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The DOMP- BLACK LEAD diffars is mantifactju"cd(mly froiQRelerted.niat«- k GOLD MEDAL1 I ^tTlso^adher^at || SOLE MAKERS, ip ]["v m t> u'r ;{¡- A LAKGE AND CAREFULLY-SELECTED STOCK OF SCRAPS, Suitable for SCREENS, SCRAP ALBUMS, &c., is now on Sale at the u Aberdare Times '^Office, 31, Commercial Place, Aberdare. PAIN KILLERttJgl EXTER:lI AL ur:e A rare and speedy Cure for SOKE THROAT, CHOLERA, SICK HEADACHE, NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, BliUibhS, CL IS, SI KAlNfr *x-c. se/e to use mentally or txttrnally, and certain to afford relief. Every family should know that thu< remarkable is sm.D BY ALL CHEMISTS, and supplied IN BOTTLES FROM U. »|d. TO 1^. 6d. l^BS- DAV^IS & SO^, Providence, E.I., U.S., Sole Proprietors. lONDON DEPOT, GT. RUSSELL ST. BUILDSGS, W.C. rar.ipbl. iH i-ree. QMAI/r RICHMOND GEM OIVIUrVt BIRD'S EYE. Cut from Choicest Virginia Gold Leaf. In PACKETS only, 5d per oz. HENRY K. TERRY & Co., 55, Holbom Viaduct, London, E.C., Wholesale Agents. F R HE lOZODONT TEETHe& Teeth are speedily removed by SOZODONT, the fragrant purify- S™" EJL f H fyxng defect The gums are made rosy and healthy by its use, and the morti- BOB ■imply becauan iti^^eiMantbreath, is completely remedied by it. SOZODONT has beconie the staple dentifrice of t'-e wi-r.d, the Dreath. U8e even for a week, without perceiving its hygienic effect upon the teeth, the gums and a °y the prinoinaJ ChwTwUfai T»»rfnm«rm AT 1* «d.. ONE BOTTLE WILL I.AST SIX MONTHS. I I I BK mm a It is the best Liver, Stomach, Spleen, HBBH S- ■ I 1% MM I J and Fever Doctor in the world,! Hun- I I I I I I dreds of thousands bear testimony! ■ » I jm I ■ ^1 IP Try one$be con vinced! Stop Dosing! Ail ages and both sexes discover mtv tr ,™ m I ^1 .ILl ages an sexea di800ver in abaoiutely certain removal of diBeaup 'X?ilnan the most marvellous remedy for the Sjf. dangerous drugs. It is Nature's erekw v iwittlout drenching the delicate stomaeh with ■ j| M g all price by thousands who have suffer^- t)e?f» an<1 safest remedy, and is valued beyond B a H (0», Special, 15s. We earnestly invito paIts of the world- Price of P-egular Pad, jPSr^k 9 J3 free to any address. TheHolmanPad Co nflf'lerito send for Book of Testimonials; ■ 0 W ffan&r treeroauj» —g-^LgLRussell-st. Building». Tiondon, W.C. ■ WBmr SMOKE °^ALuVTiIkE THE GENUINE PRESSED SaUvaProof. Will Not Stick to the Lips AMBER TIPPED CIGARETTES. H. K. TERRY & Co., 55, Holborn Viaduct, ALLEN & GINTER, Manufacturers, Richmond, Va., U. S. A. London, E.C., Wholesale Agents. MHir C CT I O M an OPEFTDOOR TO HEALTH 1^1 1 J I 1 a"l I I I ll m Every person fniffering from Indigestion. I>y:<- mttm pepsia. or any symptom of a Stom-ich out of Order," should send for a Pamphlet resecting the positive rare by the use of LACTOPKPTINE. and cad t':e prises and letters from Medical Ififtt in every part of the world, showng remits m owetioB. More than l.ono Dootow. lo.'KV) Chemists, the entire Medical Press, h^ve certified as to the remarkable of LACrorEPT: NE. It is ratin tl.c theor of its action, and cujefc all disorders of the Pi<^ive Oww«. v ™ ^VVce. Bottles, with a Do^e M»» e attach d: and can be senfc-by post. Each bottle c'>ti Jiins 48-10 grain