HARLKCH ST. DAVID'S GOLK LINKS. — The forthcoming meeting j will be attended by Mr John Bdl, Junior (amateur chanipinnl, the Hon. Harold Finch Hatton (presidf-nt of the C.ub). Mr Mure Fergus- n, Mr C. Hatchings, the H"n. Sto innnt Finch Hatton, and other hading golfers. In addition to the silver cup given by the President, and gold medal presented by toe Club, to be .competed for on the 2nd aud 3rd November, a silver bowl will be given by members of the Club for the bes; score en the 1st November, All competitions a>e op^n to amateur members of any i golf club.

ABERAYRON. THE STKAM PACKET Co.-It is reported that at a general meeting of owners held on Friday, Oct. 18th, Dr Williams presiding, it was resolved to sell the 8.B. "laothe THANKSGIVING SERVICES.—The united thanksgiving services of the Nonconformists o: the town were held on Wednesday evening, and Thursday, Octuber 16th and 17th, at the Baptist. Wesleyan, Congrega iorral, and Calvinistic Methodist chapeis. The attendanje was exceptionally large. Most of the resident ministers took part. PRESENTATION.—At Penicl ConL),regational Chapel on Monday evening, Mr James Williams, master of the British School, was presented with a valuable hirmonium on the occasion of his marriage, in recogni- tion of his services as choir leader at the said chapel. The Rev William Evans presided. The opportunity was taken advantage of by the British School staff to present to Mr Williams a handsome clock on their behalf and on behalf of the children, as a token of their good wishes. lis Kate Jones, Lima House, assistant mistress, made the presentation and spoke a few appropriate words. Speeches were delivered by the Chairman, the Rev E. Morris, and others, and songs were rendered by M'S Rees. Mrs Jones and others. Many complimentary references to Mrs Williams, who is a daughter of Mrs Jones, Pengarreg, were made in the course of the addresses. OBITUARY.—On Sundav morning last, Captain D Williams, Aeron Maid, died at his residence Taber- nacle-street, after only one day's illness, at the age of 77. Up to Friday evening he followed his usual occupation at the Abaay rou Steamship Company's offices. Here he got into c. ntact with a large consti- tuency of country and town people, who greatly deplore the loss occasioned by his death. Last week the death of the last ship builder was chronicled. By the death of Captain WTilliams one of the last of the race of the old sea captains is removed. He was a deacon of the Calvinistic Methodist church, and the father of the Rev D. R. Williams, of Cruglas, Swansea. The funeral took place on Thursday. The Rev John Thickens, pastor of the Tabernacle church, preached the funeral sermon at the Tabernacle, whither the body was conveyed. At Henfynyw churchyard the service of the Church of Englaud was disposed, the provisions of the Burial Act, 1880, having been made use of. He is mourned for by a wide circle of relatives, friends, and neighbours, who cherished a very high opinion of his integrity and piety. BOARD OF GUARDIANS. Present Mr Evan Jones, Feathers Hotel, chairman Messrs Enoch Thomas, Llanina, and Daniel Jenkins, Llanfihangel Ystrad, vice chairmen Messrs Evan Williams, Cilie Aeron J. W. Davies, Cydphvyf J. C. Jones, Llanarth Jenkin Jenkins. L'anbadarn Trefeplwys and Morgan James, Llaneich >eron. S tati alios.—LI a n s a n t f r e a d district, per D. Jones, R.O., out-relief administered du ing the past fortnight, E35 6s 6d to 141 paupers, conesponding period last year, £ 36 13s 6d to paup rs. Llandisilio district, per D. Davies, R.O., out-reli. f administered during the past fortnight, £ 35 4s 6d to 149 paupers, ^correspond- ing period last year, £ 38 13s Od to 170 paupers, Number of inmates, 14 corresponding period last year, lJ. Vagrants relieved during the fortnight, 75 corresponding period last year, 76. Orphan Children of Croeshe(I(I;fl, fit ch. -The, Clerk reported that John Davies, Cro, slilddigfach, had paid the whole amount of the Guardians claim of £7 2s. for out-relief and other expenses connected with the cases of Mary Anne and Elizabeth Griffiths, orphan children now residing with him.—It was resolved that the order of removal of the children to Pontypool Union be not executed. HIGHWAY BOARD.—Mr J. C. Jones, Llanarthv chairman. Subsidence oj road near Tycam .-A committee con- I sistmg of Messrs J. C. Jones. Samuel Evans, Morgan JameB, Enoch Thomas, Morgan Evans, J. W. Davies, E. Jones, and J. Daniel Jei kins were appointed to consider how best to repair the subsidence in the highway road near Tycam, Giltachreda.

