The Welsh Farmers' Gazette, 1 Friday, October libth, 1894. _==== REVIEW OF THE BRITISH CORN TRADE. English wheat has BrIt fallen any fur her during the past week, but th; re has been no recovery. Sales are 20 per cent. less than usual in October, and condition is a good deal better tha 1 it was a month ago. It is very disappointing, therefor- that value does not rally. Th-; leaning b;k>-rs are now offering tiie. quartern loaf, gua^an eed mdeexclu-i ely fr -m English wheat, for 2 b i., tne lowest pi- ce for good bread within Jiving memory. The price to customers who have the brend delivered at their rcsiiieuce i* only threepence. Flour prices are very 1 nv. London household flour is quoted 19 by oe-rlv all the chief millers one or two ask 19s. 6ri, but t h it is the h gh- est. Minnesota first bakers' flour, » good secondary grade of fl mr, is as low as 14s. 6 i. per sack and there is little difficulty in getting secondary English country flour at the saiiie price. The spring corn tr ine shows that foreign b Irley is ceasing to come forward with tie fre-dom in- augurated last autumn, though supplies then were regarded as exceptional. Sales by Engli h farmers since harvest arc put at 600,000 qrs a^au^t 1,200,000 qrs. last year; and sales of foreign birlev at 1.200 000 qrs. against 1,100,000 frs. This gives at present 1,800,000 qrs, agam-t 2 ^00,000 qrs but the Englisr. barley undelivered id bound to co ne forward The supply of cats is not heavy, but Russia is a free shipper; and November will probably feel th etl cr, Maize is a little steadier iiom a week ago, but sales are very small. Mark Lane Express.

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
Ratlut Aeports. CORN AVERAGES. For the week ending October 20th. The following are the sold, and the prices I this year and lost year :— QUANTITIES SOLD PRICES. This year liast vpar This year Lastyear Wheat 44,232 49,198 17s 61 27 6d Barley 146,5S1. 192,218 23s lid 29s 61 Oata. IS,255 16,477 13s 6d 18s Id

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
LONDON CORN, Monday.—The London market to-day was rather less depressea from a week pre- viously, and new English A h,,at, in s-nall supply for the time of year. was held for 6cl. advance. A improvement wa3 asked on red winter, on Russian, ana on fine Australian. For Argentine former prices were accepted, as also for Indiin Sales were easier than a week ao at urrenci s. Flour was the turn iu sellers' favour. Bikers were freer buyers than last week. Barley was steady for malting, and 3d. dearer for cheap grinding sorts. Oats were not quotably changed, but soles was easier than on Monday last. Maize wis held for 6d. advance, but sales were few. Be.ini and peas wcr^ firm. Arrived Calcutta linseed wag 6 i. clearer on the week. LONDON PROVISIONS, Monday.—The arrivals last week from Ireland were 3,754 bales bacon, and from foreign por8, 6,815 bales b.icou. There was a steady dt-manrt tor Irish bacon last week, but with r.ther bettc' suppl es prices were somewhat eaaier, varying from ;30;. to 60s. Danish bacon was not selling so well, and prices were lower, ranging 50s to 54s up to 58s. Butters did not sell well, and prices showed but little alteration on the week. Lirl weak, and tending easier. LEICESTER Saturday.—Full supplies; fair attendance but trade very quiet, and inferior samples Linsileable. Red wheats, 18s to 20s per 36 stone white wheats, 19s to 21s 0,1 per 36 stone. Malting barley steady grinding bailey neglected. Oats, dull trade. LEICESTER CATTLE, Saturday.—Full consign- ments tra ie slow, and prices in favour of buyers. Milch cows in demand at £ 16 103 to LIS per head for best qualities secondary, f,14 to E15 per head bul- locks, £9 to fl4 calves, flat sheep in fair request. CARMARTHEN CHEESE, Saturday.The supply of cheese was large. Demand slow. Best qualities 23s per cwt. CARMARTREN BUTTER, Saturday.—The supply at our market is still good. A very large quantity of summer-trade butter Y. as brought in; price for bes; dairies, lOd to lOid per lb fresh cask, llAd to Is per li). Demand good. CORK BUTTER, SL,.Lirciay, Ordiaary Firsts, 73s; seconds, 70s thirds, 63s fourths, 58a. K.egS—Superfine, 00s fourths 00s. Mild-cured firkins—Superfine, 91s tine, 79s mild, 72s. Cools-fine 003 mil i Os superfine, 000s, seconds, 00, thirds, 003. Creameries, 00s. In market—1,189 firkins, 356 mild, 1 kegs. ABERYSTWYTH, MONDAY.—Wfieafc, 4s 3d to 4B 6d per 65 ibs; b«iney, 3s 3d to 3s 6d per 65 lbs foreigo, 0s Od per 50 lb; oats, (wnite), 3s Od to Od Od per 65 ibs black, 2s 6d to Os Od new, 0s Od to Oil Od per 65 lbj eggs, 12 for Is.; butter, salt., 01 to 10d per Ib fresh, OOd to 1/0; fowls, 3s 6d to 4s 6d per couple; chickens, 4/0 to 5s 0d ducks, 4s Od to 5a OJ; geese, 5s Od to 6s Od turkeys, 0" Od to Os Od potatoes. Os Od to 2 6d per cwt new Od to OOd per 21b; cheese, OOs to OOs per cwt. MONMOUTH PR J VISIONS, Saturday.—There was a fair attendance at our market to-day; trade slow. Quotations — Fresh butter, Is 3d per lb hen eggs, (scarce) to 10 for Is; dressed fowls, 4s Od to4s6d per couple; do ducks, 5s teas 6d per cpl geese, 9d to lOd per lb. Butchers' meat (prIme joints)—beef, 7d to 9d mutton, 7d to 9d pork, 7d to 8d per lb; veal^Sd to 9d per lb. Game—grouse, Os to Os Od per brace partridges, Os Od to Os Od per brace, hares, Os Od to Os Od each wood pigeons, Os Od per couple; lever> ts, 0/0 to 0s 0d each; rabbits, OOs to 00s per dozen. Fih-snlts, 2s Od to Os per lb; lemon do, 0d to lOd per lb; brill, Is per lb; plaice, 5i per lL; riabbs, 4d per lb; cod, 4d to 8d per lb whiting, 6d per lb turbot, Is 2d per lb finuou haddock, 0a per lb fresh haddoek, 4d per lb; dry do, 0 d >hri 1: ps. 6d per quart oysters, 16 for Is; ki p :■?, ,C for Is; bloaters, 16 for Is; lobsters Us Od iu 0" uJ each fresh herrings, 20 for Is mackerel, 4d to 6d e,rh halibut, OOd per Ib ling, Oi to 0'1; prawns,6d pe 0 OSWESTRY POl) 1. Y A-1) BUITER MARKET, Wednesday.