Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

1 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



v YCHWAR EGIADAU MAWRION I AT Y NELSON EMPORIUM, I CAERNARFON. MASNACHDY MAWR NEWYDD Tr TAILORING A'R OUTFITTING (yn lie y LIVER ESTABLISHMENT), i gael ei agor DDYDD SADWRN NESAF, EBRILL 21L, Gyda STOC Newydd Ysblenydd o bob math o Frethynau WEST OF ENGLAND, SCOTCH, IRISH, A WELSH TWEEDS. Cedwir FIRST CLASS CUTTER, a nifer mawr o Weitb- oøyr, a gwneir pob math o Ddillad yn y modd goreu. Hefyd, STOC ardderchog o bob math o HETIAU, CAPIAU, CRYSAU, COLERI, SCARFS, HANCETSI SIDAN, BRACES, BAGS, PORTMANTEAUS, &c. SHOW ROOM FAWR NEWYDD ETO I'W IIAGOR DYDD SADWRN NESAF, EBRILL 2il, Y mae y cynydd mawr sydd wedi ormeryd lie yn y masuachdy uchod yn ystod y blynyddau diweddaf wedi gorfodi y perchen- ogion i wneyd yr ychwanegiadau uchod at eu selydliad1 er cyfarfod ag anghenion a chysur eu miloedd cwsmeriaid. Y mae y SHOW I ROOMS hyn y rhai mwyaf yn Ngogledd C yi-nrii, wedi eu trefnu a'u cwblhau yn y modd goreu, a bydd y STOC yspleaydd a ar- ddangosir yn gyfryw nas gellir gweled ei rbagorach mewn unrhyw iasnachdy yn Ngbymru. Gelwir sylw arbenig at yr adranau eraill yn y sefydliad, sef y READY-MADE DEPARTMENT, DRESS DEPARTMENT, PRINT AND CRETONNE DEPARTMENT, CARPET AND OIL-CLOTH DEPARTMENT, &c., &c. Tstyrid y NELSON EMPORIUM o'r blaen fel PRIF FAS- NACHDY GOGLEDD CYMRU, ond yn awr gellir dweyd fod y NELSON EMPORIUM o'r bron GYMAINT ARALL A'R mSNACHDY MWYAF YN NGOGLEDD CYMRU. mORRIS & DA VIES, Perchenogion. 1868. Corphorwyd 1876. 9efydlwyd 1868. ADEILDU BAR. ? PAUL BANGOR AC ARVON. SWYDDFA PLAS r.r,wyn HANGOR. JILYWYDD HENADUtt 30b EVAN ROBERTS, BANGOR. twrve fund, ?MIH (y« 6ybydd. yn aynyddot). II CyttMM H&"n. :E10 yr on J B!MD d?t. Oy:d eraill, 5& yn y m ?c ?g g0 y GytrM. Rhodd^ bentbyg ar?an sr 'dd" P'ydleøol Den Bydd-ddaliadolli'w )> d <!»lu trwy » udannusoij &= 5,10, 15, neu 20 mlyuedd. MANTEISION. 1. Lie mantaisial a dye*<i<» dJi t arian allan ar Log *1f SlehwyluB i'w cael yn ol ar unrhyw adeg tnrr rybttdd nea drefoiftdau oreill, I Fenthycwyr, 1. Digonedd o arian at alwad bob MB?M. 2. Aa-daliadati misol rhwmoL 3 0(stan cyfreitMot cymedrol (trwy drefmadM '? Ychwoneor yr Aria. Pryniant AT, M nis tynir ODDIWMH, yr Ari»n B?nthyg? B. GwneirpobbuMea gyda phrydtondeb.M yn v dull mwyaf cyfrin&cb"l,  t Rhwyddineb i glirio y Mortgage MUMhyw tdec;,t?ynyynddi)!<?t. Am faoylion vmcfvner A'r „ Ys^ifjnydidj,~ MR ROBERT HUGHES, ??H ri« Uwyd. Banger. ESTABLISHED 1878, R. R. STYTHE, PÐBLIC ACCOUNTANT, ESTATE, AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT. Ornos: 39, BANGOR STREET, CARNARVON. Auditor for the Borough of Carnarvon, The Ckrnamm Harbour Trust, The Moeltryfan Slate and Slab Quarry Company (Limited), The Gwynedd Shipping Company (Limited), ko., &o. TtnnK DEBTS COLLECTED AT STRICT- 2 Y MODEJSATJH CHJKGES. AAUOWCOIUTJnN TS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS 1NVESTIGATKD. LOANS MORTGAGES, & SALES -.fM?TIATED. PROPERTY MANAGED ? ?P'?<: .L"S ? ?' ""? ?'" laeu%neea effected. ——?. CAROLAU NADOLIG PEIS CEINIOG-NAW CEINIOG Y DWSIN. BETHLEHEM (CANTAT& NADOUG) v. nrnwrs amrywiae?? mawr 0 UntwdM a Deu- ?X,Cyd? i tei? cymy?.. chyd?nM. JSriau meib.on yn ?.e. gyd» chytenant yn Ned- Unty 8oiafc MBMW chemiog. Y?intagM 2?ryWydd. GEMAU CORAWL (Oinicg yr cc). ■nJJOtkTJ BHAQOBOL I OYMANFiOKDB CANU. Bbif L &i UftaWllder Ef."  I "Gwyn e« byd y gwedl (*Um mtorio I"'ML ) 4. Uef yr oglwya <nM Gw.ledib E"c'o51 B. Yn Bothle?em <?. 6. Gogomaut yn y gemcM ,t lWaw.„ j. Cydfolwn, rfolH.dwD." "'ry yw hOD ?  18 sbe 1) Ypm.f.tb ibi- (Too winter is Plat). c?? ?O.?d.' uw? oh) i ,«•»» '?' ?.uwch' 0, deuweh I llo &.h?dMthy?';y.' lo g?tw.croeMW.h?dtMl. J X?t.?bydy?y<M. 10 TfMttddMth 10. CydMiniwneiDhoMM 10. y ..hl &Ilan ?'r Gaotata- LN Y TYMHOKAD I  g)'da bluacUla' yr awdwr, .B. ?K1AMyi.?-?. ? .???  