Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. .Y3ee,Aûm:s ?/C ???&?? D E?CHAM'S PILLS JD Cure Bilious and Nervous Disorders. ? EECH?\M'S PILLS Jr? Cure Constipation aud Sick Headache. TD EECHAM'S PILLS J-) Ensure proper Assimilation of Food. PILLS j) Arouse Sluggish and Torpid Livers and Dispel 13;k ItEEUHAM'S PILLS JL) Strengthen the Stomach. D EECHAM'S PILLS JD Cure Stomachic Troubles. such as Indi- gestion. Want of Appetite. Dyspepsia, Fulness after Meals, Vomitings, Sick- ness a.tttie Stomach, etc. T, EECHAM'S PILLS J) Give almoat Instant relief. T) EECHAM'S PILLS D Cur* Restlessness and Insomnia, and ,;irw sound and refreshing sleep. T) EI?X?HAM'S PILLS JD Remore the result of indiscretMn in t&ting and drinking. I ? EECHAM'S PILL.S JL? Are suit?Ie for both young and o!.d. 13 EECHAM'S PILLS JD Will make you loek well, feel weN, &Dd keep weU. DEECHAM'S PILLS ?0 Purify the Blood, and remove Scurvy, Pimpies. and Blotches on the Skin. 1D EECHAM'S PILLS JD Remuve Wind and Pains in the Stomack. ID BECHAATS PILLS JD Gire tone and energy to the Mnsctl&r xyatem. BHCHA.M'S FiLLS T) Are tb<* most reliable Family Medicine. J[) &ud sh??J J be kept in Rvery home. T) EECHAM'S PiLijS JD Lay tIiL .n)undation of Good Health. T) R-ECBAM'S PiLLS D Are ?p?ciaily suitable for the Diseasfs and Ailments common to Females of a9 Ages..n they remove the cause vf much suffering to the sex. ? ) NKOHAM'S PILLS j?) Improve the Complexion, and restore the 'rose bud of health" to paUid cheeka. ID EECHA?rS PILLS JD Are mild but elective inf their a?tiea. ¥ ID S?HAM'S PJ LLS JL) Assist -he Kidneys to perform their D EECHA?I'S PILL. JL) If taken in time will ?vard oS many & serious illness. T) EECHAM'S P?LLs JL) Have ?uf:d the test of over nfty years. ID EECHAM'S JD Are .<:rwherc. ;n boxes. Is ld and 2.s 9'L contaiuing 56 and 168 p:Hs respectively. ————' INh 3t6 ttnd 18. High ?IC'B.A ?'Li,.??A-M.- PROPRIETOR. DREAKFASTS. L.ncheons, and Binnera. M-e JL) fJways ready Viattora to Bangor will be surplted ajid charge a reason&ble price tti thi" E?Mishmect. -1. J. & S. ROBERTS, ironmongers, P!umbers, Decorators, GAS, BELL HOT WATER riTTERS, p APE:¡ HANGINGS. OIL. AND WAREHOUSE — HOT REPAIRS. — LLOYO STtET, LL"NDUDO. TRIUMPH Mmtooaa?ty ?? ?'???* T C C <t*aMMarBF A??Y?LL<i?C? ?? ???ElS-M-O a& tT EASY BMCMt.M MSTMt. JIiJ T.JU1oø:/UlATø lU.LlAal:& j L/Jtqø¡- <M I1ppliuJi/1/1., lauaa,E.o.. CxoJE C.. LID.. CtmoorKW D OVAL EXC 'K ASSURANCE COR. PORATIOBL b}:loyat Oh-irter, A.D. 1720). v 1u ef O&ce: BOYAL EXCHANGE, LONDON. I Branch: 5, DALE-STREET. LIVERPOOL. Hje Accumulated Funds Exceeds jB4,000,Out Chima Paid Over £31,000,000. FIRE. Every riptit;Il