—The f" ;Ying were the prices:- Butter, lid tola Id per 1j eggs, S to 9 for a shilling; fowls, 4s Od to 4 6d; ktuclb, 5s Od to 5, 6-i per couple geese, 6s 6d to 7s Od each; potatoes, 3s 0d to 0 Od per cwt new, 00 lbs for OOd rabbits, 2s 4d to 2s 6d per couple; peas, Os Od to 0" Od per peck; carrots, two bundles for OOd Beef, 6d. to 9d per lb mutton, 7d to 9d lamb, 8d to 9d veal, 7d to Sd pork, 6d to 8d. T'irkeys. 0s to 00s GRIMSBY FISH, Tuesday.—S<>me 20 smacks aud 12 steamers arrived with a good supply; brisk demand. Soles, Is Od to Is 3d turbot, Is to la 2d brills, Od to lOd per lb lobsters, Is 6d to Os Od plaice, 3s Od to 4s 6d; lemon soles, 5/0 to 6s Od; whitches, 6;,1 0d to 7/0; live halibut, 4s Od to 6s ditto dead, 2s Od to 3s Od per stone live ling, 3s Od to 4s Od; dead, Is 131 ro 2/6; live cod.5/0 to 6/0 ea.h; (tell, 39 Od to 4 0:1 each; live skate, 2s Od to 3s; ditto dead. Is 0d to 2s Od: hake, OOs to 00 s per score; whitings, 0& Od to Cs 0d live coallfisil, 00s to OOs dead, 008 Od to 00s Od per score kit haddocks, 10s to 12s Od per box salmon, 0" Od to 0" Od per pound small plaice, Os 0 i to 08 Od per box live crabs, OOs per box trout, OOd to Od; grilse, Os Od to Os Od per lb.; live codlings, OOs to ODs per box fresh herrings, 0, Od to 0s Od per 100 salt, Os Od to Os Od per 100 live dabs, Os Od to 0< Od; dead, Os to Os per box; mackerel, Os to Os Od per score. WELSHPOOL PRODUCE, Monday.- Wheat, 3s 3d to 3E 6d per 75 lbs barley, 4s Od to 4 6d per 70 lbs oats, 13s 6d to 00s Od per bag butter, lid to Is per lb; eggs, 00 to S for a shilling fowls, 3s 6d to 4s 6d ducks, 4s Od to 5a 6d per couple geese, Os Od to 0s 0,1 each turkeys Os Od to Os Od each I potatoes. Os 01 per lb. BIRMINGHAM CATTLE, Tuesday. — Beef realised 4d to 6JI per lb muttou, 5=1 to 8d rer lb; laiv.b, 0t to 01 veal, 01 to Oel; bacun pigs, 8s 2d to 8/4; porkets. 9s 6 i to OOs Od sows, 6s Si to 7a Od i er score. Fine weather, fair supply and demand for cat le, fair supply of sheep, trade stow, large supply aud bad tr Ide for pigs. METROPOLITAN CATTLE. Monday.— There W; a la,g. supply of blasts, principally secondary, ,1. u and inferior desc unions, all of « liich met a s,o-, tr .de ;It less money especially the former, and a c'earance was impossible. Really choice animals were ^earee uotwiths'.aud'ng which rates wern eas'er. Primest 4i> 8d. Herefords 4s 4J to 4s 6d. aud Liueolns 3s lOd to 4s 4d p r 8 lbs. The Brit'rdi arrivals comprised 10 Scotch, <500 Irish, 40 Suffolk, aid Esx, and Yii "I ind, home,and wextern counties. English sheep very short: best breed firm, and other kinds a slow sale at rather less money. Cdves dull, with a short supply. Beef, 2s 6 i to 4s 8d mutton, 3s 6d to 6s and veal, 3s 4s to 4s 4d per 3 lbs. At market :-Beasts, 2,580 sheep, 11,580 (including 3,280 Canadian sheep) and calves, 25. LONDON DEAD MEAT MARKET, Monday.— With moderate supplies of fresh meat, and favourable weather, trade is rathar better. Quotations English beef, 3s 4d to 4iJ 21 Scotch long sides, 39 lOd to 4s 2d do shorts, 4s 4d tt, 4s 8,1; American, Is Sd to 33 Sd; mutton,3s Od to 5s 01; fo-eicm, Os to Os veal 38 4d to 5s Od; large pork, 3/4 to 8 10d small do, 4s Od to 4s 4d per 81b. WREXHAM CATTLE, Monday.—Beef made from 5"d to öd per lb; mutton, 6d. to 7d; and veal, 6d to 6Ad. Bacon pigs realised 8s Od per score The and dairy cows from fl4 to LIS 10s each. Store bul- locks ranged from 97 to f-7 7s each. and yearlings from £ 4 to £ 7 each.. to f BRADFORD WOOL, Monday.—There is a slightly ] jetter tone in the market to-day, though the volume )f business is no greater probably. Theie i.-> an im- proved demand from users, who must have something to go on with. On the whole wool is held. Merinos are weaker than anything elSè I t) yams business is very quiet indeed, though the margin be- tween merchants' offers and spinners' puces seems to be lessening Prices uuchanged. -O,I;DUN POTATOES, Mouday.-A fair qnantity of produce on offer, and tra le generally qmet at the annexed quotations:—New English potatoes, Os to 0s Lisbons, 0s to 0s red 01 to 0, Old Bruce. 0d to 0s Dunbars, 0" to Os regents, OOstoOO-i per ton other kinds, Os to Os per cwt., ¡ mai .crops, 70s to 90s white, 008 to 00s; Belgians, 00. to OOs per tou. Jersey (new), 0a Od to¡ OOs ditto oUlld, Os t, 0" Od per cwt; old potatoes, 008 to OOs per ton new (English), ODs to 00s snowdrops, 80s to 90s; magnums, 50:. to 701; kidneys, 60s to 70s abundance, OOs to 00s per ton blackl -nds, 45s. to 55s; main crops. 70s to 90, <-ham, io is, 00s to 00s impnÜ Irs, 50s to 65s and early roses, 553 to 70s other s,rts, (is to 0s French, Os Od to 00s 0,1. English p^toes: Hebrons. 70s to 80s; Wyatts kidney., 000 to 00-; finest quality, OOs to 00s Lisbons, 0s 0d to 0s C'lerbourgs, US to Os di'to flukes. Os to Os per cwt. Suttons. 00s to 00-. roun Is, 00s to 00s per ton punt.ns, 00s to 0"8