PENH HODEUDitAETH. BOARD OF GUARDIANS, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23RD., -Present: Mr Owen Jones, vice-chairman, presiding Cadr. Roberts, Robert Jones, Win. Powell, Humphrey Jones, and Rees Roberts, Festiniog Howell G. Powell, Beddgelert; Rev D. Owen, Llanbedr Morgan Joues, Llanfrobhen Morgan Jones, Ynysoynhaiam; Richard Roberts, Trawsfynydd Mr Thomas Roberts, clerk, and Mr D. Jones, assistant clerk. Superannuation Alloiiiaiiees. -A communication from the Union Clerk's, and National Poor Law officers Associations, Kensington, London, with regard to the provision of superannuation allowances to Poor Law officers, and for contributions towards such allowances by such officers, and other relative provisions, was received. Proposed Trained Nurse for the Hotise.-The Clerk said that in accordance with toe suggestions of Mr Bircham at the last meeting, he had written to hospitals in Birmingham, Liverpool, and Manchester, applyiug for a trained nur e for the workhouse. He had received replies from Birmingham and Liverpool, stating that they had no one. He received a com- munication from the Northern Association of Trained Nurses. Manchester, stating that they would have one ready next month. The sdary required would be jE22 per annum, with a yearly increase of ;C2.-An applicatioa for the post %as al-o received from Miss Pritchard, Llan Fest niog, at a yearly salary of £ 35.— Mr Cadwaladr Roberts proposed that Miss Pritchard be engJged. Captain M. Jones, Ynyscynhaiarn, suggest-d that the applications- be deferred to the next, Board.—Mr Cadwaladr Robens fell in with the suggestion, and allowed his proposition to drop. The suggestion was adopted. The Clerk" 3S also directed to apply for testimonials from Miss Pritchard, and from the Association. Jlouse Committees e Clerk read the re- 1. port of the House Committ e which met on Friday for the purpose of considering the suggestions of ,VBr Bircham, and further to consider the report ot Dr Frere, the Commas oner in lunacy. Mr Lloyd, | architect, Portmadoc, also attended, and submitted the plans of the proposed alterations at the House. Mr Lloyd was asked to make a few alterat,o,)R in the plans and again submit to the Committee. Mr Lloyd was also asked to again visit theH >use with reference to the drains.—The report was adopted.

-u_ HOUSEHOLD ACCIDENTS. These are occurring hourly. Either a child is burnt or scalded, its linger cut or bruised, perhaps bit.toiu by a dog, scratched by puss, or it may be a t-dl a •strain, or one of the thousand vexatious troubles cropping up in the home, in the the stable, the hunting field oarracks, on ship. board, tlie playground and m the sportlllg; world- from cycle to steeplechase. It is HOMOCL shines. Apply in all cases freely, and in a very short time all pain is allayed and lieaun begins. Any night baby may have an attac of :roup, and just a quarter teaspoonful given internally acts like a charm; also tor ruabmg the throat and chest HOMOCEA is mdiil. Again, what father or mother does not know what it is to be awakened by a child crying with earache or toothache. Fill the ear with BOMOCEA, or rub the gums, and if the tooth is decayed, put. ILOMOCEA. in, and the business is done. Mr. J. W. C. FEGAN, from "The Boys' Home," 95, Southward Street, London, S.E., Says: "Iknow no preparation like Illomocea" for general usefulness in an institution like this. I have thoroughly tested it by personal application, and amongst our boys, for all kinds of pain and accidents; IT DOES ALL that it is guaranteed to do, and we would not be without it here on any account. It is not only a wonderful lubricant, but strongly antiseptic, and relives inflammation and pain almost instan- taneously. Personally I cannot express my thankfulness for it. I have used it for all kinds of ailments during the last eight years here, and at sea, and in Canada. For stiffness, sprains, muscular rheumatism, sore throat, mosquito bites, &e., it is a real boon, and no praise can be too high for it. No one need be afraid to use it for even the most tender part, or even on raw C-h. I have frequently used it for my eyesight with much benefit. I have always kept •IIJPPACEA' (the veterinary preparation) for stable use. For sore bocks, broken heels, &c., it is a grand specific." Remember that HOMOCEA subdues inflammation and allays irritation almost as soon as applied for it | "TOUCHES TIIE SPOT." All wholesale houses stock IIOMOCEA. It can be obtained from Chemists and others at Is. ld. or 2s. ltd. per box, or will be sent by post for Is. 3d. and 3s. frnm the wholesale agency, 