of Fire InauraDce tr&Macted. Loaaea occùl.e.d by Lightning will be paid whether the propt,ny he set on &re or not MFB. The Corporatiou ;ifords aecurity of the highest atod d1&r Bonuses exceeding the '30Vel'- dastnbutien ot tWOuranee Companiea. The Condittons c Assurance have been I&tely reviae<L A Proapectu. of Bonu<, and Bala-noe Bb- will be forwarded on application to S. H. SMITH, OM Bank. Baeger- Mr JAMES SMITH, „ CanM<rvoit—Mr C. R. REES, „ Amenta. TO GARDENERS AND FLORISTS. *TF you waat s tirst-cLtaa Weekly GardenuM Pap, which only soojid, pract!oM, and infecmattort on all aubjecte connected vith tlte c;ard :ta Management, and t'W8. read THE GARDENING WORLD, which iø puMMhen t'wry FRIDAY MORNING. 1 PIH(""F,J Id. POST FREE, SOLD BY ALL NEWSAGENTS. 17, CATHERINE-STREET, <!OVENT ARDEN. EC. t WAVE LLANDUDNO. Boarding Establishment tBN PHNSION). CENTRE OF GRAND FACING SEA. TARIFF. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. WALDEGRAVE ALLENBY. 8676 PL.AS MAWB, CONWAY ? ??. t ?,-t.t—?-? ) ? ??'??:??.' ? ???'??????? '?4? ?r-< !)r* ?"????-???????????? ?r?t f? THE OLD L W, c TT'T T?7 AT3W?? A W T3A T Af?T? tjJjuL?jjHLiSdC?JLJBLjHLiN EJBLijjnL??J? Open Daily. 9153 BENSON'S 0 & SEM RtNBS ZY .1LZ, DESIGSS, 6'Er nYTir ??'n- ttz, Emends, P2riS, Rubies, Sapphires, Opa!s, &c of the Purest Qua!!cy At MAKER'S CASH PRfCES. S!ze Cards Post Free. -c-c- /"r' .42-. lcarls & Sapphires, 26/ Brilliants, £3 35. Pearls & Rubies. 28/- Brillhnt<. £:0, LARGEST STOCK OF RINGS !N THE WORLD. nnfl 25. BriL'7art.- i 3. ?????K s? <9 ???S?3?? SE??Ny!E?W Bf ??E??5? ?r-??'j? S? <?? ??x?B?a MSH?'??f?H S S? &<&?y \?%a?'Bt?Ety %? ?t??B.'NM ?&?WWJS&B?!?a.!?;J5M H B &=zrr .:) '.Jnr.t:I_ Fine Gol.-k Cho.m St. ? t"¡ SELECTfONS ??'?..??,, ?-?——? ???? ?NT ON '?.??:?. '-??t.?a6Bt?=-=? ???"??J? ?A? ????? APPROVAL. -? ? ? r:e')?t H'-oo.-h.2! -—— Fine Gold Eroceh. 25' f rr 'i'? ?'! T?.Wrr,r.??Y S'??T' 'R'=''?ttou''r?'<.to.'?Up3.r'sof tb? World f?r P.C.C.. piTS'?e "?./) ?!'rc?E.> .?"?'n'.?r.7'?nr 'r???.v /Y ??'cn'?A'GF. SOCK of WATCHES. CLOCKS.CHMXS, ENGAGEMENT 1,1-, GS. f ,r t ? ? ?'- ? ? ? ?N '-?' ?'- ?? t? Watchmahers -?- ?Ws ??LS'S?'?.?''S''3? LS.M.? Jc?CtfC'-F. 62&64,LUDGATE HILL,,L 0 N") NOT!CE. ???P??r????YM??????? ?? THE OLDEST HORTICU LTURAL NEWSPAPER. 3d. The Gardeners' iss WHB&LY. YEARLY. P<?tage ?< ? ? Post ? Chronicle (THE "TIMES" OF HAJRTICULTURE). FOR 8.XTY Yi?R-. THE LEADING JOURNAL Its contributors oomprise the .ut08t Experienced British Gardeners, and many of the moat Eminent Men of Science at home and a-broad. IT HAS AN INTERNATIONAL REPUTATIO N FOR ITS ILLUSTRATIONS OF PLANTS. Specimen Copv post free on application to the Publiaher, H. G. COVE, 41, WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, LONDON. 