DO LGELLEY. BIBLK SOCIETY.—The annual meeting f the Bible Society wa hehl on Tiies'ay evening last lot. the Public Roo OB. The Rev John Lloyd, rector presided, and v\;is supported by rhc R-vs W. Hmt iu Jones, Jehu Williams, BA, M- Richard Barest, Air E G-ittiths, Revs Evan Roberts, J Li^welyu, Dr E. J its, and Mr R. Mills. Short addre-ses were delivere d by t- e Ciia'rman and other gei.tlemrii. DKBATING SÛcIETy-The weekly meeting of the Debating Society held m onnect'on ith the Cal, iiiistic Me !i < li-its w.s held niider the pre-idency of Mr O. O. Roberti, Board Seh'jol. The subject was The HOlls" of Commons and the House of Lords and rheir members." Photographs of several of the members were shown w.t ■ tn<: a:d of a lime light liot-rn skilfully manipulated by Mr R. C. Evans, Caxton House. THANKSGIVING SERVICES.—The harve.t tes.ivat serviees were held in the Parish Church on October 17th and 18th. On Wednesday at seven Evensong was sung in Welsh, and a st im«E pre ,ched by the Rev T. Lloyd, rector of Balu. Thursday at 8, a celebiation of the Holy Communion, at 10, We!sh service and eermon by Rev \V. Owen, rector of Llanelltyd, 11-30, English service and sermon by Ven. Archdeacon Protheroe, of Aberystwyth, at 7-30 Welsh Evensong and sermon by Rev Evan Dwies. Llaullechrid. In the afiernoon at 3-30 an organ recital was given by the orgauist, Mr M. W. Griffiths, Mus. Bsc., who played some choice selections from Mendelssohn, Handel, Dolbruch, BaclI, etc. Sacred solos were also rendered by Miss Madge Roberts, and the Rev Henry Jones, St Asaph. The former give a very fine rendering of "Entreat me not to l ave thee (Gounod). The services were choral throughout, and amongst others, the Rector, Rev. Lloyd, Rev Henry .Jon;-8, and Rev D. Lloyd Jones, Amlwc i. took part. The singing was very hearty. The decorations were effectively carried out by Miss Richards, Caerynwch the Misses Jones, Bryncerw. and the Misses Marshall. COMPLIMENTARY CONCERT.—On Friday evening, a complimentary concert was given in the Public Rooms to Mr Robert Davi s, the conductor of t ,e Wnion Competitive Choir, oa the success he nas attained in that position lately. The vocalists were Miss Jennie Roberts, R.A.M. (Corwena); Miss Maggie Prichard, Dolgelley Mr Tom Thomas, Wrexham; Mr Edward Lloyd, Llanuwchllyu and Mr Griffith Pietce, Dol- gelley. The concert was good throughout. This was the first appearance of Miss Roberts at Dolgelley, and, undoubtedly, she made a mark. She has a capital voice which she uses with effect. In her first song, My Dearest Heart, she wus encored. The vigour and spirit with which she sang this song e iught the audience, and made her exceedingly popular. In the coming April she has been engaged to siug at a concert at Brynmawr, with Mr Edward Lloyd, Loudon, Miss Meredith Elliot, and Signor Foli. Mr Tom Thomas also came out exceedingly well. Mr Thomas had the advantage of having won a good name h"re before, which he increased this time. The rendering of The Holy City," was beautiful, and really so, were all his songs. He possesses a splendid tenor voice, which he uses to good advantage. Miss Maggie Prichard sang Uncle John," with good effect and was encored The following was the programme:—Glee, "All To- gether Rise and Sing," the Wnion Male Voice Party violin solo, L'Eleeante," Mr R. H. Lloyd duett, Mae Cymru'n Barod ar y Wys," Messrs E. Lloyd and Gritfith Pierce; song, "My Dearest Heart," (Sulivan), Miss Jennie Roberts (encored), and sang in response" Golden Love"; ?ong, "bry Lee," Mr Tom Thotnas (encored), and sing in response, Moria ong, "Uncl^- John "Miss Maggie Prichard, (encored) soug, Y Llongiidrylliad," Mr Edward Lloyd glee, Gweddi Gwraig y Meddwyn," (Dr Parry), the Wniou Choir song, Teach me Thy Way," Miss Jennie Roberts (encored), and sang Neges y Blodeuyn song, "The Holy City," Mr Tom Thomas (eucored), and sang, "The Sailor's Grave"; song, Cymru Fydd," Miss Jennie Roberts song, Llwybr y Wyddfa," Mr Tom Thomas solo aud chorus, Hear the Mighty Music" (introducing "Rule Britannia," British Grenadiers," and God Save the Queen"), the Wnion Choir. The hall was well filled, and it is understood that a good benefit was made out of it. All the arrangements we'e under the superintendence of Mr Caradoe Evans, Frondirion, the secretary of the Choir, who was indefatigable in his efforts to make the concert a success, and he is to be complimented on the able manner with which he managed everything. LOCAL BOARD, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23RD.-Present Mr Francis Evans, vice-chairman, presiding Messrs John Edwards, Richard Richards, Humphiey Morris, David Meredith, and Dr John Jones. Mr Barnett, acting clerk, and Mr William Jones, surveyor. Public Lijfhting.—Mr Richards called attention to the insufficient lighting of Pacidy Rodyn, and asked the Board to take some steps for the proper lighting of the plaee.-Di John Jones suggested that Mr Denn s be written to with regard to the imtter.—The Surveyor understood that gas pipes would be laid there in a short time.—Dr John Jones proposed that the Clerk write to Mr Dennis respecting the matter.—Mr Richards seconded, and it was agreed to. Eh'-tric Lighting Platit, -The Acting Clerk said that nothing further hid been received from Mr Nicholson, with regard to the removal of the electric lighting plant, or respecting the Board's refusal of his termi.- Mr G. Owen observed that the poles and wires, in the present state, were a danger.—The Chairman suggested that the Clerk write to Mr Nicholson, asking him to remove the poles and wires forthwith, otherwise the Board would do so at his expense. Glyndwr Street.—The Clerk reported that he had written to the Rev. O. Jones and others in Glyodwr- street with regard to the paving of it but no reply had been received.