21, Hamilton ( Souare. Birkenhead. $TTSRINCSS JUilircsscs ABERYSTWYTH. ESTABLISHED 1815. OWEN, JJAKERS & QONFECTION'ERS 21 VTORTH pARADE. j REDUCTION IN BREAD- } 41b. LOAF for 5d. F, BENNISON, FISHMONGER, &c., LISBURNE HOUSE, 29, TERRACE ROAD. FRESH FISH daily, caught by our own boat in the Bay. Fresh Salmon from'the Teify, Severn, and other rivers. Ice always on hand. Homers' clotted cream and cream cheese. AGENT FOR HEDGE'S ROYAL CAMBRIDGE SAUSAGE. POSTING STABLES, NEWFOUNDLAND STREET, (next to the Public Baths), ABERYSTWYTH. HORSES AND CARRIAGES FOR HIRE by the day or hour Phaetons, 2s. and 2s. 6d; per hur; Waggonettes, Close Carriages, &c., 2s.6d. per hour. — — REA'S STORES 48, TERRACE ROAD, ABERYSTWYTH. FIRST ARRIVAL OF NEW China Tea —SPECIAL VALUE- 1/10 per lb. SOFT AND MELLOV IN CUP. This is the Tea so strongly recommended by the late Sir Andrew Clark. REA'S STORES, 48, TERRACE ROAD, ABERYSTWYTH. COCKLE'S PILLS, < COCKLE'S PMLS. o COCKLE'S PILLS. In universal use since the dawn of the century. A tried and trusted family medicine, prescribed by medical men for the common ailments of every- day life, such as ACIDITY- HEARTBURN. INDIGESTION. BILIOUSNESS. SICK HEADACHE. DISORDERED LIVER. These famous Pills will keep you in perfect health the stomach clean, the bowels free, the liver active, the head clear, and the skin and complexion pure and free from blemish. IN USE FOR 92 YEARS. COCKLE'S PILLS. COCKLE'S PILLS. • COCKLE'S PILLS. II Cockle's Pills arc purely vegetable— warranted free from mercury. May b: kail throughout vh? United Kingdom. in Boxes at l 1 d nG. 45. 'VI.. 1 IS, and :;5 4. Great Ormond Street, London, W.C.. k v u t Bernese JLBIIREJGSCS I ABERY81W YTH. G. WILKINSON, EGG MERCHANT, SEEDSMAN, FRUITERER, &c.! A DAILY SUPPLY OF BEST FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. CUPKOLEIE Weed Destroyer, Fatal to all kincJ* of Weeds. Sold in QUANTITIES of four gallons and upwards. AlaI ge Stock OF Flower Pots in all sizes frsm 2oin. tc- 20in., 2s 6d per cast. G. W. devotes special attention to the EGG TRADE, And is open to buy Eggs in any quantity at top priee.—Farmers and others having any to dispose of are requested to write for terms. GYDE, PHOTOGRAPHER, PIER STREET, FOR the largest and best Selection of Views. GYDE, PHOTOGRAPHER, FOR Artistic Portraiture in every style. A large variety of specimens always on hana E. R. GYDE, PIER STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. DAVID ROBERTS, ABERYSTWYTH, BEGS TO CALL ATTENTION TO HIS T3 A T iTH ALE WHICH CAN NOW BE OBTAINED IN BOTTLE. THIS ALE IS OF SUPERIOR QUALITY, AND IN FINE CONDITION. COLONIAL STORES. TERRACE ROAD (CLOSE TO THE MARINE PARADE), T. EVANS & Co., GROCERS AND PROVISION MERCHANTS. MACKENZIE & MACKENZIE'S BISCUITS. CROSSE & BLACKWELL'S JAMS, JELLIES, LAZENBY'S PICKLES AND SOUPS. AND PICKLES. CHEDDAR AND OTHER CHEESE. HARRIS'S WILTSHIRE HAMS AND BACON- TOBACCO AND CIGARS. NEW LAID EGGS AND BUTTER FROM THE FARM DAILY. A TRIAL SOLICITED. NOTE THE ADDRESS— COLONIAL STORES, TERRACE ROAD. n668 mH SAMUEL ALLSOPP & SONS, LIMITED BEG TO GALL ATTENTION TO THEIR SPECIAL STOUT, w HICH, as well as their EAST INDIA PALE and other Ales, can now be obtnine either in Cask or Bottle from any Dealer or Orders for same in Cask if sent to OFFICE— HAMPTON H O U S E, RAILWAY TERRACE, ABERYSTWYTB WILL RECEIVE 1MMEDIATR ATTENTION LAMPS. LAMPS. LAMPS. M. H. DAVIS & SONS HAVE RECEIVED A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF LAMPS FOR THE SEASON. THEY HAVE ALSO CONTRACTED WITH A LEADING AMERICAN FIRM FOR A LARGE SUPPLY OF GENUINE 'Royal Daylight' Petroleum. RETAIL OR WHOLESALE ORDERS DELIVERED PROMPTLY WREXHAM IS NOT WHAT WE SAY But what Francis's Balsam actually does, that tells the Story. The great volume of evidence in the form of testimonials prove beyond a doubt that FRANCIS S Be Sure to Get BALSAM. FRANCIS'S = CURES COUGHS, COLDS, (f: BR O-IITCIIITIS. What "CAD V AN" Says: For several years I have frequently used FRANCES BALSAM in cases of COLD and SEVERE HOARSENESS, and I can with pleasure bear testimony to its efficacy as a Medicine. In using soine remedies recommended in cases of Cold, I found that the temporary relief obtained was followed by an aggravation of the I complaint when I was exposed to the cold air. But whilst using FRANCIS'S BALSAM I have never felt myself so liable to take fresh culd. It is not a medicine which gives temporary relief but a permanent cure. Towyn, Merioneth. Yours truly, CADVAN Sold everywhere in Is. and 2s. 6d. Bottles. SOLE PROPRIETORS I FRANCIS & CO, Dispensing Chemists, l 53, HOPE STREET 22, TOWN HILL WREXHAM.