aoses. it is agreeable to tae taste, ana mav be tal:en in e thwsr wise or water after meals. LACTOPEPT1NE is SOLD BV CHKMIRTS KVERYWURRT, and is prepared solely by JØHN M. RICHARDSt (Successor to Carnriok, Kidder&Co.,) Laboratory, Gieat Russell Street, London. I r,N,LS'AM op AA -wwim m COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, INFLUENZA, NIGHT COUGH, &c. t —— Sei aljove Trade Mark on every Bottle, and insist on having POWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED, Sold by all Cliemists & Medicine Vendors tougMt the World at 1/1! & 2/3. -AI JL The Edinburgh Life Assurance Company Founded in 1823, and incorporated h!! Act of Parliament. HEAD OFFICE: 22, GEORGE STREET, EDINBURGH. BIRMINGHAM BRANCH 16, BENNETT'S HILL. LIFE BUSINESS ONLY is TRANSACTED BY THIS COMPANY. EXPLANATION OF THE EblXBUliGH LIFE ASSURANCE COUfPANTS H ON- FORFEITURE SYSTEM f 1 "*H IS System is net conlint d tli any particul r cl<»ss of Assurances. It applies to all the Ordinary A Polici's ih-sue<i hy the "ipphny at 'uil rules, as will us to Folicius i*flrec*tpH by a FIX>-(1 Numt-tr of Am-uti Paytumtsi (5, 10, 15, 20, or 25j, hud to h;,¡j'.wmnt.Assur"lIc,s payable at a spoiled age or at <i( ath. curies issuen ulldf" this System par ticipvle ft o>» their eommmetwevt in the Profits of the. f ompant) (Policf* ot- iiio \V n nout 1 ti t sc-dr aloii(r • xc» pifd 1, on ti»e > uuitabh- p!f»ii of dtsiriliUOoii l;llou>d bs thi- O;hco 'the vi'iicflf oj the St/f' are enjot edfrcm the cutset of each Policn, so tJ;at. whether the Premiums ar. (DM- ■ ji,a. ii Mi.'r (hn;, iwn, I ;• i. rf or d, y oiher nuinbt-r )I Aiijual Prtyiruit ts, the l'oiicy liulder i» tquaiiy s»-cur»- i>t r c ivil ft -• u «qui\al!iii ibr lit- ».«oney he has The rajttd tin ream of lh* ('omjuii business sh 1V8 that the advantages of this System are apl'r"ttlltled I'll tlte J'ui¡/ic the hy>'t: i,i \v.->s in its pr<-h lit form iu the year 1872, and the iwllowii.g lc,t)le txLjbits ihe piwgr«->s ot the ^<v UuKiiiCff ir«-j»sact«;d by the Cootpany since that time Amount of New Assurances. During Year ending 31st Harcb, 187'2 £ 3f'4,100 „ 1873 4(57.2 1 5 „ 1674 550.936 „ 1S75 6o2,t82 IS76 656.720 1S77 683.002 The Edinburgh i- f&urancr Lift- Company's BCEVS System. J hi* System if peculiat hs jaromabit to (->ui JL.ces. J-de 1 I'llicit» oil 'he With Profit" "C8t sliore from il rir coniiiiehion.-ui in tlH' Picififf o. tiir Company—those oil Youug Lives rectiviug a fail and cquital/e lliiU o! P-onu»—»!>• Policies »».ich continue l«-»ng in existence, and 8" contribute more than oihtiM to the Sui^lu* Funds, r Cl'hc. the Larger Share of Profits to which they are entitled. AGENT FOR Ah EH D ARE: MR. T. L. JOISES, "Aberdare Times" Office. ee that y0r4i get it! As bad qualities are often substituted. | The Genuine is used by tbe Laundresses of THE pBfNSESS OF WALES AND DUCHESS OF EDINBURGH. | i per. lb. SINCLAIF;'SOF ALL ■ c^oc?as&OILMEN Tne rami Iy S MS II sAVES TIME, TTIEL. Wash with- w LABOITR. out the misery oj \Jk$A TP R Tt,e Magio a Steamy House. WW M I I—* Cleanser 1 em* tifb Bewail f QOAP Imitations!W Si' house-vrift it saves time an3 S^SSmfF^ material; economises fuel,aa the cl<*tb<*s miuire less rub- bing-fud no JAMES SINCLAIR, Sou»ark, London,Si MATTHEWS'S %$jt