—Dr John Jones observed that the street was in a very bad con- dition, and it should be improved. Tie suggested that the owners be again written to, asking them to meet the Board in the cost of the work, and that they be in. formed that the Board c u d compel them to carry out the work if they so (Itt-ire(I.-The suggestion was adopted. The Extinguishing of Lamp8. Dr Jones suggested that in future the light in the street lamps be turned off at 10 o'clock on Sunday nights, instead of 11, as at present. Light was not required af:er that time, and they could extend the lighting by a fortnight at the end of the season. The Chairman said the light was regularly put out at 10 o'clock near his house. The ligiits iu the ti.wu were the la-.t put out, couseqiiently it was late wheu they were extiugui thed.—Dr Jones said the matter had been mentioned to him, and he simply suggested it. Mr Edwards thought the matter h.d best be left to the end of the season, and this was agreed to. COUNTY COURT, MONDAY, OCTOBER 22ND.—Before his Honour Judge David Lewis. Judgment -During the hearing of the judgment summonses a defendant on being asked how mauy children he had, replied that he had four when Iv started, but might have five now if he was not bl ss-d wiui twiis. Iu another ctse a plaintiff said a d. iendant loved '.is wife better than his creditors, for he had given her a gold watch and had not paid his creditor*. Two cases were down for trial by Jury. butm one c se Mr Llovtl George, M.P. said he would dispense with that Jury, and Mr John Charles Hughes said he would dispense with the o:her. Claim for DanuvjtH —Richard Williams of Pandyrodvn, Dolgelley, sued Anna Eva Jones-Vaughan, wife of Major G-neral Jones-Vaughan, C.B., Brynygw in for £3 damages caused by defendant's fowls and a goat. Mr W. R. Davies appeared for plaintiff, and Mr Joan Charles Hufhea for the defendant. Mr Hughes'fstated that General Jones- V aughau left for command in India, an i Mrs Jones Vaughan left for France the clay after the s rvice of the summons. He therefore applied for ;vijounnnent, and intimate i that the action was commenced after the General had left.-J he Judge adjourned the case, with costs against the defendant unless it is proved that the action is vexatious. Davies v. Lloyd.—W. R. D-tvies, solicitor, Dolgelley brought an action for £ 15 15s against Jehu Llovd farmer, Llechwedd-du Bach, Harlech, for costs mcurred in preparation of two bills of sale and in I respect of a lic< asing appeal regarding the Belle Vue, Harlech. John Lloyd was stated to be the purchaser of the premises. The licence had 1>f;s, d by the magistrates, and an appeal was made to Quarter Sessions in 1891. It the first ins-ance Mr Humphreys acted as solicitor, hut on removal from the district, asked Mr Davies to take the matter up which he did. John I Lloyd was the surety for costs, and deposited £25 with Mr D vies. The appeal was unsuccessful. Thomas Hughes who was hopelessly involved iu debt, it was s'a'ed, had absconded, and the question to be tried was who was to pay the CJHlS. Mr J. Bryn Roberts, M.P., »pf«ired fur the plaintiff, and Mr Lloyd Geo* ge, M.P., for tl.e defendant. The hearing of the case la ted SeVi ral hours, aud there were veiy few points of public interest. -1f J. Wordsworth, managing clerk to Mr W. R. Davies, and Mr Davies himself give evidence that Lloyd instructed them to prepare bills of sale and to go on with the appeal. Mr Lloyd George got a diary produced in which items relating to the matter were entered uuder the name of Hughes. I- a so app ar d that Mr Griffith Jones Humphreys appeared before the Penrhyn magistrates for Hughes the tenant, and that, as far as he went, he act d for Hughes in regard to the appeal. There were certain items which M, Lloyd George adm'tted were due by Lloyd himself. Mr Dalies contended, as regarded the diary, that the entry of Hughes was made by the Clerk, and wis simply to ear-mark the subject 01 the buainers, and n .t wh. was to be charged.—His Honour reserved judgment.

BARMOUTH, DISTINGUISHED VISITORS—Lord and Lady Hamptou aud family, London, are staying at Mr Edwards, 5, Marine-terrace. HARVEST.—On Monday last harves' thanksgiving services were held in all the Nonconformist Coapel-. Business was suspended in town, and all the meetings vVcre well attended. LKCTCRE. — At the Park Road C.M. Chapel the Rev H. Barrow Williams, Llandudno, delivered a lecture, ou "Keep t I the right," Cedwcli ar y due." Tile proceeds to go towaids l.quHat.iug the chapfl debt, l'he ch irmau was Evan Evans, We^'eya.i minister. PREACHING MEETING.—The Wssleyans hell their annual meeting on Wednesday and t'hu aday, October 17th and ISth, when the RevHllh Jones, Tregarth Richard Morgan, Birkenhead, S.inuel Parry Jones, Talsarnau. were the pieachcs. The two evening services were held in the C M. Chapel, leut for the occasion. HERRINGS.—One of the largest catches of herring- ever made off Barmouth took place last week, Three boats brought ashore over 40,000 fish. The nets were only spread for about out- hour and a half. Although the catch was heavy orders were received from various ports, and the herrii gs were all sent off by the early tuius. The weither being rough tne boats have not been able to go out since. MARRIAGE. — On Saturday at the Welsh Congrega- tional Chapel, Barmouth, by the Rev Rhys I. Huws, minister of the Chapel, assisted by the Rev E. Vaughan Humphreys, C M., William, third son of Captaiu Thomas Garnet, Glanaber-viilas, was married to Grace, daughter of the late Mr Griffith Owen, Llwyngloddallt, both of Barmouth. DEATH.