L. FASHIONABLE MARRIAGE. PRYSE HOWELL. On Tuesday afternoon the handsome church of All Saints, Enmstnore Gardens. London, 8. vv., was crowded with a very fashionable gather.ng, the occa- sion being the marriage of Mr Lewes Thomas Lnveden Pryse, t';i.d sm of Sir Pryse Pryse, Bart., of Goger- ddan, Llanbadarn Fawr, Cardiganshire, and Miss Florence Madeline Howell, daughter of Lieut-Col. Frederick Robe. t How, II, lite of the 3rd But. the Welsh R"gim»:nt (militia), of Trewell, Pembrokeshire, and 24. Enuisinore Gardens. London, S.W. Tiie service was fully choral, and the church beautifully decorated with tall palms and white flowers. There were six bridesmaids in attendance on the bride— Miss Stelia Howell, Miss Raclnc-1 Howell (sisters of the bride), Mia-t Winifred Thomas, 's Daisy Thoin IS (cousins of the bride), Miss Allen Olney, anti Mis-Thto Thomas. Thl y wore dresses of pate blue silk with long white chiffon and black velve "picture" hats, ornamented with ostrich feathers. They each wore a gold Fox brooch, and carried pretty no egays of yellow chrysanthemums, both the gifts of the bridegroom. Tin-re were also two little train- beare s—Master Frederick Howell (the bride's brother) and Miss Marian Erskine. They were dressed in pale blue plush con'umesof Charles 1. style, and the bride presented thun each with a merry-thought brooch and gold Fox pin. The Rev Rowley Lascelles, Rector of Lavington, Sus^r-x, the Rev E. Jones, Rector of Llanbadarn-Fawr, Cardigan, and the Rev J. H. Lewis, Reefer of South Normmton, Derby (uncle of the bride), officiated. The bridegroom was supported by his personal friend, Mr Nowell Lea, and L'eut.-Cc;.l. F. R. Howell gftve his daughter away. As the bride entered the church, accompanied by her train bearers and bridesmaids, who WHC grouped around her, a good photograph was takou, that being a very novel idea, and will tie quickly copied at other fashion- able events. The bride looked very well in her bridal gown of rich wh'te satin duchesse, draped with rare old rose-point lace (the gift of her mother) and full court t.-aill of the same satin. She also wore a tulle veil over a small ch^plet of orange blossoms in the IHir, the veil being fastened by a superb diamond butterfly (the bridegroom's gift), and she carried a large shower bouquet of choice white exotics, lilies of the valley, etc. After the ceremony, Mrs F. R. Howell held a h,ge reception at 24, Ennisrnore- gardens, London. Mr and Mrs Lewes T. L. Pryse left en route for Egypt, the bride's "costuma de voyage being a tailor-nude serge, with coat trimmed with velvet and sable collar and cuffs, with fur toque to match. The list of invited guests included Sir Pryse, L'uly Prys e, and Miss Pryse Mrs and Miss Thomas, Mr and Mrs Pryne (Lodge Park), Mr and Mrs John Thomas, Mr and Mrs David Thomas, Capt. and Mis Webley-Parry-Pryse, Mr and Mrs Moreton Thomas, Mr and Mrs Loxdale, Mr, Mrs, and the Misses Lewis Lloyd. Otterhead; Rev J. H. and Mrs Lev* is (South Norman ton), Mr George Pryse (Gogerddan), Mr aud Mrs Pryse-Rice, Mr and Mrs Leonard Tnoinas (Clifton) Mr and Mrs Arnold Thomas, Air, Mrs, and Miss Holford; Colonei, Mrs, and the Misses Leiveg, Llanlear; Major, Mrs, and the Misses Lewts (Tyglvn Aeron), Mr Vaugli,,t,i Pryse, tuci Miss Gibsou, Sir Francis and Lady Winnington, Mr and Mrs W. Nares, Mr and Mrs Robinson, the Marquis of Ely, Captain Phillips, Mr Newell Leu, Sir Pryce, Lady Pryce, and Miss Pryce-Jones; Mr and Mrs Edmond Erskine, Misses Marshal!, Mr Ralph Wedmore, Mrs John Bearcroft, Mr Hubert Arn strong, Mr \V, E. Pryce-Jones^Mrs Ygle^ias, Mr and MrsThumas- (Hamer- ton), Mr. Mts, and Miss Joseph, Viscount and Vis countess Parker, Mr Napier. Major and Mrs Scarlett, Mr and Mrs Arthur Hughes, Mr Foshery, Mr and Miss Fryer, the Miss-s Howell (GLspant), Dr Williams, Mr and Mrs Mansfield Mills, Captain, Mrs, and