EBVS«WT5,.C«M RPABOK, I BANKRUPTCY STOCK. I Mae W. Barnett, Watohmaker, Glanhwfa Road, Llangefni, wedi prynu cannoedd o Watches, Cadwynau, &o., eiddo METH. DALWV R ac eraill, a chan ei fed wedi en prynu o dan yr amgylohiadau uchod y mae yn I bAiU 8U am brisisu bynod o isel, fel y t gwelir oddmrth y b&rfc?iai9a eRnlTnol 5p Oe 00 CHRONOGRAPH ARIAN. iK A Am Lever Watch Newydd, Jb? l? 0 Chro??roph. CMe. M.M (parM 8)du yn pwyeo droa 3 OW8)..xpansioD Mance, oeutre seoond, wedi ei jewellio mewn 12 o dreuliau gyda'r gwelliantau diweddaraf, cadw'r amser cywirai. Anfonir yr uchod yn rhad ar dderbyniad 2p His Oo gyda gwarant brintiedig yn ei gwarautu am 10 mlyzedd. Wvtbnos o dreial. I 5p 5s 00 ENGLISH PATENT LETBR. fiQj ri O (Wedi coatio 5p) Patent Loyet ateb,Cues arian gan R. B. 2 )? jP orthmadog. Mseywatckymawe& ei MrpheM yn y modd goraf, cda gwollimtau diwaddmf. MaintainiDg power, capped, &c. Yn rhsd trwy y P°'? ar dderbyBM 2p Ts 60, gyda gwarant. Wythnoi o dreial. 5d 5a Oo PATENT LEVER WAT H. P<T? A &mLtverWttchAr!*B,pmdU oL ^j O U dM bir yn <xtM o ja?t! maintaining power, capped, cadw RmMr oywir. Dim ond 2p 5a 00 gyda gwarant. Wythnos o dreial. 5p 08 Oc PATENT LEVER WATCH, 1 n-l ~i *7 (Wedi coatio 5p) am Paten Ai 1 < 6 (Iever Wat<h, CMM triM htDRM aur., ?wnenthurwr Mr H. Belten Liverpool, wedi ei gorphen gyda'r gwelliantau diweddara*. Anfonir yn rhad am lp 17s 6c gyda gwarant. 5p 58 Oo, ENGLISH PATENT LEVER WATCH. QCi /? am E.lilb Patent 14ver W?ch 32s PC gwneuthurwyr Mr W. Latch,New- port. Y mae wedi ei ?0'phen yn y modd gornf, extra jewe's, spring above, capped, &c., am 328 6c. CAUWVNI ARIAN. 7f* am Gadwyn Arhm wedi ei Btampio M 7s 6c, bob ling gan y UywodrMth. Prit atferol 12. VOFTWOH Mkl au WILLIAM BARNETT, Watchmaker, Lltmgofaf, T MAC X Bargeinion Hyn. ATEADINGLONOOMTEA BROItEg APPROVING1 'BLUE CROSS?J? "P?.PREE9K0O?E ?OUCHOMG ?' ? J jSjOLBBVGHSCtRy J ? \1 TV 11 PACMTS y\ L  ? inr?q  s?gf??j?  ?  REMARKABLE TESTIMONY FROM LONDON TBA BROKER, I have t-Asted BID' Cross' Pekoe Son- rhonl, at 28 per lb., against a g ilden tip tea which recently to d at almost its own weight jrold, and have no hesitation in stating that for (irinkiog urpr es I consider 'Blue Croas Pekoe Souchouir bettertea." Blue I 'rosa Tea, a also sold at Is 10 d, 2B 4d, and 2a IOd per wnoLMAlB: I THE BRITISH TEA AND TRADING ASSOCIATION, (LIMITID), SOUTHWARK STREET, LONDON. J.L J .N'M??MKEBBB?W?*?* DADSEFTBLIAD A DADWADD- OLIAD TR EGLWYS YN NGHTMBU. CTNHILIS l CYNHADLEDD I YMNEILLDUWYR MON AC ARFON. I BLEIOIO YB UCH D, TIT I PENRHYN HALL, BANGOR, D YDD LLUN, EBRILL tfdd, 1892. Darllenir Papyrau ar Ddadsefydliad yr Kglwys oddiwrth y Wladwii.eth yn ei agweddau crefyddol,' GAlq T PABOT GETHIN DAVIBS, D.D., BANGOR, A MR T. CHARLES LEWIS, BANGOR. Hefyd darllenir Papurau ar Ddadsefydllad a Dedwaddoliad yr Eglwys ya el berthynaa neillduol Chjmru," otic t PAKCH R PRYTHEROH WILLIAMS, CAERGYBI, A MR LEWIS HUGHES, AMLWCH. I Cymerir y gadair am ddaa o'r glech gan MR T. LEWIS, A.S. HKF ?D, BYDD CYFARFOD CYHOEDDUS yx YR HWTR, YN T PENRHYN HALL, FRYD Y TRADDODia ANERCHIADAU OAN T Parchn EVAN JONES, Caernarfon ;ABBL JONE9 PARRY, Cefn Mawr ;JMACHRMH REES, PenycroM; RICHARD MORGAN, Bochwda ISHMAEL EVANS, Banger Mri. W. J. PARRY, Cadeirydd Cynghor StrM Arfon; Mr SAMUEL BUGHE&. C.d.?dd Cyngbor Sirol Mon; a Mr HENRY LBWIS, Bangor. Cymerir y gadair am 7.30 gan MR D. LLOYD GEORGE, A.S. EISIEU DRESS NEWYDDI ANFONWCH AT F. W. COOK AM UN 0'1 FARGEIiilON BEILLDUOL. LOT 76.-Defoydd Drees, gwlan i gyli, hynod brydferth, yn oynwys eaith lath dau led oFreneh Beige, mewn lliwiau llwyd a fawn tlwa iawn; ftwnaiff olchi yn rhagorol; pris 7a lle yr un, wedi talu ei gludiad; gwerth 10s 60. a am 151 6c 3 am 228 6c. Uychvie'.ir yr arian 01 114 ddtroynxa gymtrM- wyatth. LoT 78.—P«r«el o Franch Cashmere at Ddrosa.—Yn oyowy. Baith lath dau led o Frenoh Cashmere mewn du neu liw (30 o wahanol liwisu i ddeis o hooynt), 4 llath o !in!ng at foundation, 2 atriped SUicta at y?MZ, 2 ddwain o Fotymau, Sidan a Twnt priodol, yn nghydag un o'n Patrymau Papyr newydd m l 1. tuaMte! ?woeyd.