Papurau Newydd Cymru

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(iatbmhtg. If any reader who is in difficulty with reference to his garden, will write direct to the ad. dress given beneath, his queries will be an. swered, free of charge, and by return of post. —EDITOR]. Some correspondents omit to add their names, er merely end with initials. In these cases it is obviously impossible to reply.—E.K.T. THE FLOWER GARDEN IN FEBRUARY. ABUTILONS. These very showy evergreen plants require greenhouse temperature during the winter, but tower freely in the open air in summer. It is not generally known that they are easily 80welfedfrom seed in a single season. Any fairly light potting soil answers, provided it ibe well drained. Sow in a temperature of about 65 degrees, and prick out the seedlings directly they are an inch high. Supp'y abun- dant moisture, and occasionally weak manure water when the plants are growing freely. ANEMONES. Though anemones are usually grown from roots, fcney may be raised from seed in a little over six months. A thoroughly worked, rich, sandy soil, liberally admixed with cow manure, is desirable, though a well broken up, stiffish loam is also suitable. Indeed, most varieties thrive in all ordinary garden soils. If neces- sary, etrench may be opened and filled with Hghb, rich loam, in a sunny spot sheltered from keen winds. Sow now on a sunny border in lines, or in pots or pans under glass, after hav- ing well rubbed and mixed the seeds with sand. Rake in the seeds very lightly, or cover thinly with sandy soil, and keep the beds free from weeds until germination, which is slow, is ac- complished. Thin out the seedlings to six inches apart, carefully transplanting and watering the thinnings as necessary. AURICULAS. Many auriculas are of exquisite beauty, the Alpine varieties being perfectly hardy, while the more delicate show kinds need the protec- tion of a frame through the winter. Prepare a compost consisting of one part turfy loam, one part of leaf mould, and one of well decayed cow-dung and sharp or river sand, with a little charcoal. Press the soil firmly down in pots that are half filled with pot sherds, covered with a mixture of rough loam and charcoal to insure perfect drainage, and sow in a cool frame or greenhouse, placing the seeds half an inch apart. Cover very lightly with fine soil, and lay sheets of glass over the pots until germina- tion be eftecced. Watering must be accom- plished by standing the pots in a vessel of water. The seed germinates very slowly and irregu- larly. Directly the seedlings are large enough to handle, which will be as each attains to three or four leaves, prick them out some two inches apart in pans, whence they must be moved singly to small pots before the leaves touch. Keep the plants as hardy as possible, and supply abundant moisture excepting during winter, when water should be supplied only when the loil isnearly dry. During the summer show varieties may be stood out of doors on a bed of sand or ashes, or on slates or boards. BEGONIAS. The consistency and beauty of fine begonia flowers make them perhaps the most valuable of half-hardy perennials for pots and for bed- ding out. They produce grand effects in large masses, and are not injured by stormy weather. The seeds are very small, and must be carefully handled. Well water the soil before sowing, and scatter the seeds thinly in a uniform tempera- ture of 65 degrees in perfectly drained pots of good, light soil, surfaced with fine sandy loam. Do not cover the seeds, but press them into the surface, and lay sheets of glass over the pots until germination, which is slow and irregular, is completed. Prick of the seedlings as they become big enough to handle into pots or pans in an even temperature. Move the young plants on to larger pots as may be necessary, and as early in June as they become strong .enough, they may be bedded out, to remain un. til the middle of Octot)er, when they must be potted and brought indoors. If some plants are raised and potted in September they will continue to flower for a long time under glass. When stored tubers show signs of growth in February or March, place them singly in small pots of rich loam. Grow on as greenhouse plants, and carefully harden off before planting out during June. CALCEOLARIA, SHRUBBY. Seeds sown now in a frame or greenhouse in moderate itemperature will provide plants for summer flowering. CHRYSANTHEMUMS. Perennial kinds can be raised from present sowings in very gentle heat to flower this year. Supply plenty of water, though the pots must not be allowed to become water-logged, and grow on without any pinching back. Place out