Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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Rhestrau Manwl, Canlyniadau a Chanllawiau

2—Tragic death of a Herefordiahire lady, Fanny Ewanl, who feil oiver a steel) precipice ■on tlhe Liititde Or.rne's Head an Ulauidudho. 3—(ileeitiing of .t:hie Gdjoddaelth Habijt)at;ion of the Pxtimrc'se- League ait Llandudruo. 3—Prize d'iisltrilbuitdon at Penrhos College, Col- iwyn Bay. 5—Unionist dletmion.stralbiOn. at Conway. Mr R. .A. Nayl'or, the Tory candidate for the Boroughs, spoke. 7—Unve'iEn-g of tlhe Tom Ellis memlorial at Bala by Mr John. Morley. 8—Annual meeting- of the Golw'Vin B!ay Branch of he; Y.M.C.A. i4-Saile of work in tihe Conigregationall School- room, C'oaiwyn, openeid by Mr Joseph Smith, Parcfeu. 16-Tragic death alt Carnarvon of the Rev. J. Eiddiol] Jones, seoretfa^ of the North W'ales Teimp erance Asisoteii-attioin. Ingfealdatiilon at Rlhyil of Bro. Francis Geary as Worahiipiull- Master of the C-aradoc Lodg-e. 20—Prize diMritbution alt Oofllwyn Bay in. con- necittion w-iith the,Science and Art Classes. 2.I-<L.iibemall mieetinig alt Denbigh, in suipport of Mr Clement Edwards, the candidate; for the Barowghs. 22—'Nonjcon'formislt C,onference at Conway, the Reiv. Gwyneldid Robeilts preisiidin^. 26—'Annuialli meeting ait Rih-yil -of the members of the Denbighshire* and Flintshire Agricud- turad Society. 29—Annual meeting of the. Gclwyn Bay branch of the Ntortih Carnarvonshire 'Guild of Needle- work at Coliwyn. 29—Conference at Denbigh in connectdon with the West Denbighshire Liberial Agsooilaitioll. 29-Fif151tJ 'meiating of the Co'nway School Man- agement Camimitfee umider the new Act. 31—Opening of the North Wades Assizes at Rufthin, before Mr Justice Bruce. NOVEMBER.






Carnarvon and District Feather…