-Y dress yn fyfl. ;?,swdd 9??, wdi talu y cludiad. Mae r Cashmere ei hun yn werth llawer mwy na'r pris. 2 am 28s; 3 am 33s. Patrymau o ddtfnyddiau newydd as y Qwanwyn yn rhad dnoy y Pott. LOT 79. -Parsel Drees Tweed a Skirt —Cynwysa hwn 7 lath dau led o Glenorshire Tweed, gwortb 28 y llath, mewn chukt fawn a llwyd prydferth neu yn blaen; gyda Molletoa Skirt coch a du rhagorol (wedi ei wneathur yn fy ffatri fy hunao). Y ewbl am 128 9c wedi talu eu cludiad, llawn weith 171 60. Aafonwch am redtr o'r prisiau, yr hon a anfonir yn rhad drwy y post. Y bwndel rhataf 0 Ddillad Isaf Boneddigesau yn y byd. Yn cynwys 1 par o Knickers, 1 Cbtmiee, 1 Night Dress wedi "I I Beyd 8'r calico goreu a'n hymv!" » brodwaith. Y oyfan am 5s 60, wedi talu eu cludiad, > Ysgrifenwch ar unwaith am all o'r Bargei, ni,on hyn, a phrofweh wirionedd ein gosodiad mai I F. W. COOK, THE WAREHOUSES, D UDLE Y,, YW CYFAILL Y CICAZO. I SALE. S ALLE. SALE. THE GREAT FURNITURE SALE OF THE SEASON. ONCE A YEAR ONLY. E28,500 of Stock, Reduced regardless of cost. RELIABLE NEW AND SECONDHAND FURNITURE. Early Choice of the Greatest Bargain Ever Offered. Daring the Sale Goods Stored Free, Packed Free, and Railway Carriage Paid. iNUTTALL'S ANNUA,L FURNITURE BALI, MOSS HOUSE, 15, 17, 19, AND 21, MOSS-STREET (Top ofLOKDOH ROAD), LIVERPOOL. ONLY ENTRANCE Is In the centre of their fonr shops amd show windows. SALK AT NUTTALL'S,—Diniog-toem Furniture.—Diaing■ room Suite; substan- tial frames, serviceable Crocket's leather. Formerly f,5 15s; clearance price, £4 17. 8d. N UTTALL'S SALE.-Splendid Dining 1A room Suite, luxuriously upholstered best plain m hair, crimson velvet, solid walaat frames, mfde'n deeigo. Formerly, LIS 13s reduced, L I I 10s. FURNITURE SALE—N«tt»n's Groud f' Divuu Saddl«bag Suite, solid walnut frame"; Persian saddle bags, latest fashionable cal()ur, velvet borders; nine artioles. fM- calours, £ 1818s; reduced, ?L4 U.. SAtE AT N CTTLLL'S.-Bedroom Ferni. ture.-Enamelled Bedroom Suite, decor- ated. comprising; wardrobe, dressing table and glass, washstana, towel rail, chair. Fermerly, £3 178 6d; redacea. £3 108 T?URNITURE SALK.—Splendid Winged r Wardrobe, 8ft wide, In silver Mrch, plate flain door, hanging divisions, dr.wen. tral" ormerJy, £151õg: reduced price, £ 12 x2s. f?URNITURS SALE.—Thre; Spaaith Mahogany Beokoases, cupboards ander, glass daors above, movable shelves, 3ft 8ta wiie. Realuced, £3 lOa. Larger, rcduoed, M, 96 6a, <7 7s. TjIWRNITURE SALB—NandMoe Per- .c fax BedI\eaÜ (new), full t!M, heavy brus mounts, brass rails, extending feet. Fermerly, L2 17s 6d; reduced, A2 7. 6.. Another, Z4 4a; reduced to 93 10m.-At Nuttall's FurnUhiag Coatraotors, Moss Hoase, 15, 17, 19, aed21, Moss street (top of Loadoa road), Liverpool. NUTTALL'S FURNITURE SALE THIS DAY. Sale Circulars Post Free on Application, I OYMDEITHAS GYNORTHWYOL UWCHGWYRFAI BHOSTRYFAN. rvYMXTNlR adgoffa aelodaa J Gymdalthu I U uchod ssai dydd Sadrrn, Mai yr 21ain, am Un o'r gloch y prydnawn, y cynhelir y cyf- arfod blynyddol. Hefyd, bydd yn ofynol i'r rhai hyny sydd yn I bwriadacyny?arwneydTei'r gymdaithea y diwmod bwnw anfon eu prisian i mi ar nen cyn Ebrill y Mod. I Ebrill¡lifed. JOHN ROBERTS, Fronhyfryd, Mawrth 23aln, 18t. Yirifydd, HOLYHEAD UNION. CONTRACTS FOR SUPPLIES. THE GUARDIANS of the Poor of the .JL Holyhead Union will, at their meeting, to be held on Tuesday, the 5th day of April next, at 10 a.m., receive Tsaders for the usual supply of Previsions and other articles for the Workhouse during the ensuing six months. Forms of Tenders may be obtained upon ap- plioation to Mr H. Jones, Union Workhouse, Valley. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. By order, JAMES E. HUGHES, Cierk to the Guardians. Valley, 26th March, 1892. 