the Misses Vaughan, the Misses Watkin, Mr Lewes Williams. Mr, Mrs and Miss Brigstock, Mr Greswolde Williams, Sir Griffith, Lady and the Mis.»ea Evans, Mr B. Davits EVILS (Highmcad). Col., Mrs and Miss Worsley, Mr Hilary Lewi (L!anrhian), Dr, Mrs, and Miss Davies, the Rev M. Morgan, Mrs and Miss Francis Williams, Mr and Mrs William Jenkins, Col. and Mrs Perkins (Bath), Rev and Mrs Banyather, Mr Browne Edwards, Mr A Yeates, Mrs Evans, Mr Colin Davies, Mrs and the Misses Phillips, Col. and Mrs Maydew, Dr and Mrs Probert, Mi-s Mortimer, Mrs and Nli,s Summers, Rev \V. and Mrs. Spurrell, Dr aud Mrs Purchas, Rev E., Mrs and Miss Jones (Whitchurch), C d., Mrs and Miss Fereday, Mr and Mrs Wiilisms (Solva). Col., Mrs and thMisses Howell,Capt, Mrs, and Miss Cosens, Mr and Mrs Lloyà- Philipps (Pentyparc). MIss Ackermann, Capt. and Mrs J. Lewis (Lhuleu), Mr and Mrs Robert Mills, Dr and Miss Jone3 (Aberdare), Mr and Mrs Masiter, Mr Thomas Watkins, Mr and Mrs Wimbush, Mr and Mrs Russell Cox, Miss Pilbearn, Sir Marteine and Lady Lloyu, Mr atilt Mis Vaughan Davies, Mr, Mrs, and Miss Lewis (Llanrhian), the Detu of St. David's and Miss Alien, Mrs Stokes, Captain Bonsall, Mr aod Mrs Williams (Nar'-erth), bIt Arthur Thomas, Mr Edward Powell vN-mteos), Mr and Mrs Waddingham, Mr and Mrs Parry (Aberystwyth), the Misses Thomas (Clifton). Mr M Lloyd, Mr Langton Bayly, Mr Hird Williams Rev R., Mrs, and Miss Lascelles, Captain and Mrs Westby, an 1 Miss Li ne, Major and Mrs Newland. Ni.-s u,i the Misses Armstrong, Mr and Mrs Norton. General, Mrs, f.nd Mies Jenkin Jones, Mrs and Misses Vaughar, Mr Hmrj Gcode, Mr, Mrs, and Miss Davies-Evans, Mrs IliLt-d,, in Galleuga, Mrs Brigstocke (Blacnpant), the Rev Rees and Mrs Lloyd, Mr, Mrs, and Mis- Seckham, Sir George Walker, Bart., Lr and Mrs Pa; ry Joacs (Algerton), Colonel Lloyd, Mr and Mrs George Bowen, Major, Mrs, and Mis Lewes, Mr Tieruay, Mr J. W. Phillips. Mr Line, Mrs Rudman, and M'SS Apadam, Mr Swetonham, Cauon and Mrs Lev.es, and Miss Jones Mr Hubert Lewis (Llanrhian), Mr, Mrs, and Miss Ba^h Miss Burton, Mr Owen Williams, Mr J. M. Lloyd, Mr and Mrs Walter Salmon. Mrs Lewis .(Llanaryon), Mrs and the Misses Williams, Mr William Buekl. y, M'- and Mrs Wathen, Captain and Mrs Lewis (Ffosrhydgaled), Rev Chancellor, Mrs, and the Miscs Phillips; Major and Mrs Bonsrill, D), :tl '%Irs 'J'atlian Thompson, Mr B. Day, Mr Frank DIY. J\1 r and HS Priec- Lewes, Mr aud Mrs Mortimer. Mins ,Jli¡HI Williams, Mr and Mrs Ellis Morgan, Mr an: Mrs ^7- Lewes Lloyd, Mrs Badock, Mr aod Mrs Rickfs. Mr aud Mrs Lewis, Mr Rees the Misses Morgan Joseph, Mr Htighe3 (Ab'erinaid). Mrs and Miss Rtes (Glandare), Mr, Mra, and Miss L'y Colonel Lewis (Merthyr). Mr Herbert Hughes. Mr H rbert Haig, Dr. Mrs, and Miss J ohll; Mr Robert Hughes, Miss James (St. David's), Mr <1uJ Mal Colby. Mrs and Miss Bonsall, Mrs Joseph. Mr Howard Joseph, Mr and Mrs Stuart Erskine, The H..n. p. and Mrs Hauhury Tracy, Mrs Goodfj M,. Nares, Helen Lady Forbes, Mr Roddick Richards, Mr aod Mrs Michael Forbes (Tweadie), ReV., Mrs aud Miss Davies. Mrs Hutchison, Mr. Mrs., "d Miss B-nsdi. Mr and Mrs Vaughan-Ra^t,'ra-' Thomas (H^merton), Mr Beacn Thomas (ti -!tiertoii), Lady Alfred Churchill, and the Misses Speiice- Mr and Mrs Buckley, Captain and Mrs Pry-o-Jones, Messrs Browne, Mr and Mrs Francis MorU-oe". Mr and Mrs Darhy, Mr G. E. Mackay. Mrs John Vaughan, the Misses Jones, Mrs Evans (Soh a), &<* Mr* Col., Mrs, aud Miss William* (byti:.n Ca «doe) _,irs Rictuu.(is< Mr F. H. Lloyd. Si.' urorge. Lady, and the Misses Thomas, Mr a!}d\lr P->«e.. (n. Mrs Osmond Riches, Riv. J P'oiiiips DavldsJ' ^s, and Miss Joseph. Mran-1 Mrs Hill Joseph, Rev. J.T. and Miss Lea D-id VI»-^ (jil eitson, Mi <>nd the Misses cwyn), Captr-.ii- and Mr? J-aw-s, P'wry, Sir ilham, £ ady and the Mi?s-s Lewie, Earl aod Countes* of Lisburne. Mr and M-* Potts, Mr a^l M s Morns Davies, xMrs WW'oh. Col., Mrs, ana _J,e M Lea s, Mr. Mrs and the Jones >1 Bowen, Mr A W. Pryce .fonts, Wedn.o c. tii.