—Last week the sad news of the death of Mr Morrow, civil engineer, at Buenos Ayres, was re- ceived at Barmouth. Mr Morrow was the son in-law of Mrs Ellis Jones, Craiguiynach. About months ago his only daug.it-r, vrho resided with her grand mother, died suddenly. It seems that the receipt of the sad and auddeu uews of her demi.-e was the cause of his death. A few years ago Mrs Murrow had to return home to Wales, the Southern climate being too trying for her. Short'y after her arrival ¡ she also succumbed to consumption. LOCAL BOARD, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19TH.—Present Rev E. Hughes (chairman), presiding; Messrs Owen Edwards, Meredith Evans, John Evans, David Davies, Edward Williams, W. J. Morris, — Owen. Mr G. W. PYÐUS. clerk Mr Blackburn, surveyor and Mr Owen OweD, clerk to the Water Works. Water Works.—Mr Thomas Roberts, C.E., Port madoc, attended thid adjourned meeting of the Local Boar.1 with reference to the Water Works question.— In reply to the Chairman, Mr Roberts said that he could not then give any idea of the cost for the completion of the Works, but would do so as soon as possible provided he had the vouchers and bills early. —Mr Davies thought it was Mr Roberts' duty to inform the Board of the probable cost before they passed a resolution.—The Chairman asked Mr Davies if he should put that question to Mr Roberts?—Mr Davies replying in the affirmative, the Chairman asked Mr Roberts if he did not consider it a put of iiis duty to tell the Board how they stood ?—Mr Roberts replied that he did not.—Mr John Evans proposed that Mr Roberts be instructed to forthwith prepare a full report on the condition and progress of the Works, and to also prepare an estimate for the completion of Works, and in order to enable him to do so that he be furnished with all pay sheets and vouchers, and a copy of the letter received from the Economical Life Assurance Society, and any other information that he may require.—Mr Owen seconded the proposition, and added that it was necessary that the Board should know the position they stood in, the inhabitants were also anxious to have this information.—Mr Davies did not agree with the proposition, and the Chairman asked him if it was on account of money matters. Mr Roberts would prepare the estimate free of charge. —On being put to the meetin, the proposition was unanimously agreed to. Stoppage oj the Water Works.—The Chairman, referring to this question, said that he would not be a party to the stoppage of the Works, as it was pregnant with disaster to the welfare of Barmouth.—He ex- pressed his views clearly the other evening when it was considered a matter of emergency to stop the Works, and he still adhered to his views then ex- pressed.—Replying to the Chairman. Mr Roberts said that the stoppage of the Woiks was a loss to the Prec.ution have to be tnkeu against floods, and certiinly more than three men would be required to do so.—Mr David Davies I should like to ask Mr Roberts one question. Is it money matters we look at ?—The Chairman You shall, presently. Mr Owen desires to ask a question first. We want to be regular to-day, or we shall be here until to-night.— Mr Owen If you leave the Works as they now stand, are they open to sustaining a deal of damage ? The Engineer: Yes. At the. Lakes.— Mr Owen: With regard to the protection there, is it a matter of gain or loss ?—The Engineer: A loss.—Mr Owen: Cm we curtail the works in any way ? Can we do with one filter, instead of thiee ?—The Engineer That you cannot do.—Mr Owen How often are they to be cleared ?—The Engineer I cannot tell until the water runs through.—Mr Owen (interrogatively) Once every six mouths ?—The Engineer I cannot say.—Mr Owen Say we cleaa it in the Spring.—The Engineer You can do that. sir.—The Chairman Is Ceilwart Water to be used during the cleaning of the filter beds.—The Engineer Yes.—Mr Owen How much will be saved by leaving one filter for a couple of years ?—The Engineer If you will let me, I will explain this in my report.—The Chairman Yes. Mr Owen only wishes to have some general information on the matter.—Mr Davies How far would you go on with the work of protection Trie Engineer Aa far as possible, of course —The Chair- man How high up would you take the wall ? Mr Davies means.—The Engineer: About six feet.—Mr Davies What is the cost of the contract now ?—The Engineer I cannot say.—Mr Davies (to the Board) This is it We have no money to go on with, and this work will cost about —The Chairman (to Mr Roberts) Do you hear that?—The Engineer Yes — The Chairman And you are not prepared to say any- thing with regard to that ?—The Engineer No. —Mr Davies When were you up at the Works last ?—The Engineer Last Monday week.—Mr Davies Did you notice the stones ?—The Engineer Yes but I can't answer any questions concerning them now. —Mr Davies You want; to keep us in tie dark ?—The Engineer; No. Not at all.-1r Uavies (to the Clerk of the Water Works) How much will the stones for the dam cost ?—Mr Owen Owen I cannot say. Mr Davies Are there sufficient ?—The Clerk to the Water Works About one-sixth.—Mr W. J. Morris We have gone on with the discussion to-day as far as we can. The ot er evening a resoluti >n «as passed to stop the Works. Now, this morning we have instructed the Engineer to prepare an estimate of the cost, and to report progress of the work.—The Chair- man (interrupting): 1 ruled t'le resolution at the meeting as being a matter of emergency.—Mr M iris (continuing) 1 say we have no option III the matter. Our circumstances are in such a state that we cannot pr. ceeri. I propose that the Works be not proceeded with.—The Cnairman And you adhere to the resolution of the other evening ? — Mr Morris Yes.