6764 TO BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. mENDERS are invited for Erecting *nd J. Completing the Proposed Additiens to the Cen?o TraWi2z Institute, Colwyn Bay. The Drawings and Specifications can be seen (on or after the 26th inst.) at Myrtle Villa, Colwyn Bay, or duplicates of same at the office of the Architect. Tenders, sealed and marked on the outside Tenders for Institnte, must be delivered to the Rev W. Hughes, F.R.G.S., Conpo Insti- tute, Colwyn Bay, not later h'n 4 o'clock on Toesda the 12th <?y of Apnt. 1892. The &mmittea d&of l. teIYes to accept the lowest or any Tender. R. GLYNNE DAVIES, Architect. Bodlondeb House, Upper Bangor. CYMDEITHAS ADEILADU GOGLEDDBARTH SIR DDINBYCH. RHYBUDD. GAN ei bod yn ben blwyddyn y Gymdeithas, \3r y mae yn angenrheidiol i'r holl aelodaa anfon eu Llyfrau Cyfrif i'r Brif Swyddfa, Chapel street, Diobych, wedi eu tyfarwyddo i'r Ysgrif- enydd, erbyn yr ail wythnos yn Ebrill, ermwyn iddynt gael eu harchwilio gan Archwiliwr y Gymdeithas. Yn ol gorchymyn y Bwrdrt, ROBERT PARRY, Ypgrifenydd. Dinbych, Mawrth. 1S92. NOI-ICE is hereby given that tha New Friendly Society of tlanllyfni, Register No 97, held at Board School, Llanllyfni, Peny. groe, R.S.O., in the County of Carntr?on, !a 1. .I,,?d by Instrument, registered at this Office, the 22ùd day of Mamb, 1892, nnteM within three mentke from the date of the Gazette in whioh this advertisement appears, proceedings be commenced by a member or other person interested in or having any claim i en the funds of the Society to set aside such dissolution, and the same be set aside accord- IngI1.. E. W. BRABROOK, Chisf Registrar of Friendly Societies. 28, Abingdon street, Westminster, March 22nd., 1892. THE LLEYN HORSE. DOG, AND POULTRY SHOW, THIS SHOW will be faald this year at Nevin, on Easter Monday next, when about £100 will be given in prizes. Horses opsn to the District of Lleyn. Dogs and Poultry to all comers. Entries close Saturday, April 9th, 1892. Catalogues may be had frem the Secretary, THOMAS EVANS, Auctioneer, Pwllheli. BE MRS JANE FINCH, DECEASED. ALL PERSONS having any claims "L against the Estate of the above named Deceased, wh# d ad &6 Trsror Villa, I.tM?fr. fechan, are requested to send particulars thereof to the aadcr?nej, on or before the 7th proximo. Regen' Houss, T. G. MORGAN. Regent House, Llanfairfechan. BANGOR AND NORTH WALE BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETY. Established 1872. Incorporated 1871. President end Chairman of Directors: 10r. RCffARDS, Ban or, SHARES, SUBSCRIPTION, » PER SHARE PER MONTH. ABVAHCBS Money advsnootoa Freehold or Leasehold Proptfty for 10, 16 and 80 years, a be repaid „ly Monthly instalmssits. For furu^ particulars apply to John Lloyd Aoountant, MMOnio Hall, Baoor. Managing Ditoter NEW PATENT IMPASSABLEMOLE TRAP Set without opening the run. 4 S3 The run is pressed down, and setter placed on the earth. When lifted by the Mole, thq elpie.platfl is released, and driven down by the < ding into the earth. Hundreds unsolicited Tstimonials, Of Ironmongers, or Sample by Post, 2s, ( BRENDON BROS., CALLINOTOK, CORHWALL'f t Established over sa years. -? ? J? .?? P^^Tl It 6MC £ ltt.|b .Raiiti|nwifiMii(«ii[in. M????B M'tM?&S, ?r !?{/8.?i.'?. Pertb? WrcnonTL ot utALYm. I "'l..ufY tbfl "M -fily, U4 *-M-&Y >nal{Md mmple o( "Erery Tea, aait flad it to b. a Tea of (rat ='t' I: r.-o: adaltmti.a K tiot.ín ""1 f. -d riid. aa akauaaat iMuor of d>oi6* lareor ad UF& TIrft J. bU ':tr:1U:Í hat* evaii wihftilaw. ia nosinmodiac it for th?SS?TtiMM???!? ) OUIITILU B-'SlAue, F.C.8„ Aaalyat, L"Pa CtB?t./ e??.i«rt; r-ir *n Clial»i al 7\ocA, I* IS. ?M<y<M<* & S *?St.-< *< SPEalAL AGENTS FOR Carnarvon Ed. Jones k Co. Banfor Ed. Jones & Co. Pwllheli Ed. Jones & Co. Betheeda Ed.JoneatCo. Amhrch Ed. Jones & 00, Hafyhead Ed. Jones & Co. Mssksi Bridge Ed. Jonee k Co. Gtaaadda Ed. Jones & Co. 