Avoiu the many dangerous jf — | 19 8 and doubtful compounds SOICMB" IS I j_ asToriotPowdeis; Hlwaysaslf ■ MIMMI S. fo:- M itti'c-ws's Prepared ^Fullers f* A a Earth, "«sed in the Royal Iwirseries, f" p\ #•* a -a J and lii^hlv recommeridej^ by the 3 »• » I & I Facrltr it protects th 'skill from cold winas, ciicip,, i C in<j pre.Tve-i tho complexion, POL!) BY ALL CHESII^TS ROUSE C o., 12, ICMORE STREET, LONDON. TO BE WEffi AND KBOT WELt, TAKE 131 E æ" \0 "L BltSS'^EGETASLE SHA^irOAL It ab rb8 all aunties ia the Stomacli and Bowels, and thus gives a hiaithv tone to the whole 'system. Sold in BottleS2s., 4#and0 .each. OF ALL CHT'.MTSTS RSAOas CHAHCOAL BISCUITS ■^Cliil iren ifte them. They speedily eradicate Worms. In This is., 2s. & 4s. each, ALL CHEMISTS. Also BR ACQ'S CHARCOAL LOZENCES. Ia Tins U. 1*1. 4 GENTS WANTElJ^to pus]l fir8t.ciass e /V Lubricating Oilfly' Cuion>i8sion lo to 1 o pel cent.—liox 20li^96t Ofiice, Liverpool. GEOHOE (iiilli'l lliS JONES, Eegistrar of Carriages. OFFICES 5, CfNON STREET, ABEB^ARE, Persons giving rotice at this Office may marry either at the Kegisf6r ^^ce' A't'rtby r, <,r ir^ aziy licensed chapel in Abeidare ,ir iWrthyr. "T JV 1 TV HOLSli SCHOOL (CLASSICAL AND COMTtTElcCIALj, HIGHLAND PLACE, AHKIIDAHE. ESTABLISHirt> 1^65. CONDucrED BY REV. J. JOSEPH GEORGE rpHE Schoolroom *8 Nf-w ^nJ Capacious i situated in one of the healthiest parts of the district. Education, bfised on sound prit-ciplep, ip emMu-ntly practwal and adapted te b Hsiness i purposes. Separate attention is given to each pupil. TEkM8 MODEKATB. ^MITH'S PURIFYING PILLS, A.I, ARE k. A Po-ITIVF. CUHE FOR ALL DISEASE'S OF the Uri fary Oreans. Rtcent or Old "-tandinjFt Weakness, '•'avel, rackache, and all CischarKes, all and nverv Pi 'et)?e for which M rcury and Copabia are)JRe<i to theirjury o the latient's Cons-litut o:i Alter usi these >'i Is, the body »Dd nerves are restoi-ed to HealthS»nd Vigour in noxes (containing sufficient tor t C, r prie,- 4s. fid Sixty Stamps nay be cent. Mav b4 had ilirect from 'he Pioprie ors on receipt of amornif in Stamps. Sent by post to any address j; H. & H. SMI H & Co's Positive Remedy Laboratory, 26, Southampton Kow. Lqpdon, W.C. f What is your disease INliat is your Remedy ? For answer—fliead The Invalids' Guide Book of Positive Eclectic Remedies for tjblf-Treatment Gratis and Post Free to any Ptrt of the World, on receipt ot two stamps tojprepay postage. JNVALIDS' GUIDhf-BooK OF POSITIVE HEMFDIR" FOR TIlF. CURF OF ALL DISFASKS. I-VERY HOI'SI"H<'LI). ^fVI-KY MiN VND WOliAN HOIJ LD 1 (D>SK8S COPY. GUIDE- FOOK-givvs io-tr etions tor Developing and Strn ».-thiuK th«- iio<1y. H<Jw to Regain Lost tleallh CiUlL'K BOOK OF IFOSiriVE Vi KDICIIN'ES. All Invalids sboul,1 read the <* anter on General Diaenses. GUI, i P,' HOOK OF I PO>IIIVE HEM EDI hS—The Nervous l.'yspe^tic will .fiud information for the Cur.-of their Disease GU! 'iF.