— Mr J. Evans I see that a shipload of cement has arrived for the Works. What are we to do with it ? —The Engineer: Do anything with it-.—Mr Davies Mr Evans asked you about the cement, and you said do anything with it !—The Engineer Yes. The Local Board ordered it, and let the Local Board look after it.—Mr Morris When Mr Roberts prepares the e-timate we might be able to go on with the Works.— Mr Owen When can you furnish us witn the report, Mr Roberts?—The Engineer: In a week. (Hear, hear).—Mr Owen 1 think it will i-e very unwise to atop the Works without seeing Mr R' b nt's report. When we get it we will lie able t s e the position we are in. and also be en- iblcd to give an order for the stoppage or proceedure if the arks If we top them now, we might cause nirseivt s a great deal of loss, ami subsequently repent when it is too late.—Mr J. EvanB My feeling is the same as the other night—to go on with the Works, say four feet. There my be sufficient stones dressed for the purpose. Tney can get pipes and lead them, and stop the drain. Thai is my fet ling.—The Clerk to the Works Although there are stones there, it does not fellow that they are dressed fit for this purpose.— Mr Da vies Vi ha*, is the amr,unt of irionev we have in hand tit go on with the work.—The Chairman This is the pllut. If we f-t p the work to-day, we will be I running a gtvat de*l of risk. This (lay week we will ha e Mr Robert's repor'; then we will know how to pre- ce«d. — Mr Da ie We proceed we have no mon y. --Th" Chairman: I believe we have.—Mr Davies (warmly) Wait until you see the bills, then. I know we have not enough money to pay the workmen for next The Chairman (interrupting) The question under discussion is the stoppage of the Works. You must confine yours,.if to this question.—Mr Evans: The question b, are we going to s, op works or p: oc, ed? 1 propose that the works be proce-ded with until we have Mr Roberts's report.—The Clerk I would advise the Board not to stop such a gigant c undtrtaking, as the valley below might be flooded with an overflow from the Works, and 1',S8 of life mighc be Owen. I beg to second Mr proposition, although 1 think it is mine.—Mr E»'.»ns then gave i-i, and Mr Ow, n prep ise(I h;,t the Work- be proceeded with, and Mr Evans seconded. In reply 10 Mr Evaus, the Clf-rk to the Works said that n Wednesday, aft-r a little rain, an overflow was causfd at the lakes.—Mr Morris p.oposed that a number of tLc nlen at Bodllyu be stopped, and that the oth'r woiks b- clltil ely st Davies proposed th It tne Board adhere to the reolution passed at the meet'tig on T"es 'ay evening.—Mr Morris 'h>-rupoii alh" ed ITS prnp-ition to drop, and seconded Mr Da-ies.—Toe Ciiiiiriii.ii was on the point of put"'ng the pr p- sitions to the vote, when Mr Davies remarked tlvt a r solution on the hooks should be rescinded first. Ir was then put to th<* meeting iu a fornnl way an 1 carrie '.—-Toe -'vie' dment 'o stop th'1 Works cn the În!ln' in.! day ,1S rut to the 1lI.,ttlllg a.nd f',ur v(lted 'or j¡-IesI'S NJ"! I-i,, Wii iams, Edwards, and Davies —The o igiuai proposition to proceed with the Works un: 1 the E'-gi-ieei's report wa' submi ted, was then p t to the vote, and four voted for it. The Chairui -n ga- •• his c »-• ting vote ;11 favor of the propos-tioT', whicn w#s c->rri"d. The. (^rtnlra<-tcr\< Claim—J'h Clerk explained that M> A. V\ i I:nnis' el im for £ 1,118 w,i» «djourned for the .>t'f • d .i, -t of Mr Roberts at he Board. There was a'so a let ev from Mr Wdiian-s's, folicitor, which he had -eceived, claiming the above amoti iit.Nlr Mortis pro- posed that the Board resolved itself intoConlmiltee. --The Chai- man aske t he 01 rk's opinion up'm the matter. -The Clerk lepli. d that there was a probability of a '•'wsuit, and a discussion of that nature should be private. Mr M. Evans s c mde l the prop sition.—Mr 1) -\i- as an amendment, proposed that the discus-ion should be given publicity. — Mr Evpns seconded.—The Chairman observed that if there was a probability of a lawsuit he agreed with the proposition. It wou)d bj unwise to let Mr A. Wi liams know what they intended doing —The anPltcLnent was then pot up and two only voe; for it, and the proposition was carried.

LLANELJLTYD. If.MtvKsT THANKSOIVIXO KKKVICRS.—These services com- menced at Ganlhvyd Church on Monday evening:, October 15th. There was an English service at (j p.m. when the Rev J. Lhyd, rector of Doljrelley, preached an appropriate sermon, and a Welsh service at 7.15 1).111. when the new Vicar preached. Prayers were said by the Rev J. E. Williams and the Vicar, and the English lessons by Mr C. R. Williams, Dolmelynllyn. Both services were very fairly attended. On Tuesday, at 8 ,m., there was celebration of Holy Com- munion at the Parish Church, and a Welsh service at 10. the preacher being the Vicar. The English service com- ll1ellœd at p.m. when the Rev E. Hughes, rector of Bar- inouth, preached an impressive sermon to a 1:I.rg-e congre- gation. At Evensong a powerful sermon was ddiveretl by the Rev E. B. Thomas, rector of Trawi>fYllytld, to a crowded congregation. The following clergy were also present at the various services The Revs F. Watkin Davies, D. R. Lewis, J. Lloyd, and J. E. Williams. The church was tatefnlly decorated for the occasion by Mrs Cattermole and Nii-s Griffith, Maesybryner. Flowers were kindlv supplied by Miss Lloyd, of Hengwrt, Mrs Griffith, of Glyn, and Mrs Griffith, Maesyhryner. Mr R. Hug-hes Williams ably pre- sided at the harmonium. The offertory was on behalf of the church expenses.