'UIIIJer:Bup Bd. Jones & Co. I?n<tno P. J- Halt. PUnt. W. J. Williams. JNqtt Ed.Jones, HighStwe*. VMMm* W. J. Wffliaaaa. ftilnte, R. T. Ow& MsM ?. ? K. T. BbbwbL Wtsixmm. I YE BISIN&. I TTARDWARE, toys, pipfg, jewellery, watches, wiingers, perambalators, harmoniums. Agents wantid, illustrated books free. Write HeBry May, Birming- ham. 6727 YN EISIEU, yn Llanfaetklu, Mon, AM- AETHWAS profiadol 1 gwaith fftrm, 1 ty yn ymyl, ac ar y brif- ffordd, agos i glpol ty ya ywyl, &a a Iet h e distiaid. m otyner Bedyddwyr non Methodistiaid. Ymolyoer (trwy lythyr) A Rhif 6765, Senedl Office, Caernarfon. AT DRILWRIAID.Yn Eisiaa yn ddi- — ood, an nen ddan o weithwyr ptofiadol. Ymofyner A W. Williams, Moag Hoase, Liangefoi. 6762 RAPERY.-A JUNIOR wMted at once U with knowledge of R4dy'made!l and Window Dressing ^muat be steady, smart, and pushing.-Apply to W. O. Williams, Bangor. 1161 AT DEIL WRI AID.-Yn EUien Im- prover. Ymofyner A T. C. Jones, 22, WeodbGuse street, Liverpool, WANTED, at eneit, Piinler end Paper- W banger.-Apply to Robert Jonea and Son, painters, Ao., Feitiniog. '?? ? EI8IEtJ.I-Dyo pvchas i hriodi. Dyn dros again oM; Cymro.—Cyfeirir trwy Iythyut J. B., Swyddfa'r GtMdl, Cier- A-T DEILWRIAID AO ERE1LL—YN lorfoo. _D_EILWRIAID AC FRRILL.-YN AEI$IEU, gan ddyn pr?Stdot, He i dor! a gweithio, aea gefnogaeth Oraper mewn ardal bohltg mewa angen am deiliwr, aeu gael gwaith o fama-hdy i'w weitbio adref — Am fanylion ymoyner Ag M. A„ Genedi Office, Carnarvon. 6766 WANTED, SHORTHAND CLERK, a knowleige of Welsh and Solicitor's business necessary.—Apply C., Advrrtitct, Llangallon. 6752. PLÅINCÕOkrs[4U;Tda ? the?ta Cymre!?. ya Manchestar. CyOn? oddeutu 20p-V..fyner trwy lythyr wedi ei gyfeirio fel hyn Box 510, General Post Office, Manchester. 6751. rTAILORST—WANTEL), T?u (ond TCoat Makers. —Apply to Owen Jone, Talysarn. YN EISIEU, Tailiwr profiadol yn mhob jL rhan o'r gwaith.- Ymofyner 4 Mr O. Owen, Glanbeuno, Dwyran. DRAPERY.—WANTED imrasdi^telv, a J-/ smart intelligent Youth as an Apprentice. —Apply to Morrh and Davies, Carnarvon. PENMORFA U.D. SCHOOL BOARD. WANTED,-Maste,-nrMistroon far the Pent a. t Board school (small country school). Applications with recent Testimonials,stating qualificatioBs and salary rcqair?d to be sent to qaa ea to JOHN ??ry?qa re Glandwyfach, Gain Dolbonmaen, R.S.O. March 26th, 1802. AT AMAETHWYR.-AR WERTEI, A Qwifrau (Wire? <U 1aw, cyfaddM at ffensio; hefyd Bui?in? HMrn, 20ft x aft.- Tbormao, Bont Bridd, CaArnufon, P WAIR A OWRLLT AR WERTH.— GYMOF lner & Riehd. Wtmama, Prince of Wales Yard, C?rBarfRn.  QTyLISST?Wt?Fteet..n.pftce .b?-?'.f. Gentleman Farmer or Doctor, reason for selling, no horse. -Apply, Charcoal Works, 25, Bispham street, Liverpool. &R WFRTd.-Joees' Family Sewing CTL Machine an E4, baner y pria oyntefig, an hafyd Snite o DJodrefn (Saddlebags) am .t12, pris cynteflg, £ 22.—Address, Mrs Brown, 25, B'spham street, Liverpool, V?"EISIEU?a <id!Oo?. Melinydd at "th gwlad. G?a'thcyeoo&chy9o< da i ddya sobr a medros. Ymofyner ig R. E. Thnmas, Ty'n-y-gr»es, Penmtcbno, Bettws y Coed. 6731 YN_E:SIEir, BUXJAIL, yn d"¡ de?'d Cymrei? yn dda Ymefyner ? Edward Humuhreys, Victaria Hotel, Llaaberi. DRESS AND MAiiTfF, MAKING,- APPRBNTICE WANTED to the abeve. .'—Mrs Williams, 4, Soath Penrallt, Ctraarvon. W ANTET), CAPITALISTS, AGRI- CULTURISTS. AND OTHERS IN CANADA. Free Grants cf 100 to 200 Acroj of Land are given by the Canadian Gov- ernment. Bonuses granted to Settlers. RE- PORTS OF THE BRITISH TENANT FARMERS' DELEGATE, 1890. and ocher newly lauod Uhutrated and authentic pam. ShUts, maps, and foil information r"pecting (A31T0BA. er .8Y other part of Canada—its rtsoarces, trade, damand for labour wages paid, kc,uppli-d free.-Talc CANADIAN GOVERWMBNT OFFICES, 15, WATER- STREET. LIVERPOOL. ~~AWOSOD NEL AR WKR Pil. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. BARMOUTH. TO BE LET BY AUCTION,fi'st week in i April, in lots for grazing or mowing BODGWILYM, About I mile from Barmouth. For farther iaformtien see Placards. TiRAPERy BUSINESS ar werth mewn i-F cymjdogaeth bobiogaidd yn Mon, o berwydd gwaelecld y perchenog. Maiosohdy helaetk am ardreth resyael. Gwerthir y stoo wrth biisiad. Cyfio rbsgorol i ddyn aoanc ogniel -Draper, "Gsnedl" Office. TRONM^^GR-^liLTStM iaS FOR DISPOSAL. SPLENDID Business in beat part of HOLYHEAD For disposal, as owner intends retiring; very moderate terms, -A p I O. JONES, IRONMONGER, MARKET ST., HOLYHEAD. ANGLESEY MASTER QUARTER SESSION, 1892. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEV mHAT the next General Quarter Sessions A. of the Peace fer this County will bo holden in the County Hall, at Beaumaris, in and for the said county, on Wednesday the 6bh day of April 1S92, when the Court will open at half put Ten o'clock in the morning precisely. The charge to the grand jury will then be de- livered by the chairman, and the court vill thereupon proceed with the Criminal and Civil Business. The clerks to the justices of tha several divisions are requested to transmit to me, to my office at Beaumaris, seven days before the sessions, all depositions, return of fines, can- victions, and recognizances, which shall have been there taken, together with instructions for indictments, CEFNOGWOH EICH (JlDWLADWYRi Newydd ei cbyhoedd "GWLAD Y DfclLYN," ■J HENRY), blow,, -ywobb, ,i addagibob llais. Trwy'r -at, prib lo. I W CAEL OAIf D R. JUNES & CO., (AL&W kidoq) WnOLESAIJI AND RETAIL PIANOFORTE 6- MUSIC DEPOT 97, liOLT ROAD LIVERPOOL. POB MATH 0 FIWSIG AR WERTH Toning and Repairing a Speciality. BOOKS.—Aristot'ib, complete, £ • p?tge?. profusely illustrated, 2s 4d; Bride, l?sd Girb, 18 2d; Carious Books,. Specialities, 2d post fres, Largest stock,— Manager, 9, Smith Street. Cork. 116 SIX CABINET PORTRAITS, Ss; three iC3 for !o. Twelva Ctm Portraits, 2a M; six for ts id. EighMnoti Nnttrgameat, 88; threa 100 r Son4 Oarto or OaMnet and Portal Order, and in about One lam roc wtD rrxrtrn n Copter. m M, bsdeato lUfi' MR JOHN 17 CHARD. BETHESDA. 3ALE OP A LEASEHOLD DWELLING HOUSE, SHOP, AND PREMISES. MR JOHN PRITCHARD w 11 Sell by I Iri. Publio Auction, by order of thA mort- gagees, at the Doulas Arms Hotel, Bethesda, on Saturday, Aoril 2nd, 1892, at 5.30 p.m. prompt, subjeot to conditioas of sale ;0 be there and then produced, all that leasehold Dwelling House, Shop, and Extenive Premises, situate and known as No. 22. Carncddi road, Bethesda, now in the joint occupations of William Wil- liams, and Thomas Thomas. The premises are in good repair; and being nituato in a thickly populated distriot, present an eligible oppor. tunity for occupat on or investment. Unex- pired term, about 49 years. Ground rent £6 per annum. For further patticnlars apply to Messrs R. 0. J.,nes and Twigge Ellis, solicitors, Bethesda, or the Auctioneer. 6727 ii-li It L I) IMPORTANT TO BUTCHERS, DEALERS, AND OIHERS. 1i.V/j| L R JOHN PRITCHARD tegs to M ..lL nouace that hia Sale of FAT STOCK for the Easter Markets will be held at the above Smithfi:Id rn Monday, April 4tb, 1892, commencing at lii.30 p.m. procpt, and will comprise 20 grand pritte tat Bullocks, Heifers, and Cows of superior quality 3 fat Bulls, about 60 fat Sheep, and 12 Lambs, alio a capital milch Cow, 6 years old, to calve about April 18th. Bodrpfryd, Bangor. By Order of the Liquidator. THE PENYBRYN SLATE QUARRY Co., LIMITED, NANTLLfc, NKAB. CARNARVON. \TR JOHN PRITCHARD will Sell by h l'ublic AactKM 0& Tl1urday. April 2 ht, lE92, at 11 a.m., tie whole of the Valuable PLANT AND MACHINERY, which were advertised for sale in August, 1891, ond withdrawn, and which are now otferfd with the full consent of the Lesser ol the Qjarry. Fu ther particulars shortly. Bodhyfryd, Bangor. MR J. -G. JONES. TY GWYN BACH NITRSFHIES, NEAR CARNARVON. SALE of all ice Stock of Plants, Seeds, GIHdn Implements, D, nkey and Cart, &c. On Taesday noxt, tte 5ch Day of Api il, lSiH