^on, Mr and Mrs Francis and Miss Kiueey, Mr J. Captain Norton. Miss U\re /ark a.id i Mrs Morgan (Brvn-v-gam, Sc. David's*, DIE HOD. A. Erskine.. S\!r Hiui Mr« Wo'.d Davey, Captain Lionel Lindsev, O.ptain Car!ton, Mr and Mrs Coke, Mus Cokt-. Mr, MIS and MiRg Sta;<ny and MVivien Mr F. Stanley, ill Robert H-i Mr ri(I Mr, Malcolm Dundas, Mr P. Lvsudit, Miss ThO'uas (St. David's), Dr Roberts. P' <>1, Mr. Mis and Mies Wedmore; captain R-v a. Propert. Kev E. Jones, E,l-Mr and Nirs arrep, Mr Ma(DV>TV. \1J .• il" r;- V;.ughao, Mi<s Edmond, Miss :\¡ r 1-¡r,o;r.r awl MIs B.kewdl. Mrs and Mi.'s -.Li. ii.. tii^ Hisoon of St. David's and Mrs Basil Jo s. \i> !v,\ i. i.vj^e.wis (Nantei's), Mr and Powell (Niur,< Andrews, Mr and Mrs Hughes Bo<c The foiiowi.-t: i n H t of some of the presents — Col. and ()I(l I-I'St- Point lace, Itli(i diamond -.uuf pin b' ito f.ridegroom, riian ood and pearl I)t-i(!rooiti to bride, d-o -nd butfortiy i-r-w; Mr« Tiion»-s: cheque fill Thomas, and Lady Pryse, cheques; Sir Pryse and v r 11 An-ie tea Ferviee Miss Stel" v.(''••• n'igoe silver c-ffee cups; Mhs TTowell c e > -uv.ir and oveam jug. filigiec work to match- VV Mrs IV,p»rt! silver gilt salt ctllars; '-V ••riental taide e-nitre; the Miss, -,I vi sugar basn; thr Misses E, C' -nd gi-.ss- ccam and sugar stand" Mv- i>un\r.<s smeiling salr buttle Mr Fred i.iov:. "i-ooitrited 1 iqin-ur decaoters; Col. and Mrs".v'v:n-w. ,>)' photo frame Mr Percy Lysaght, ,ih- o<e;.m ju.? Mr "lHI Nl,s Thomis "lit ;,11,1 -tlv«r butter (lish Mr and Mrs Morr-fi pc ill. II t; Mr p Williams, la^no Mrs itnl the Missei Williams (Haverfordwest), silver muffitivers Mr I Sebert Green, silver menu stands and cards Miss Ap Adam, silver phr.to frames Mr and Mr Leonard Thomas, sdver gilt mounted claret jug M;ss Winnie Thomas beautifully embroidered table centre Miss Allen-Gluey, set of h-indsome carvers Dr aud Miss Jones (Aberdare), silver salt cellars (Queen Anne) Mr and Mrs Robinson, Venetian vase C-Anon and Mrs Levis, silver handled tortoiehell paper knife Miss Jones (St. David's), Worcester china. jug Mrs Badock, braos inketand and candles Mr Evan Morgan (Gogerddan Stables), flask Mr Ernest Pryce-Joues, silver filigree liqueur glasses Mr A. W. Pryce-Joues, silver cigar cutter Dr and M:ss Gilbertson, inkstand Miss Lea, silver Italian spoons Mrs Phillips (St. David's), lace handkerchief Miss r Phillips (Sr. David's), pointed fan Miss Yeates, em- broidered table centre Miss Fereday, pair of bralis kirondates Mr and Mrs Y giesias, painted lace and satin fan Mrs Morgan (Bryn-y Garn), silver mustard pit; Miss Bush, embroidered buckskin bag; ML-s Pilbeam (St. David's), plush and silk handkerchief sachel Miss Thomas (St. David's), silver and silver gilt dessert spcons Miss Theo. Thomas, set of silver teaspoons and tongs Miss Allen (St. David s), silrer and glass flower vase Master Allen Lewis, beauti- fully painted drawing-room bellows and pin- cushion Miss Edmund, beautifully painted satin sofa cushion Mrs Joseph, lovely embossed triple mirror Rev J. and Mrs Lewis, beautiful old oak chest Rev. E. Jones (Llanbadarn), gold and diamond scarf pin Miss Jenkin Jones, plated hot-water jug Mr H. Bonsall, photos and frame Mr David Thomas, M.P ohtque Mrs Hutcheson, George II. soup ladle, silver Mrs Joseph Watkiu, Crown Derby fruit plate Mr Owen Williams, silver pepp°r pots Col.