Gwilym Evans' Quinine Bitters the Vrg table Tonic. Be Careful When buying Gwiiym Evans' Quinine Bitters, carefully examine the same, aud by following the Directions see for yourselves that you get the right article. Do not be persuaded to accept any substitute for it. S.dd in Is. ld., '2s. iid 49, 6d. bottles; or in c., es, containing three 4s. fid. bottles, at 12s. 6 L per case, oJ all Chemists, or direct from the Proprietors, Carriage Free hy Parcel Post Sole j Proi rie ors QUININE BITTERS MANUFAC- TUBING CO, LTD., Llanelly, S. Wales. $usitt £ ss -ctbbrcBseii. ABERYSTWYTH. HCJdHKS & OWEN, Saddlers, Gr at Da > kg ate Street, Aberystwyth, WISH to call attention to their stock ¡ V of Saddlery goods including Harness of all kind. Riding s addles, Portmanteaus, Gladstone bags, Lawn tennis, and Gulf I- (IL-lisit- S. Note the addre-s, HUGHES & OWEN, SADDLERS, ABERYSTWYTH. hipping. -7. THE STEAMER COUNTESS OF LISBURNE WILL LOAD AT IB Pt I S TO L. ON FRIDAY, NOV. 9th. CUNARD LINE. FIVE AND A HA.LF DAY PASSAGES ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS FROM LIVERPOOL LING AT QUEENSTOWN. -? £ ■ j j I ¡ FOR NEW YORK. [OR HOSTO.V. ETRl'RIA sac ucc. 27 CiSPTHajjUaia..Thur., Oct. '26 CAMPANIA S;it. "Nov. 3 BOTHNIA Thur., Nov. 1 UMI'.RIA Sat.Nov. J10 CATALONIA Tnur., Nov. S UMI'.RIA Sat.Nov. J10 CATALONIA Tnur., Nov. S SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATION at moderate fares for FJ RST and SECOND Class Passengers also through to nHl NA. JAPAN, NEW ZEALAND, and AUSTRALIA STEERAGE PASSENGERS to all parts of America and Canada at low rates those by Boston Steamers booked to New York without extra charge. CUNARD STEAMSHIP COMPANY, LIMITED, 8, Water Street, Liverpool ¡' nil TO THRIR AGENTS, GEORGE DAVIS, T Bridge Street, Aberystwyth j. R. W. JONES, BARMOUH business Jtbtesses ABERYSTWYTH. v TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT 13, PIER STREET, ABERYSTWYTH DAVID JAMES. Suitings, Coating, f si-rings, &c., in tke best fashion ir- <<-• prices. Oricknt.ing and Bo^un^ >un.s to order on th-, iShoj-'ft.-t Nut >■• MILL STR • E 1', SHOEING AND JOBBING FORGii. Private Addrtcsd- 14, B R I D G K T R BET. W. H. HOLLIER BEGS to announc that he lias opened the abov- t, rt hopes hy s n t 1 ten ion to hnsiuc's, and by keeping good. exp' .»• Workmen, to merit a share oi your esteetne Pil, 0, "ge All kinds of repairs to Agricultural Implements and Domestic Machinery Conking Ranges. — Hot and Cold Water and St'a n Fitting* fixed and rep sired. Gates, Hurdles, and 0 munt ntal Palisading made an i fixed. All Material* used of the b quality. Moderate prices.-N. s shod at any time for the convenience of cust'in^ers ■ N- PORTMADOC. PATRONISED BY A H.M. TIIE t;t;r.i-:N RICHARD NEWELL, Purveyor of Meat, Cc-M.al Hnii.linsrs. Portmadoc. Brl\llehl:: -1, St. Ann's Square, 1, "'1' (adjoin- Ins; the Cors.vjredol Hotel), and 12, Hi«h srr ct, Criceii-th (opposite the New Church), The Central Storws, .M:u-Puilhuli. HAVING recently enlarged the Premises at PortmnJee, and secured Cold Storage, I am enabled to have a Constant Supply of Prime Beef (Lamb, Veal, and Pork when in season), and the celebrated four-year old real Welsh Mountain Mutton, bred on the Snowdoniin, Cader, and Plynlimon rantres, selected and corn fed on the Lowlands, and all slaughtered on the Premises. A constant supply of Home-cured Hams and Bacon Agent foe Harries's (of Calne) celebrated Wiltshire Smoked Bueon. Try My Celebrated Sausages, made by Gardener's Simplex Silent Sausage Machine, driven by Water Power, thereby securing perfect cleanliness and thorough mincing throughout. oS05 LONDON. CARTREF ODDICARTREF. GWALIA'HOUSE, (PRIVATE HOTEL), 9, UPPER WOBURN PLACE TAVISTOCK SQUARE, LONDON W.C. Cab Fares to Paddington. London Bridge, Victoria and Waterloo Stations Is. 6d. Cab Fares to Euston, Midland, Kings Cross, Strand. St. James' Hall, and Principal Places of Amusements Is. Five Minutes' Walk from Euston Station, Midland. Kings Cross, and Gower Street Stations. PROPRIETOR: R. PRITCHARD, LATE PORTMADOC Telegraphic Address-" G WiNV A. fkl19 cx- MACHYNLLETH. WX P MOST SOOTHING. For Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough Take the Great Welsh Remedy "HUGH DAVIES'S COUCH MIXTURE." Its effect is wonderful in dissolving the phlegm, clearing the throat, warming the chest, and in speedily curing a cold. lnvaluable to Singers and Public Speakers. Sold by Chemists everywhere. HUGH DAVIES, CHEMIS^ MACHYNLLETH. 1,1JI1,b.'1.u. COLGELLEY. JAJMS B7MEE, FISHMONGER, GAME DEALER FRUITERER, &c., Bridge End House, DOLGELLEY, Constant supplies of various kinds of fresh fish, Game, &c., according to Season. ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO, And anything not on hand procured on the shorte?' hotic^. Ice always on hand, and supplied by tilt pound u. Upwards, tar Note t)ie Address Bridge End House, DoJjrel'iev. MR C. H. YOUNG'S PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIOS AT DOLGELLEV & TOWYN ARE WELL WORTH A VISIT. They contain the latest advantages and im- provements, and the work will be found fully equal to that produced by the BEST LONDON ARTISTS. Very largp, selectiou of Views, and Requisites for the use of Amateurs. BMgMiar—-nm——— xjeivttstm DENTISTRY. MR A. C. POWELL, L.D.S., R.C.S., Licentiate Dental Surgeon of the Royal College of Surgeons, The Cottage, 35 Tecrace Road, Aber- ystwyth, late of 10 Portiand Street. Attendance daily from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m Mr Powell will visit Machynlleth on the first and third Wednesdays in each mouth, at Mr Marpole's Maengwyn Street Lampeter on the rirst and third Fridays in each month, at Mr Roderick Evaus, Ci'icmist. Siaredir Cymraeg. Consultations free. Mr Powell has an opening for a pupil. ESTABLISHED 1S57. MESSRS. MURPHY & ROWLEY,! SURGEON DENTISTS, j Corner of TEH RACE LiOAD | And CORPORATION STREET ABERYSTWYTH. 