-iiOOK OF POSITIVE RRMKDIHS must be studied bv those who,f have bn k n di wn th>»ir health bv Hish Prt s-ure business'Life, City Work, Worry, Over-taxed lineruiis, lute ^iperanee; and L ite 'ours (iUlDii-KOi.K OF POSITIVE REMEDIES is the book to, Yonnp Men. How to Regain Lost Health. GT IDI<IHWK OF; POS1 I IVE who wish to »ee what l)ne*-es are brought on by Mouern Life sli- ul'i readtlrs NVorxj GUII>K-hO.K .1# POSITIVE REMEDIES's the b«of to Ii. studicd hv l eipaies. Contains a ( hapter on Diseases tVcuJiar to Woman, i GUlTXt OOK F POSITIVE R MF'MES givep also a L st ol I)i i,e. res-iiUing t' om Loss of Vit 1 Power. GUlDK-VlOK $Jr Dise s s of Old Age or D, cay of Nature, Nrr^fcis P/ostr tion &c. ,.UIDP,tio to Cure Constitutional or Hereditary DiVfases Scrofula, Consumption, "pies. &c. GUI D-BOOK of Me :icines for Cure of Diseases of Winter CÜlIchs Bronchitis Asthma, &c GUIDE-BOUK fives Vieiicines will Cure Uigeases reault-ng rom iiupure li'ood.all :-kin Diseases &c is any, Sale, and Krtectual by follow i lig the Uulet given it; this Book. GUIDli-'WPK OF POSITIVE REMEDIES trcllts on Wasting Due ses, and gives a Positive Remedy for all Diseases. It is a Guinh-BioK of i ositive Medicines whu h ►honld be kept in every hou e as a Guide to the Cure of viihout the aid of a Medical Man. Send for a opy of ene—Gratis. Iwo Stamps must be sent to pay the Postage. May be had Direct from the Publishers, H. SMITH & Co., Positive Remedy Laboratory, 26 Southampton Row, London, W.C. AMERICA £ 4 10s. Od. New Line Steamer weekly to New York direct And direct to Uoston about every 10 days. j For Passage and full particulars apply, en- closing stamped fii-ectibd envelope, to., W. 0. Thomas, PassageiBroker, 35, Union-street, Liverpool. N.B.—Passengers also booked to Australia New Zealand, and all other parts of the world' y steam aad Sailing Shipij at lowest rates. A CERTAIN CFRE FOR NERVOUS DEhlLirf, C^I RATIS, a MEDICWORK, showing ~J suflerers bow they'biay be cured and re- cover Health and Vitality, without the aid of Quacks with Recipes ,/W puvii'yi'i? tlio l^lood and Auctions l^ree on receipt of stamp to prep*' -postage, vddress, 'ecretary. Institute of Anat^lmy, iunmughaai I.iK'Ei D Li'-ZHVCBS. a so^Hifie.i linseed <i>x»the i d e'emu'eent, (-d post free 7d. Kay I'ros., ockport, ,.nd all Chem-cts. V ONEY. — WHEi-E AND ) t) ;.ET IT vv • .l 'J The Vverl^stiiie P rplrxine Question. How to Solve tti, rv. Borr it ? Yrs. Bur W ner ? N< t at b i osii Offiie u! ^re busn.ess is co-i)< te.! (l such a way that it violates all r! e Laws of Equity. W'h-rethen ? At the IMP ERIAL ADVANCE BANK. V. n. there ? Pecause business has been carried lon at that Kstab. lishment for the p;-st six years in an honcnjrable in;! libera! spirit, never in a singie in"tll.;r.6t tHki- g an u'i- due advat.fa!?-, but alwa3s trfHt))f< its numerous customers with leniencv The Impt-rat A«<- B- ik can produce hundreds of leiters I r,, in IHJ{rO. ts (whose permission they nave tgt do su) expressing gratitude for the lil)era, treatment thev r ceived from this hank and n a\ fest assured rh..t I usi ness "itt bo carried on in the futme as it h .s nee- in the pll! The stability of thfs hank will lie ht onct rerogmsed wjjen applicants fr informed that it wa; built and is tiife. piop.