^ Lewis, case of silver muffineers; Mrs Lewis (Llanrhian), book of of silver muffineers; Mrs Lewis (Llanrhian), book of poems three of the servants at 24, Ennismore- garden*, embroidered cushion Miss Rachel Howell, solid silver grape scissors; Mr Adriau Howell, solid silver Queen Anne coffee pot Jack, Cyril, and Freddy Howell, solid silver fi-sh slice and fork; Miss H. Davies (Pempompren), leather dressing-case; Miss Cole, smelling-salts bottle Mr M. Propert, views of St. David's the Misses Spachtnau, salad bowl; Rev J. Phillips. Tennyson Lady Evans, silver flower vasts; Mrs and Miss Coke, sporting clock and flower vase Mi<s Ackerman, handsome flower stind Mrs Williams (Solva), silver sugar sifter; Miss Rees (Aberdare), china bowl; Mr and Mrs Lip?combe-Sicham, silver- framed mirror; the Misses Philipps, brass tray Rev R. and Mrs Lascelles, book of sacred poems Captain Bonsall, pair of plated flower pots Mr Daniel Hamer, prayer and hymn book Mrs Daniel Hamer, onyx and silver penholder Mr and Mrs Arthur Hughes, silver cigarette holder; Mr and Mrs Lewis Lloyd, four antique silver bon bon dishes Mr and Mrs Diindass, silver card case Mrs Powell (Nanteos), silver cigarette case Mr and Mrs John Morgan (Gogerddan s ables)., very handsome set of carvers and steel; Sir Pryce and Lady Pryce-Joues, silver waiter Mrs Bonsall (Cwm) silver matchbox Mr and Mrs Arthur Wathen, aneroid barometer; Mr and Miss Macnaughten, silver muffineer; Mr me! Mrs Francis (Wallog),pair of siivereaudlesticks; the Hon. F. and Mrs H, iibtiry-Tracy, glass and silver ma.ch holder Captain and Mrd Webley Parry Pryse, cheque Mr Regiua'd Loxdale, horse shoe pin Mr George Pryse, gold pencil case Mr Roderick Richardes, handsome oxydised drawing-room clock Mr and Mrs Vaughan Davies, entre dish; Captain and Mrs Cosens, travelling clock Mr and Mrs Pryse, case of silver tea spoons and tongs the Misses Jones (Fron-y gog). set of silver-mounted carvers and steel Sir Francis Winnington, silver-mounted walkmg stick aud silver-mounted hunting whip Mr and Mrs Bakewell, silver cigarette case Col., Mrs, and the Misses Lewes (Llantear). driving whip Major aud Mrs Price Lewes, silver tea caddy General and Mrs Jenkin Jones, handsome gift ;Rev G. and Mrs Blackwell, silver butter knife Major and Mrs Basset Lewis, silver-handled paper knife Miss Elizabeth Evans, pur of hair brushes Sir William and Lady Lewis, silver fruit dishes with sugar and cream jug Miss Marshall, embroidered satin afternoon tea cloth Mi^s Gertrude Marshall, hand-painted satin handkerchief sachet Mrs Loxdale, horse shoe chain brooch Dr Williams, silver salts bottle Col. and Mrs Williams, silver-backed brushes Miss Florence Williams, silver buiton-hook Mr G. C. Williams, silver shaving brush Miss Pryse, gold watch chain and cheque Miss Lewis (Llanrhian), onyx and silver penholder Mr and Mrs Yaughan Radford, flower stand Mr Thomas Yeatts, silver salt cellars Miss Reilly, afternoon tea cloth Mr Arthur I Romp, cut glass and silver scent bottle Mr Hird William?, cut glass and silver scent bottle Dr Roberts, richly-chased silver fruit dishes Mr and Mrs Ellis Morgan, silver match box Miss Lewes (Llanlear), set of painted D'Oyleys Mr Watkin (Portcullis), fan, white ostrich feathers and ivory I the servants at Gogerddan, very handsome tilver ink- stand

DEDDF CYNGHORAU PLWYFOL Y mac Deddf y Cynghorau Plwyfol, a wnaed gan y Senedd yn nghorff y ilwyddyn hon, yn gaffaeliad an. mhrisiadwy i weriu bobl ein gwlad ar lawer ystyriaeth. Rnydd iddyut frtinlea yn rhinwedd pi un bydd i bob dyn a dynes ran a chyfran yn lly wodiaethiad eu plwyf. Daw y Ddeddf i weithredia.d ar fyrder. Y mae or pwys mwyaf i'r werin gymeryd pob dyddcrdeb ynddi, ac i sylweddoli eu cyfrifoldeb fel na fyddo i amcanion ddionus y ddeddf fyned yn ofer a dinerth. Credwn fod pob Llan a phlwyf yn aeddfed i'w gwaith ac yn wir deilwng o'r ymddiriedaeth. Hyderwn na fydd i neb gamddefnvddio ei Iraint a'i gwyro i ddybemon gau fel na fyddo lie i neb watwar a dyweyd fod perlau wedi eu taflu i'r moch. Yn mhlith llu o bethau eraill, cynwysa y Ddeddf allu (1) i re-ii cluse-nau y plwyf nen'r pmtref, (2) i gael cyflenwad priodol o ddwfr, (3) hawl i gynal cyfafodydd méWn y.goldai, (4) i godi