'I Mr ROWLEY w'-i MACHYNLLETH-The Fi st & Uml Wednesdays in each nif litil. At^mdanee frorn 2 tlJ a o'c!oc! at Mr Hughes's, Dovey tne R-iiivsay Stucion. TOWYN. — The Second < I'ourtu Friday* in cach month. Attendance f'or(i o !() £ o'clock at i\Irs Jones's, 43, Higii-s 'reet, nt.tr 'he Railway Station. LAMPETER.—The First & Third Fridays in month. Attendance from 11 t, 4 at Mr Evans's, Grocer, Moelfrc House, High-street. ABF,RAY RON. -Tli Second & Fourth Wednesdays in each month, from 10 to 2 o'clock. Attendance at Mr David Beyuon Rees's, la, Marker-street. I CONSULTATIONS FREE !■ lWIMlUBiWH mmiWKIUMMM <1 will 11 I ll'IH'm Will PORTMADOC. AIR SURGEON DENTIST, PORTMADOC, MAY BE CONSULTED at BARMOUTH, the Firjt and Third THURSDAY iu rvery month, at Mr Jones', draper, Meiiion House (opposite the Bal month Hotel), from 12 till 6 p.m. BALA, at Mr David Jones', saddler, every SATURDAY and FAIR DAYS from 10 till 5 p.m. PWLLHELI, every WEDNESDAY, at Mr Parry's, watchmaker, 12 till 4 CRICCIETH, at Llyscaradoc, every WED- NESDAY from 4.30 till 7 p.m. CORWEN, first FRIDAY in each month and FAIR DAYS, at Mr Edwards, cooper, from 11 'ill 5 p.m. n470 j 4 ^htsiitess JTobrcsses. ABERYSTWYTH. HAIR DRESSING TL WHAT LOOKS NICER THAN A BEAUTIfuL HEA n OF HAIR. A. JOINS ON, Speciftlist for Fringes, Wigs, Partings, and Lengths of Ha r. Best w 19r k at lowest prices. OJ ly exp"-ienced workmen kept. LaDIKS COMBINGS, tastetully made up eng h. of hilir at moderate prices. I'AHCKLS of sent on 'jproval. Any shade made on the shoitest notice. Try uur NotKl HAIR. COLOUR RESTORER for darkening givy hair. Numcons test'inonies. A(tF.NT FOR SPROCKS RAZORS. LADIEs AND GENTLEMEN X A LOONS:— 14. P I fi R STREiuT, ABERYSTWYTH. FIRST (JLASS H ATRTJUESSING ESTABLISHMENT, 23, LITTLE DARKGATE STREET, (COHN^MALIKET) ABERYSTWYTH. SHAMPOOING AND HAIRBRUSHING BY MACHINERY. PROPRIETOR W. PERCIVAL WETTON, PROFESSIONAL HAIRDRESSER. PIANOS NEW AND SECOND-HAND LOWEST PR WE8. CALL AND SEE W. K. WHEATLEY & SONS, ABERYSTWYTH. H P. EDWARDS, BEGS to call the attention of the Public to JD his Stock of Meat— BEEF, MUTTON PORK, lEAL, Beit Quality of Meat kept, at the Lowest Market Price. 34, GREAT DARKGATE STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. Anti Cholera" AERATED WATER, SUGGESTED BY I A LEAPING PHYSICIAN I NAME GiVEN ON APPLICATION. I MAY BE OBTAINED AT JOHINES' RHBIDOL AERATED I WATER MANUFACTORY, I ABERYSTWYTH. [1l91 IMPORTANT NOTICE. OFFICE AND RAILWAY STATION CIJAL YARD, ABERYSTWYTH. J. JENKIN JONES. \VIIOI.K«ALE AND RKTATL GENERAL MERCHAN T, HAS always for Sale the be<t selection of COALS. viz., C^.M)V,K ^HASE, RUABON, SOUTH WALES, anrl other Coals at very low prices. Truck Loads supplied at Colliery prices Also the best HAY, LIME, BRICKS, PIPES, &c., at the lowest prices. Sole Agent for the celebrated Ch.itterley Briquettes; most economical fuel. Can be obtr.ined in quantities at one cwt. anchiDw.ird9. JTWEBSDELL, FLORIST AND MARKET GARDENER, ABERYSTWYTH, AND YNYSLAS. WREATHS AND CROSSES MADE TO ORDER. BOXES OF CHOICE CUT FLOWERS FROM Is. UPWARDS. CHOICE TABLE PLANTS FOR SALE AND HIRE, All communications to be addressed 9, CAMBRIAN COTTAGES. AB^KYHTVYYTH 052J ABERAYRON. HOWELL & SON, ABERAYRON. SEASON GOODS. NORRINGXOIVS SUPERPHOSPHATE AND ROOT JILtNUIES. A LARGE STOCK OF BARBED vVIRE. WIKE NETTING. r DOLGELLEY. THE MERIONETH STEAM CARRIAGE WORK1"5- DOLGELLEY, N.W. Manufacture all kinds of Cavmc-ics. Dogear' Floats, Spring and Agrisnlturul at 1110> t bSOU- able prices. Only the best work turned out; no scamping. Repairs of ull kinos. A large elcctiou a)-rays on hand. -1

TRUE AND FALSE ECONOMY. CAN I AFFORD IT ?—Many people mistako a false for a true economy. Good economy takts care of the pence, letting tne pounds take c.rc of themselves;" bad economy is I- ;L p-,iiiiy wise and a pound foolish." True ecinomy is careful to make the stitch in time which saves nine false ec momy ri-ks the loi-s of a valuable horse for the viant of a nail in a horse shoe, or the lo-s of a fine ship f,;r the want of a pennyworth of tar. In all matters of economy the test question sh;¡uld ah.ays be, C,LO I afio"L it?" For instance, when suffering from any ailment, ask yotirst If, Can j I afford to let this slight cold or little cough develope into asthma, chronic bronchitis, or consuiiintioti ? Can I afford to let this iitt'e want of appetite deepen into indigestion, flatulence, or dys,-)epsia., Can I afford to let this out of sorts" feeling which I suffer fro'n occasionally to settle into a confirmed melancholy ? Can I idl'ord to b t my wife grow weaker day by day under household burdens, or my child, who is now ouly a little delicate, run the risk of being obliged to succumb entirely, or can I my- self afford to run the r sk <f breaking down entirely and giving up my work, all for the want of a little pre- caution ? When you are told that the excellent prepuation known as Gwilym Evans' Quiniue Bitters, which is acknowledged to b- t'!e best tooic remedy ever discovered, would enable vou to avoid all these dangers, the question should not be, Can I afford it ?" but Can I afford to be without it, In m.t cA-,e3 common seuse wili tell you that you CANNOT afford to be nithout it. that you CANNOT afford to run the risk you are now running, while so valuable a remedy as Gwilym Evans' Quinine Bitters is at hand. Each bblespoonful of this preparation contains a full dos? of Quinine, and a suitable quantity of tin active principles of thp fullowing well-known medicinal herbs Sarsaparilla, Gentian, Bu-dock, Saffron, Lavender, and Dandelion. combined in most happy proportions, and c:noentrated in a pure state, as well as being scientifically prepared to be suitable to all ages, at all seasons of the year, and forming a Tonic Bitters positively unequalled. If you suspect that your Health is beginning to fail, brace up your Nerves, and fortify your Constitution by taking a course of ihis excellent Tonic.