO WREXHAI/I With fttll information of all objects of interest in the town, and excursions to GRESFORD WYNNSTAY HOLT MINERA BANGOR HOPE MOUNTAIN OVERTON CAERGWRLE CASTLE ERBISTOCK JTANTYFFRITH RUABON &C > Re- Sold by all Booksellers. Pullisked by Bayley & Bradley, Advertiser Office. Hits the mark the author aims at, viz., to supply in as concise and complete a form as possible, information as to what there is to see in and around the town and how to see it.Oswestr.v Advertiser. A very cheap, complete and interesting guide to this interesting district. Well written, with its information full concisely given, the tourist will find this little book the very thing he requires." Carii a rv(ni Herald. "In this little brochure, published by Messrs. Bayley and Bradley of Wrexham, visitors to the metropolis of North WTules will find a pleasant and reliable com- panion who will conduct them to all the pieces and objects of interest in the locality, and who will give a pleasant and concise description of each.-Shrewsbury Chronicle. THE CROSS, OSWESTRY. DAILY and WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS, conveyed by the Cambrian Railway Co., on the day of Publication, by the first Iraki after receipt. All orders promptly at- tended to by C. G. B A Y L E Y, BOOKSELLER. THE TRANSVAAL LAND AGENCY FOR GREAT i. BRITAIN AND IRELAND. (Est. 1877.) SPLBNDID ESTATES AND FARMS for Sale, comprising nearly ONE MILLION ACRES, at 1/9 and upward* per acre, FREE OF RENT FOR EVER. PASSAGE FREE by ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. For particulars respecting Plans and Prices, kc., apply personally or by lettfr (enclosing stamped directed envelope), to H. W. DONNEBLT, Esq, Head Agen* Md Manager. HEAD OFFICES 30, COLLE6E GKEIN, DUBLIK. AGENTS in resp»ctmhle positwns enyaged in the Land and House Agency bi(iinees, &c., K,vittod in fill tll. chief town in Gt. Britain. Businesss Annonncements. Important to all who suffer from weak digestion, loss of appetite, or distaste for food. USE AT ALL MEALS, wTTB SOUPS, BOX AND COLD MBArs, POULTRY, GAME, FISH, AND VEGETABLES, PREMIER DIGESTIVE SAUCE, TBI FUBESTi MOST DELICIOUS, AND MOST WHOLESOME SAUCE EVER MANUFACTURED. PREPARED SOLELY BY J ( ] ? W* bR. ARTHUR HILL HASSALL'S REPORT on the PURITY and' QUALITY of this SAUCE 18 printed en otory label, and without that and the ABOVE SIGNATURE none is genuine. SOLD WHOLESALE BY MAURICE, ASHDOWN, A>D CO., SEEL STREET, LIVERPOOL, AND RETAIL BY THOMAS STEVENS, CONFECTIONER, HOPE-STREET, AND WILLIAM PHILLIPS, TEA DEALER, No. 1, TOWN HILL, WREXHAM. AND BY ALL DEALERS IN CONDIMENTS. 532 TO FARMERS. NEW AGRICULTURAL SEED AT Q M. Do JONES, MARKET HALL SHOP, 10, HIGH STREET, WREXHAM. THE cold wet season of 1879 having made crops very hort, prices are consequently higher than in JL ordinary seasons. M. D. J. begs to inform farmers of the district that he has selected a good stock of FIRST CLASS SEED which he is prepared to seU at a very moderate price for cash. 458 Note.—Samples and prices on application. SPRING I CLEANINGS.   SPRING CLEANINGS. V* B. COPLESTON, HOUSE, SIGN, DECORATIVE PAINTER, GLAZIER, AND PAPERHANGER. B. C. in tendering his sincere thanks to his customers, beg to inform them and the public that he has just received a large and well-selected stock of Wall Papers of very choice designs, from 3d and upwards. PATTERN BOOKS FOR 1880 SENT OUT ON APPLICATION. Estimates supplied for Painting, Whitewashing, Coloring, Paperhanging and General Decorating. RESIDENCE 7, ST. MARKS TERRACE. SHOP, OPPOSITE MR. JOHN FRANCIS', DRUGGIST, 572 HOPE STREET, WREXHAM. THE KING'S HEAD FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL HOTEL AND POSTING HOUSE, HOLYWELL, Is now RE-OPENED under the management of MR AND MRS LAMBERT (of the Star Hotel, Mold), where by strict attention to business combined with moderate charges, they hope to secure for themselves a continuance of that public support and prestige with which for many yeais this Hotel has been favoured. HOT AND COLD WATER BATHS. WINES, SPIRITS, AND CIGARS OF, THE CHOICEST QUALITIES. AN ORDINARY HELD ON MARKET AND FAIR DAYS. PARCEL AGENTS FOR THE LONDON AND NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY. Posting in all its Branches, personally superintended by Mr Lambert. An Omnibus Runs in connection with the Trains. 