by Mr J. G. JONhS. Sale at 1 o'clock. For full particulars see poste a. SARN,, PONTRUG. SALT", cf Hrmsehoid Furcitura and Effects, Farming Implements, &e., on Wednes- day, the 6th day of Apri, 1*92, by Mr J. G. JONES. Baie to o mmence at 1 o'clock p.m. PORTDINORWn. NEAR CARNAK- VON. SALE of Vdlnab'c Leisebrld Property, compns ng The JSteAU Mills, partof Qnay, the Lime Kilns, and Buildings, Land, also Two Steam Engines, 14 and 6 horse Dower resp?t'vjy, with many other Mefuf ot8. on S?taf?y. April 23, t8M. by Mr J. G. JONES. Full particulars in our next issue. PARISH OF LLANDWROG. SALE of threshold Frms, Glynmeihios Uclaf aid Tanylfordd. at the Castle Hitel, Carnarvon, at 3 o'clock p.m. on SstnHay, April iCth, 1892, by Mr J. G. JONES. Affi H HOKhhis ——" FouI'MADOC. SALT OF DKSIR'BLE BUSINESS MR H. ROBERTS hM been instracted ? i to fell ?y Public Anct!o?, at the Com- mercial Hotfl, Portmadoc, on Friday, the 8th of April, 1889, at 3 o'clock p.m. (subject to conditions to be then and there read), lot 1.— f, 11 that Private DWELLISG HorSE known as No 3, liauk Place, Portsadoc; Lot 2.-AJI 1 hat ?'' LEASEHOLD HOU3E AND SHOP, known as No 5, Bank Place, Portmadoo. The above premiers arc h- ld under a lease for 60 years lrom the 12th day of May, 1855, at the Annual Ground Rent of 43. Both houaes are Ftituate-I in the be-t ap,t in Portmadoe for butintss, and their sale affords an excellent opportunity for business men to secure suitable premises. Immediate possession can biven, For further r-arti.,ulars apply to the Auctioneer, Trtmadoc. er to Meeers Lloyd Georee and Georjo, Solictors, Portmadae. DYMUNAPvKRVJONKbANDKVANS wneyd yn hysbys to bod yn barod I ym- gymeryd a pbob math o arwerthiadau a phrisie amy prisiau mwyaf rhssymol.—Ymofyner ft svryddfa yr Arw,!rtliwy c,roalan, Ponrhynde II raeth. CWMYGUF STATION. DYMUNAF hvsbysu trigolion yr amgylch- oedd fod genyf gyflenwad helac,h 0 M D??° Y WER¡)iJO, MAGNUM 130NUMS A CHAMPIONS, o'r mawndir at eu planu, a chyflonwad o 'DATWS CARTRKF at eu bwyta, yr oil o au- sawdd am y prisiau isaf. Hefyd, amryw dunelli o WAIR, wodi cael cynhauaf do a chadwraeth bricdol. Yr arcbeb gyntaf a gyfienwir daensf. R. 0. WILLIAMS, PBMHBKOO. HEDD A LLAWNDER. MODRWYAU PRIODASOL. DIGON o ddewin Rhoddir hsner dwsin i o lwyau te, (Genuine British Plate) gyda bob modrwy. Cardiau at fesnr maint y bys yn rhad IIrNETT, Watchmaker, Glanhwfa Road, Llangefni. ROYAL STAPLES, carnarto N. OWEN BROTHERS. Posting at Royal Stables in all its Branches. Hearse and Mourndag Coaches far Hire Practical Ostlers acd Good Stabling Accommo- dation for 40 Horses. Estimate for Posting wita Driver inclnded. Town Omnibns Meet* all Trains. YMAE WILLIAM A THDMAS OWEN JL yn barod i dderbyn arckebion i anfen unrhyw fathau o gerbydiu ar y rkybydd lleiaf, i fyned i unrhyw fan ar unrhyw amser, gan fod Sanddyct Busc-f, Broughams, PketeBS, reaks, Wsggonnette", Gigs a Haatie o'r fath barddaf, a Mouraing Caaeh at ai gwasanaeth. Gallant gyfaifid a phob dosbarlh ag at bob amgylehiad a hyny am y pririau mwyaf rho symol. Dialchant i oa\\ b am y gefaagaetk a gawsant yn y goruhesol, a hyderant y der- byniaat yr un madd yn y dytodol. Private Addre.-fi-12, Uelart Street, a 34, Bangor Street. 6681. t 'l'a 'J.ÁL'iLJAtU) .LJ.b' A SSRANCE QOMPANY ESTABLISHED 1825. INVESTED FUSDS £ 7,500,000 ANNUAL REVENUE £ 1,000,»«0 BONUS DlSTRIBfTPD. £ 5,000,000 Life Policies aud Endowments. World Wide and Nunforfeitable. Deforn-d Assurances for Children. Immediate re t. of Claim. = For Prospectns &na .formatialk apply to J. O. MORRIS, Bodhyfryd, Carnarvon, J. B. NIXON, Bank Place, Bangor, AIL-AR BYMTHEO GYLCHWYL LENYDDOL A CHERDDOROL CYMDEITHAS GWVR IEUAINC SOAR, PENIGROES, TB HON A OTNHELIR YN NGHAPEL SOAR, MAI 28, 1892. TESTYNAU AGORED I'R BYD. TRAETHODAfJ r 1. "Ieaenctyd rhanharthau poblog all modd i gyfarfod en hanghenion." Gwobr, 108 6CIo BARDRONIAETII. 