-rty of tbe principal, and is valaeii at £20,001,. J The I mperial Advance Bank has at ts roirii< and numerous sums, ft. n) X 10 ,o i'10; 0, reaiiy to be !e. t (•» Fin'iner Priv te Hons•■ind !ers (Ln >ii "« or Gen^lerr.enj, Si opkt-epfrs Car Proprietors, L'rensed Victuallers, C->V\ keepers, Tr;idts;nei', Sclmol fin- prietors, Clergymen, Budder-, aielronsemen, Lonn; ing-t'Ou e Keepers. Proless'onal Gentbmen. Clerks hold np permanent situations, P rs "'S ahout entering into Business, and all other i-es, le persons. The Iaiperiai Advance Hank requires NO SU RETIE-4, bul Ie/Ids to borrowers without requiring their fr ends' emioisem -r.ts. Kent Executions, and Loans paid off, and every kind of temporal y accommodation granted without delay, il; ;nv I,>I! r of E gland a. W.<*i,-8. i cr lurthé. liiforniatnin cell at Bunk, or apply hy letter, stating au-o ji t rrqu re'), to L. jSIYlMO.siS (Fiin ■ipil'! 70 & 72, ViI T<!HI i STREET, LI Vl-RPOOL. KAY'S COMP rND FSSENdr, OF LINSF.pi> a demulcent exL^ctc runt 101 Coi ghs and Cold- Sold by all Chemists. i £ RELISH Ir is the most delicious snuoe 'l1h.t yo e.-u have with a' y ourse. Tu;:ei; with soup it hath a chunn V":b vie- j ble'u'iiTi J docs »obfm| '1'0 eat f, • '-is ir> \Jr. uare. The dair.t-1 :• ;hos more <• •- And ev..«i ctu t-x s. > ^ioua. E,-pry I' en e-'i -I'jce Sr> iove. T i rr^t 1 ho re ■! iJ £ r> g-tvat care. SOLD EV £ Ei'W>ir.a:: IS Jt. Is. & 3». BOTTLES. I Sole Projjiictors, G00SAIL, BAOKHOtiaa a Co.. L2CTS. mo I f! A Excellent "ANJ FOR IWU/ PALATABLE Housan^Lo f?sci?»«§ Write to GOnnxdL, BACKHOUSE & Co., LEEDS, FncWinp a renny staiKp tor post-.?. ^'hen on vi.l be pre- sented -vriti. a vab'tWe ooa oi' ;fi0 p.-tfres. bovii-1 m elo4.h. uiid FncWinp a renny staiKp tor post-.?. ^'hen on \1 be pre- sented -vriti. a vab'tWe ooa oi' ;fi0 p.-tfres. bovii-1 m elo4.h. uiid fnily j]11:rred. oa'i.i ••(?< tiT> T^T'XGS." JO'il-. k AiT?. AND DONE FOR EVERY HOIIL AND HOL'cl.iiOLD. KA-r't, CoMporND F. bS'CK CF LiKti. tD, for Cold* and Coughs, cures nine c&es ou. ot ten fcold by all Chemists. y COAGULINI -]KayaJ,est Cement for broken \rtic)es, 6d., In., 2s Sold every^ii i e. Kay Rros., Stcckport. DOMINION Lpfft. REDUCED FARES.—From yVERPOOL every THURSDAY. This line books Passengers through to all parts of AMERICA, At Sppc;.al Low Rates. Ja'eon. £ 10 10s. Inter- mediate, ^teera^e^ 1'C Ss. ASSISTED PASSAGI'S are Vranted?to Minit^ba, the North- West Territory, And toAll parts of NADA Assisted ocean r tes to Quebec for Acrricultural Labourers, their Families, and Female Domestic Servants. t3 per Adult; Mechanics, Navvies, General Labourers, ^n<l their Fami ies, £.1. For Passage Tickets apply to FLINN, MAIN AND MONTGOMERY, 24. James street, Liverpool or to their Local gents -7- KAY'S TIC PILLS, a specific in Neura'gia Faceache, &c., are 8"ld by ?U Chemists Kay tiros., oto<>kport. <T A Certain Cure for the Nervous-& Debilitated. CM R ATIS, a MEDICAL U'QDK. showing sufferers T how they may be cui^d a- d recover health and vitality without the aid of Quacks with recipes for purifying the blood ttnd r< moving skin affec- tions; also chapters of-Happy Marriages; When and YVhom to Marry The Temperament Stain- tooring Vital Force,: How Wasted and How Pre- served Galvanic Appliances and the Wonders of /he Microsome in Detecting Various Complaints. Pos^t free for IS^c^tamps. Address, Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, Bir- mingham. ALLAN LINE (Tsjf- xJL SHORTEST OCEAN PASSAGE TO A M ERICA. Composed of Twenty First-clastd Roynl M a Steamers. SAILING DAys-From Liverpool, every Tuesrlav and Thursday, to