248B PRIZE MEDAL ALES, KILDERKIN 21s. I ?FI c u 0 Y.AA I I 11 A? R81EX  ?ig 7 5 FIRKIN 10a. 6d. PALE FAMILY ALE. A DELIGHTFUL TONIC OF A DELICATE STRAW COLOR AND FINE FLAVOUR, BREWED EXPRESSLY FOR FAMILY USE, BY THE WREXHAM BREWERY COMPANY, WREXHAM. THE CELEBRATED GUINEA WREXHAM, IS GALLONS FOR 21s, 9 GALLONS FOR 108 6D, Delivered Carriage Paid. THE WREXHAM BREWERY CO., WREXHAM. d2471a il W. BENSON, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER By Special Warrant TO HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, And by Special Appointin-entto H.R.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES, H.I.M. THE EMPEROR OF RUSSIA, PRIZE MEDALS—LONDON, DUBLIN & PARIS. R<ATT\ A VTV DTT 1TT*T> BENSON'S WATCHES, Of every Description, suitable for all climates, from 2 to 200 guineas. Chro- nographs, Chronometers, Keylessi Levers, Presentation, Repeaters, Rail- way Guards', Soldiers', and Workmell's Watchee of Extra Strength. For Churches, Turrets, or Public Build- ings, Dining er Drawing Room, Li- brary, Carriage, Church, Hall, or Shop. Perpetual Calendars, Wind Dials, &c. NOVEI/TY-" EARLY ENGLISH" Clocks, in Wood and Ormolu, Decorated with Blue China, Wedgwood, &c., from L5 5s, Made solely by BENSON. O uv.u olli T XJTV JEWELLERY, Of every Description, in the Richest and Newest Designs, at the Lowest Prices compatible with good workman" ship. Brooches, Bracelets Necklets, Lockets, Rings, Earrings, &-c. and also in Diamonds and Precious Stones. BENSON'S "Workman's" £ 5 5s Silver English Lever. (Warranted.) BENSON'S "Everybody's" Silver Watch, L3 3s, with Crystal Glass. (Warranted.) BENSON'S Silver and Electro-Plate.-For Race and Athletic Meetings, Presentationt or Household Use, Special Designs and Estimates Free. BENSON'S NEW PAMPHLETS of WATCHES, the most comprehensive in the WORLD, giving prices and illustratioas of every kind. Just published, 2 stamps. BENSON'S new PAMPHLET of CLOCKS, the largest yet published, with designs and prices. Free, 2 stamps. BENSON'S new PAMPHLET of JEWELLERY, illustrated. 2 stamps. BENSON'S new PAMPHLET of SILVER and ELECTRO-PLATE, illustrated. 2 stamps. BENSON'S new PAMPHLET of TURRET CLOCKS, illustrated. WATCHES SENT FREE AND SAFE BY POST. Watches, Clocks, Jewellery and Plate Repaired by Skilled Workmen. Plate, Jewellery, and Watches Exchanged. CLUB MERCHANTS AND SHIPPERS SUPPLIED. STEAM FACTORY AND CITY SHOW ROOMS:— L U D G A T E HILL; WEST-END ESTABLISHMENT: 25, OLD BOND STREET, LONDON, ESTABLISHED 1749. fffliSb WARNING WHEN YOU ASK FOR RECKITT'S PARIS BLUE SEE THAT YOU GET IT. RECKITT'S PARIS BLUE THE GENUINE IS USED BY THE LAUNDRESSES OF THE PRINCESS OF WALES AND 13S4 DUCHESS OF EDINBURGH 1 THE POOR MAN'S FRIEND. ¡ DR. ROBERTS'S OINTMENT. I This Invaluable Ointment (as originally prepared by G. L. ROBERTS, M.D.) is confidently recommended to the Public as an unfailing remedy for Wounds of every I description-Scalds, Chilblains, Scorbutic Eruptions, Burns, Sore and Inflamed EySs, k-e. Sold In pots at Is lAd, 2s 9d, lis, and W-s each. Sold wholesale by the Proprietors, BBACH BARNICOTT, Bridport; and retan by all respectable ohemistii. N.B.-Ite use of either Dr. Roberts's Alterative Pills or his celebrated Anti-Scorhtic ftreps, iR cw!);Mct!on with the Ointment, is strongly recommended. Ht* Paapblet with Testimonial*, forwariei post free. Sfc