of doors the instant doing so is consistent with safety, to keep the plants dwarf and robust, and shift on, potting firmly each time, until eight-inch flowering pots are reached. COCKSCOMBS. These curious and highly decorative plants are tender annuals. A lighr, friable, sandy loam, with some admixture of cow manure and silver sand,, is best. Sow now in well drained Pans of rich, sandy soil on a newly made hot- oed, where a moist atmosphere of from 65 to 70 degrees can be maintained. Allow plenty of light and a little air when the young plants appear, and prick them out early into small 60- sized pots, taking care that the seed leaves are close to the surface of the soil. Shift them on, Potting moderately firm, until seven-inch flow- ering pots are reached, always on a hot-bed. Keep the plants rather dry to induce the forma- tion of combs, and stand them close to the glass of the frame. DAHLIAS. Sow thinly during February or March in pocs or pans of light, good soil. Cover the seeds very lightly, and stand on a hot-bed or in a propagating house. Pot off the seedlings when they are large enough to handle, and place them in heat, being particularly careful with Weakly specimens, which usually eventually Prodnce the best flowers. Stake the young plants when they are about eight inches high, water liberally, and give plenty of air during Wet weather. Carefully harden the plants off at the end of May, and place them under the shelter of a wall or a hedge for a few days, ^here they can be protected with mats at the least sign of frost preparatory to finally plant- ing them out, in early June. DIANTHUS. These brilliant hardy biennials. are fortu- nately reproduced true from seeds. Sow, to flower this year, during February or early March to heat, and prick out the seedlings an inch or an inch and a half apart in pans or boxes as soon as they are large enough to handle, and harden them gradually to cool culture. Pot singly before the plants touch one another, and plant out in May. FUCHSIAS. Fuchsias can be flowered satisfactorily from seeds in six or seven months, and few plants so elegant for training on pillars and walls, where the graceful pendant blossoms show to great perfection. Sow now in heat in pots of J.™ Hffht soil. Prick off the seedlings while r* very small round the edges of thumb pots j*fld pot them on in the cool house as may be Shade the plants after each move, and never permit them to lack moisture, though J water-logged soil is most hurtful. Syringe f reely with clear soft water in the morning and a :rooon. Allow plenty of air under glass, and shade the plants when in flower. GERANIUMS. nrnlr jP,eoP^e are aware how satisfactorily and !*jja?ly these exceedingly popular half-hardy 8tfn«« '« may grown as annuals. A good man *1 seeds may be depended on to 'yield ny striking varieties. Any good potting soil will do for geraniums, but that for seed- pans should be good, light, and slightly coarse. Sow thinly now in pans or boxes, cover with an eiL.,n- ii of an inch of fine soil, and place in a sunny position under glass. Prick out the I seedlings as they appear, and soon after pot them singly in small pots, and keep them on a light snelf in the cool house. Water very care- fully, and keep the house 1ihtand airy/and the atmosphere fairly dry. Flower in four or five-inch pots. GLOXINIAS. There is yet time to secure a fine summer display if sowings be made as advised last month. LOBELIAS. Use somewhat sandy soil for the seed pans, and sow at the end of February or in March in a temperature of about 60 degrees, covering the seeds very lightly indeed on account of their small size. Prick off early into other pots or pans, and keep the plants under glass till nearly bedding out time in May. Rigidly pick off every bud that appears before lobelias are placed in their final positions. MIMULUS. This flower revels in damp and retentive soils in shady situations, but will grow under almost any conditions. To flower this year sow now in heat. The seed, being very small, must be sown on the surface and merely dusted over with tine soil. A little damp moss may be sub- stituted for this covering, but it must be re- moved as soon as germination is accomplished. Thin out the seedlings when they are an inch high, and supply abundant water. MYOSOTIS AZORICA. This, the most lovely of the forget-me-nots, should be grown as a half-hardy annual. Sow under glass during this or next month, prick out an inch apart, and keep under glass till all danger from frost is past. E. KEMP TOOGOOD, F.R.H.S., pro Toogood and Sons, The Royal Seed Establishment, Southampton.










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