adeiladau cyfaddas er budd y pentrefi, (5) i hawlio ac adgyweirio llwybrau a chyttir y pentrefi, (6) hawl i ethol goruchwylwyr y tylodion. (7) i sefydll1 llyfrgelloedd, etc (8). i symud budreddi, (9) go!euo y peutrefi, (10) i bwrcasu tir drwy orfodaeth. Er cyllawni yr amrywiol orchwylion hyn, mae'r Ddeddf vn sefydlu (a) Y Cwrdd Plwyf yn mhob plwyf gwdedig, (b) Y Cynghor plwyf yn mhob plwyf sydd yn meddu poblogaeth o 300 nen ragor, ac inewn rhai sydd yn mcddu llai na 300. (c) Y Cynghor Dos- barthol. (tl) Bwrdd y Gwarcheidwaid yn cynnwys Cyoghorwyr Dosbartiiol o'r pentrefi, a Gwarcheidwaid o'r trefi a dosbarthau y Byrddau Lleol. Y mae'r Ddeddf v" rhoddi awdurdod helaeth i'r sefydiiadau hyn a diangenraid yw dyweyd y bydd llwyddiant y sefydliaelau a lies y bobl yn dybeuu ar eymhwysder y personau a etholir yn aelodau o honynt, Rhag blino y darllenydd a treitlider, rhoddwn fraslun o ddarpariaethau y Ddeddf, gan ddechreu gyda'r CWRDD PLWYFOL. Fe fydd, gan ddechreu yn Rhagfyr ncsJf, yn mhob plwyf gwledig, hyny yw, 'mhob plwyf heb fod mewn tref neu o dan reolaeth Bwrdd Lleol, Gwrdd Plwyf, yr hwn a gyferfydd o leiaf un waith bob blwyddyn, ac ymhob amgylchiad wedi chwech o'r gloch yn yr hwyr. lihaid i'r Grcwer roddi rhybudd o'r awr y cynhelir y cyfarfod. Bydd y Cwrdd Plwyf yn cael ei gyfansoddi o bob dyn a dynes o fewn y plwyf ag sydd yn meddu pleidlais i ethol Aelod Seneddol ncu i tthol Cynghoiwyr Sirol, a'r gwragedd priod sydd a'u henwau ar gofres yr etholwyr. Dewisa'r cwrdd ei gadeirydd un waith y liwyddyn. Gan rnii gwaith cynt-if y cyfarfod hwn fydd ethol aelodau i fod ar y Cynghor Plwyfol, y mae yn bwysig i bob etholwr ac etliolwraig fo(I yn bresenol. Y mae y cyfarfod cyntaf i'w "vnal Dydd Mawrih, Rhagfyr y 4ydd. Bydd gan bob un gynnifcr o b'eidleir-iau ag sydd o aelodau i fod ar y Cynghor, ac nis gellir rhoddi ond un bleidlais i unrhyw un o'r ym- geiswyr. Os bydd nifer yr ymgeis >yryn fwy na'r nifer angenrheidiol i'w hethol, bydd i'r cad<-irydd roddi yr enwau o flaen y cyfarfod bob yn un ac un, a devisir y persouau drwy nifer y dwylaw. Os hawlir etholiad cyn t'*rfyn y cyfarfod, cymer hyny le Dydd LInn. Rhagfyr ITeg, ac heb fod yn ddiweddarach na Dydd Marcher, y 19' g- Pen idir yr oriau gall y Cynghor Sirol, ond y mae y bl-idM-da i fod yn agored hob amser rhwrng chwech ac wyth o'r g'och yn yr hwyr. Y niae yn rliai i g.ideirydd y cyfarfod, os cynygir ef yn ymgeisydd, dynu ei enw yn ol. Yn y pUvyfydd hyny sydd yn rhy fychan i cael Cynghor Plwyfol y Cwrdd Plwyf fydd yr nuig nwdurdod llywodiaethol Yn v cyfarfodydd hyn trinir h 11 faterion perthynol •'r p'wyf. Yma y penderfynir pa welliantau a wueir yn y pentrpf. neuadd, neu a agorir darllenfa a lly fry el I ? A ga'r plant le cyfleus i chwareu yn ddi- a lly fry el I ? A ga'r plant le cyfleus i chwareu yn ddi- dramgwydd ? A geir cla.dfa newydd lie y norldir i orphwva oddiwrth eu llafur btdl lien deidiau pobl y plwy' A ofelir am yrjheolydd eu tjoleuo, a'u glan- han ? Hyn, a llawer o bethau ereill. n. ddaw i ran Cwrdd v Plwyf i'w perderfynu. Bydd iddo hefyd wylio iia, chaniattelir dim perthynol i'r plwyf IIctÙ pentref. (Jofala am elusenau y plwyf (oddieithr rliai perthynol i r Eglwys tieu aehosion Eglwysig). ac nis gcll'r cau un liwybr cyhoeddus heb ei gyd«yniad. Ac vn ychwanegol at hyn oil, gall ymdtafod ag unrhyw faterion roill sy id yn dal perthynas a'r plwyf, a bydd yn rtia(1 i'r Cynghor Plwyfol dderbyn unrhyw gym- meradwyaetii a wna a I chario allan. Fir harfian,

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
GOLF CLUH.—The medal and cup competition I ABERDOVE-Y. (monthly) were played for on Saturday, October 21at. The result WIIS MORNING MEDAL. Gross. Hep. Nett. Mr F. S. Bird 98 4 94 Mr H. Smith, .Ill 16 95 AFTERNOON CUP. Gross. Hep. Nett. Dr Cuthbert 113 20 93 iAIr H. Tomlins 1!2 IS 94 Mr A. Tomlins 115 20 95 Other cards not returned.