4. Triagaia llioell (yr awdwr i ddevis d fesur). Y Tcaln cyntaf." Gwobr, 12s. 5. Dan Eaglya beddaareraph I W. Heart Williams, Old Camb'iao. nwn"r, 12s 6c, CERDDORIAETH. 6. I for a gano oreu Arabia" ail lyfr Stephens. Rhif 55, smyn 199. Gwobr, £ 1 10* a Bat''n i'r arweinydd, 7. Unawd "Gwlad y Delyn," nu'r "Omeit." (Tenor nsa Bars). Gwobr, le 6c. 8, Unrhyw Unawd (I rai heb enill o'r blaenV. OwelJr, 6s. t 9. Denawd Y Ddau Wladgarwr neu Y Ddia Lowr." Gwobr. 10s 6e. 10. Pedwarawd Ti wyddost beth ddywed fy nghalon neu Mi welaf mewn adgof. Gwobr, 12s 6o. 11. 1 ger,) blant Wolwch yr Arglwydd." (Caniateir i rai mewn oed pynorthwyo gyd t't Tenor a'r Bass). Gwobr, il Is. 12. Adredd "Y Dymkestl Olaf" (fslwyn). Gwjbr, 7s 6c. H. Artb, "Prydlondeb." Gwobr, 2s 6c. 15. Owir Gymrfig (Merch). Gwobr, 7s 6ci 16. Gwisg tJymrtlll (Mab). Gwobr, 7s 60. BEIRNIAID. Rhif 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, a 14, Hywet Cynon. Aberaman. ogth WbIss. Rhif 15 a 16, Mrs Bownoss a Miss guts Hughes, Clogwyn, AMODAU. Y cyfansoddiadau i fod yn lIaw y Beirniaid 6rbyn y Ueg 0 Fal, ac eawaa yr ymgeis^yr yn ?T adran ?erddortt ac ar yr adroddiad i fod TH Tlr aw yr Ye?riftnydd ar neu cyn Mai 21. 08 na bydd y bu irtujjwr yn bresenol pan elwir el enw atelir pris tocyn blaen-sedd. («ir rhescr gyflawn o'r testynau ond anfoa lie i'r Yogrifenydd, miss BOWNESS, TANYBRYN. —a IT CURED MV BOY OF A DRSAD JL Fur. COUGH. Send two more bottles per return to give to friends, as Chemists here reco,iimend others nothing like yours.—Mrs Johnstone, Belltek Station,Fermanagh,July, 4 WHAT CURED? IXTX AYMAN'S BALSAM of Horehonnd, JLJL a Safe Remedy for Influenza, CoughSj Cough, Hoarsoness, Bronchitis, to. h 1 nls Old Rnd Well-known Preparation not only curet Coughs and Colds, but a::tR Goa Preventive if taken on first appearance of Coli or Ch 11. Sold everywhere, price Is lid., 23 9d.- Alfred Hayman and Co., Albemarle stree.J. Lordon. E.C. IT CUBED MY COLD AT ONCE-4 I H. JoneR. Oneathraw, Carnarvon. MGlzawatteø HIGH-CLASS TEA. Nothing of late years seems to have escaped the craze for cheapness. at the sacrifice of Real Quality. TEA has been singled out as fair game for the onslaught of adver- tisers,who have vied with each other to deprave the taste of the public by appeal i ng to their pockets at the expense of their palates. The public, nauseated with the rubbish that has been so persistently forced upon them, have hailed with gratitude the advent of the MAZAWATTEE TEAS. These High-Class Teas have met a long-felt want, and it is universally acknowledged that they RECALL THE DELICIOUS CHINA TEAS OF THIRTY YEARS AGO. Mazawattee "The standard brand" slfor 'fine quality. "Distinctly Tea of the" "highest character," "elevating the public" "taste." Prlces-tItO,2/ 2/4. 2110 and 4/- per lb. in I-tb., & t-Ib. Packets; and also 3-lb. & 6-lb. Tins. SOLD BY Uadlng Grocers throughout the Kinnrlnm RARV kRVON-I'l OMAS LEWIS & Co. Bk,G)lt-Tt,OMA, ,rWJS & Co, 315H1GH STREET ASD RaTuBONB STREET, Amlwch.-lbom" lewis A Co. lBetbal-Thomas Lewis Co. Podedern-Thowas Lewis ft Co. Holyhead—Thomas Lewis A Co. Uanerchymodd-Themas Lewis ft Co Llangefni —Thomas Lew a fc Co. Ponmaaomawr-Thomm Lew s ft Co. Pentraeth—Thomas Lewie & Co. Pwllheli-Tbomu Lt wis & Co. Aberdovey—Vincent DaTiee. Bala-J .he Parry. Barmouth—E. Williams, Belle Vue Arcade* Botheada-Ellis Owen. Bettwsycoed-R. Rowlinson. Llys Caradog, Blaenau Ffentiniog-H. T. Cwen. Clynnog-R. Hughes. Criccieth—P. J. Bowen, The Stores. Dinas Mawddwy—M. Evans, P. O. DQlelley-Riohard Milt., Finebary Hoaeø. Gwindy, Corrit-M. E. Davies. Hatlech-E, Griffiths. Llanbedr-R. Griffiths. Lianberis,- LlandudnStepheD Dunphy, Centra! Storea, Llanfaírfecban-T. Morgan A Son, 1 and 3* Caradog place, Shore road, and 15, pcnmaw. mawr road. Llanivet-D. Williams, Liverpool House Nerin-J. Williams, Canton Honse, WoUf street. Penne-M. Rowlands. Portmadeo-K, T. Oven, 97, 99 10)1 WW street Tow; u—R« J. P.obwte,