Canada, and vrry fclirrnate lucsday to Halifax and Baltimore, torwardino Da-sei.j>ers on ensy terms to all parts of Canada and the United States. Surgeon and Stewardesses provided free for all classes of Passengers. Passengers who seoare their Tick» «s before leaving h me are m.t. at the Railway Station in Liv. rpool by an applied Ayent of the Cotnpny.n who takes charge ufthtn, until they go on borda ':1' St-an er. The Canadian Government grants ASSISTED PASSAGES' hy the "ALLAN LINE" to M irried FarftTNLabourers and Female Domesto, Servants For Rat es of Freight or Passage, apply of j ALLAN BROTHCRS & Co., Altxandra Buildings, James-street, Liverpool; or to JONES & Son ABEKDAKK IIMFIL Office, Aberdare. John E. Keirby, PATENTEE AND MANUFACTURER OF .VP E A x\l PACKING, SWSMOJi. XEAH a.^t!IESTfl Square Platted Llastic^teani Packins- FS»^vTn2linDS'PWTONS. P'-MPS, &c. FHE.NCH CHALK PACKING, H VBRAULU PACKING, «> V c L\R J K Backing, R ED L h AD.-R t.t \> E PACKING or Man- fI, ha. CvTinderCov. rs, Ste* Joints, &c. WIRE G.L'ZEtt\'EA\¡ PACklN<; lUNGS, -L And every description of Pac ting, ROC AD, A 1. E, AM) FLAT. S-vtnles ond Prices m Applicition- Under Ihe dist;n».'uislied Patronage of the Biitish i Admiralty. The Honourable Corporation of Trinity House I < London. J5STA £ I4SH £ D 18€4. n ,Sga 1RE RIGHT THING IN THE RIG Hi PL A CE. REEUHAl\f'S PILLS A R(" "dmitted by thousands to be worth above a L 1 NTA A -BrX' 'or bi,io,,s and nervous cii iii-is oiirli as wind and pain at Ihe stomach sick fullness and swellness aftoi^.s <i,«ineJS and d,ews uess cold chills, ( of '"bs ot iippetite, shortness of breath, costive- f'iM ,otclu's)°n lbe skin, disturbed sleep fnJitl, and.Jn<rvous and fremblin, seiital>o»s. 6:,> &c. 1 oe first duse will give relief •2 -Mill S. 1 is is no ficlion, for they have dune it in thou -a:ids of c is*s. Tin* Proprietor of these Pills have- -a:ids of c is*s. Tin* Proprietor of these Pills have- ing oLrairwd (at great expense; a paient far them, he i h.-iliengtvi ti e wln.le w orld to produce a medeiu j "qual to iii<;m fllr reluovillg the above-named com- 'lin' 'v&u'r,l,? tliepatic*"tt0S0UQ(Jalld lasting Kveiy s'lllerer is earnestly invited to trv one bo 0 thf-se fiile, aiu! they will be acknowledged to be WOHTH A c, CINE A A BOX. F..r f«i».al-s of nil ages these Pil^ are invaluable, as a few « osej, -if carry ..ff ait gr,-ss humours, open all <.l»strncti«>us, .:«d hrwg ^tjout all that is re- qomd. IS., tenia e siiould be without them. There is no mctlicnp to be found to t^ual Beecham s Pills. «vsfr^fOVr? 1 Hb'y "bstra^ti,,ajfr irregularity of the J.ih u L '^r° ;,<:< t'|"d|ntt/.> the directions given* each box they W,H so/i restore females of all ages to sound and robust iimilth. Beecham's Ma#ic Cough Pills. nAnf a1,r'me',y fer C^Rhs in general, Asthma. l»'fr.C ilty »n Breathing, Shortness in the Breath 1 iuntr,«« and1 Oppressor ot tne Chest, Wheezing! &c.. these » aIN staId pnnvalied; an tanynne iabottrl ulj(ier the il,)o%-e cf)nipiaints n-ed only try ,vi t.ii,!v α- 1 i 'bey ait) the best ever ^■•hroatic arid Consumptive J oi-^tis, HenrS'HePs and opprdssion of the Chest. *>' £ ieme*e that sense of oppression aod 0 ;n uity of ureathina, w hic h nightly deprive the patient of res.. 1 hey give alm-st instant Mief and eomfort to th!