Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

14 erthygl ar y dudalen hon

----------------The Non-Unionist…


The Non-Unionist Question Strong Measures suggested. Rhondda Expenditure, 9300,000 Idle Collieries. Relegates representing about 80,000 colliery workmen attended the monthly Meeting of the No. 1 (Rhondda) District Jf miners, held at the Y.M.C.A. Rooms, prth3 ou Monday, under the presidency ot Mv. T. G. Davies. -A- Delegate moved that it be an instruc- tion to the Central Executive Council to oi'nralate a scheme with a view to effec- 1Ve]y dealing, with the non-Unionist Ideation. by some united action over the ^jhole of the South Wales coalfield, and hat the leaders endeavour to embody th18 scheme in the new agreement to. be watered into at the expiration of the pre- Sent one. He drew attention to the great involved in the waging of sectional %hts in dealing with the question, the Cost already to the district being nearly 300,000. Another delegate thought it as high time, something should be done In the matter. The motion was carried. Hie non-Unionist question as affecting 'Odiiiigallt Colliery, Ystrad-Rhondda., Was considered, and it was ultimately resolved to call a mass meeting of the t'lnllen to be addressed by the agent, 1'. D. Watts Morgan. Doctor-s Poundage. v,"P.^cusyi°n took place upon the advis- clbility of taking a ballot at. each colliery upon the present system of doctor's Poundage. Mr. D. Watts Morgan said matter had come before the District ^AetuiJve Committee, and they were of opinion that it was absolutely neces- fai'y that a ballot should be taken with view to ascertaining whether they did Sally want any change from the present J'stem. It was essential that the opinion Of the workmen should be known before 1e committee moved in the matter. It necessary to ascertain whether the had arrived when the control of the Unds should be in the hands of a com- Hctee representative of the officials and 'oi'kmen at each colliery. There were aii°Us ,sy.stems now in vogue, but the xecutive Committee questioned the i '^om of dealing with the matter store the end of the year, in view of the Rubious times that might be ahead in erereiice to the> settlement of the new nt. a Ik r^om Evans remarked that it was thorny question. They had had experi- lce of the matter at Ferndale and other cOllieries. A delegate suggested that the ,.atter he deferred, but after considerable Jsctission it was resolved that a ballot be aken Mr. I). Watts Morgan drew attention I? ,a report to the effect that the non- Zionist difficulty at the Standard Col- t,ei'y, Ynyshir, had been overcome with e e assistance of the management. He c Plained that the inference was not i ^(*t. The workmen's committee, cked by the general body of workmen, Vhi 1 a fi'"m stand, and succeeded ti j assistance!, but the passive atti- ^of the management, leaving the 0j'kmen absolute freedom to settle their affairs, was of course fully recog- was given to Mr. D. Watts f0^'ga,n to represent the M..F.G.B. at the ^Scorning annual Trades Congress at %lt-' toSe^ier Ma 'I'-si riot repre- Register of Lamps. j '^f''11'"tuix VT-Tr TYIII. to> the existing state of affairs at the collieries, Mr. D. Watts Morgan reported v?at at 14 collieries connected with the jUstrict a correct register was kept of the fUruP.s given out to the workmen, and as gFraa8 Pl'acticable the same lamp was Ho6n fklJy t° each workman. There was jjj Register kept in seven collieries, and that- casc of the latter it was noticed as | c°mplaints_ were made by the men thor>°' 00'nditio<n of the lamps given ^hp'' vv'10, eas no complaints were made a proper record was kept. Thousands of Men Idle. 111,ppeals for financial assistance were Wo,i(! deputations representing the hill -Vlen out on strike at Risca, Llan- "^arf 4,' anc^ Gilfach Goch. Mr. Vernon ^ealt -11' representing the Risca men, i^aii va,'i01l's disputes, and ex- ^eip, that in the end the management ejcCe n°t prepared to concede anything the • w^lat was specifically stated in ricp- list. The meeting could well to "stand why the men had given notice eiah+eittl*nat'e contracts. For the last klle |i Weeks 1,600 men and boys had been st^. ] -1 r °ugh failure to arrive at an under- j tog with the management. sWedthJ?: case of Gilfach Goch, it was ,^la^ 100 men were out of work siD-nj=> t° a dispute, and there were no At t a s.ettlement. 1,00a ^arihiiletli it was stated that, about W rnenJ with about 2,000 dependents, jt affected. tavij,Was intimated that, the appeals not £ °Se ^colTle to hand in time for the pur- enabling their insertion in the and discussion by the lodges, it trjet ^ompetent on the part of the dis- ^att6 day t° make any donation. The r Was therefore referred to the alt-(, purpose of being finally ]\lr w^th at the next district meeting. f°Port Watts Morgan, in giving his °t the International Miners' Con- °f &t Liege, remarked that one that (J,: t°i'emost questions dealt with was Peace versus war. iw;,rc»n Evans moved the following ^ilS J°n, which was adopted —" That '00Qlee^nS delegates, representing ?? thp ?llllei'sJ cordially endorse the views f qii ;'ner«' Congress held at Liege on °Ja a°S ()n °f the importance, especially a i Wot'kei's standpoint, of supporting Re fti,4Vi°Cating every possible effort for h 9 earl aHce international peace and har. abandonment of war, with all jfttl^jkarism and desolation, for the Hi0ris 111 of disputes between civilised ec^Pts for the last month were as -Coiit ributions, t847 Os. 7d.; nievies3 £ 18 15s. 3d.; district s- 4d I 6d. donations, £ 19 total, t886 9B. 8d.


--------The Coal Trade.

Provident Fund and Federation.…

Rhondda Cymrodonion,


Cigarette Papers.


---------Privilege Abused.

A Tonypandy Failure,




The Superior Sex.