-s.- afiiieted with the above distressing and, w ,(D ni ^lec efl, dangerous complaints. Let any P' ^yns troubled w iti, any of the above com- plaints yiv. KM HAMS COCGH PILLSatrfal. Tilt, most violent Cough will in a short time be re. moved. I'iicts are more conclusive than arguments, and te comment UpOIl such facts as the aiiove would be supeifluous. The extraord Inary sale of Bencham's p'¡Io; prove un.uist ikably that they are one of the best and satest medicines at the present dh> for disease and sickness will not be found in any house afi'T t*kmt.r^a lew doses of tliese excellent Pills ( ADTION— The public are requested te notice "that tiie w-rds Beecbani's Hills, St. Helehs," are on the ^rniiient Stamp affixed to each box of the pills* if n->t •• n, they are a f«r-ery. P Prepared oniv, and sold wholesale and retai t.-e propiietor r. Beecham, Chemist. St. Helen ill boxes at Is. lid. and 2s. 9d. ea0 staii ps"^ 6 proprietor for 11, 15, or v^g3htsand FaUnt Medicin* Døalw in N.B—t>uil directiowsare given with each box. CHLOBO LJNSBKI) COUGH LOZHNOES, S medical linseed Chemists^6d-;tp°bt tree, ?d. Kay Bros., Stockport, and all SPECiALlY "TSTBANDS, SRI RT FRONTS, CoLtAnsi. l j' "J I -BRIS-ML4 The Money Order Bank Limited. Chief Office: 10, King William-street, London. Registered Office: 4, George-syeet, Eltinburgh. r /^RDERS issued singly abd in quantities for x any sum under £ ll -at rates varying from 33 to 87 per cent, below fctose of the Post Office. 1 hese orders are readily negotiable in all parts at home and abroad, and may be passed from hand to ha^l as Cash or paid into a Bank or Cashed any pf the Offices or Agencies throughout tab Kingdom. Agents are now ap- pointed in all iayj larger Towns and Villages. Agent for this District: D. M. RICHARDS, Accountant, 9, Gadlys TelTace, Aberdare. BIGHy PRIZE MEDALS. IJt-W EIGHl\ PR^gj MEDALS. V TAGES. I" =2^ KAY'S COWFLINI EsdNCB OF I INSBBD,—Asthma and B-onchitis are UDluJiately relievod by it. Sold by all Cheruists. NO MORR LAWYERS' BILLS II Now Ready, Nineteenth Edition, carefully, revised and corrected to the end of last Session, contain. ingupwarusof 3,500 statements on points of law, verified by the addition of Notes and Re. ferences to Authorities. Crown 8vo, price 6s. 8d. (saved at every con!!ultatian), strongly bound in cloth (postage 6d.) I? VERY MAN'S OWN LAWYER A Handy BY A 1URR°1STER PriDCipleS °f LaW a"d Comprising the Rights and Wrongs of In- diTiduils, Merchant; and Commercial Law, Criminal Law. Parish Law, County Court Law, Game and Fishery Laws, Poor Men's Lawsuits, the Laws of Bankruptcy, Bets and Waggers, Bills of Exchange, Contracts and Agreements, Copyright, Elections and Registration, Insurance, Libel and blander, Marriage and Divotce. Merchant Shipping Mo'-tgawes, Settlements, Stock Ex.'hange Practice' Trade Marks and Patents, Trespass, Nnisances, etc.. Transfer of Land. etc., Warranty, Wills and Agieemems, etc., etc. Also, Law for Landlord and Tenant, Master and Servant, Workmen and Apprentices, Heirs, Devisees and Legatees, Husband and Wife, Executors and Trustees, Guardian and Ward, Married Women aud Infants, Partners and Agents. 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