3LW be cfiM-ed of all Booksellers and Neweagenta, and at the Railway BootataH& ESTABLI SHED 181i. M. A. CROOKS. HIGH-CLASS H' 'OT & SHOE MAKER IS NOW SHOWING A LARGE AND FASHIONABLE SELECTION OF NEW SEASONS GOODS, FROM THE LEADING ENGLISH AND FOREIGN MAKERS. AGENT FOR THE CEL .RATED "K BOOTS AND SHOES Tennis, Cri kot, and Boating Shoes. BOOTS AND SHOES MADE T< MEASURE. REPAIRS. 222. mGR TRHET. BA NGOR" AND RIGE SQUARE, MENAI BRIDGE. 7350. MOON'S HOTEL, LLANDUDN0. <0 ? = o o ro ro Q tj ro CI1 Q o P' ø & ro o ro S '0 0 ONE MINUTE WALK FROM CENTRE OF PROMENADE AND STATION. THE MOST POPULAR PRIVETE HOTEL. NBW BILLIARD AND RECREATION ROOMS." PUBLIC AND PFLVATE SITTING ROOMS, ALSO NUMEROUS AIRY AND WELL-APPOINTED BEDROOMS. SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR HOCKEY, CRICKET TEAMS, AND CYCLISTS. GOOD, BATHROOM. Charges Moderate. V. Winch, Proprietor. THE CRAIGYDON Boardina EstabHshment (Temperance), LLANDUDNO. Facing the ea. Terms Moderate. _0 M¡}dietor¡ 8\: Wood, Proprietresses. 87 ??? There's Security !n ?? CARTER'S ???BB? ABSOLUTELY CURE tj?jtM t*V?P*t C* ??BNBtB Dyspepsia, tndigestion, ????? t t N N t* ??????N Dizziness, Ftashes of ? ?? N t t t?<?M ?mNr wtt Heat, Nausea, Drowsi- ??? j??? ?? ness, Acid Eructations, ??M N ? ? t?M ?? JjjJSJ? ?? Bad Taste in the Mouth, ?? t ?? ? L? ??!J? ? t Coated Tongue, Stack ?M j ? EMtM ? ?? ?? Specks ftoating before ??N ?? the Eyes, Ftatutency. ??M ??? ? ? ?? Wind about the Heart. ?? ?3) ) t ?2 ? P&!ns between the Shou!der B!ades, Bitious, Sick ?? jj? ? j? )L???L?N and Nervous Headaches, Distress from too -?tt_?????? He&rtY Eating, Constipation, Yettow Skin. ttBMNNMNBBN Heartburn, Pasty Comptexion, Stuggish Liver, Great Mental Depression, and a general feeling Small Pill of being betow par. SmaH Dose. la gtass tubes. t3;d. Of &!tCBem!sts. Note stee!-engr!tved!abets <;mat) Pt?<* btue tatters on white ground, and Mme of proprietors. Carter om<m t-m.e. Medicine Co. Dose, one at night; but the first nlgbt take three. They TOUCH" the LIVER, ???jS?'??i??E????' B? Ae ??R? ?ey aF'e ??F?F&FlL ?? "IC!lJW'11S. ">8"IC.J"' E&S ??L??'tJ' (OF LIVERPOOL) ??? CVFt fOl 011'\ HIRE-P nJ) 1"1{A.1iO YSi" ItCItAS CATALOCIDE. ost .6 SEE ,tlsl'KtJ oJíl1f'. 6Efo s)OC 5!- ptR Moo- f{E I'1Ittc51" THE LARGEST STOCK OF ? P!ANOS,ORGANS & HARMONtUMS TO CHOOSE FROM .AND FINEST 5MOWROOMS lt4WALES. Cj. TUrHMGS A<D REPAIRS eY PRACtICAL WORKM1:K. n;¡1 CHANE q .sONS, &. A.l.J. 1lI ''J'"ø WREXHAM. -+- 2d WEEKLY. E s TABDSH ED 1848. WEEKLY. 2d. TrUY? Tf?TTT??JAT f?T7 Uf?I?TTTf?TTTTTTDT? liiji JuUKJNAL UJr JriuKli?ULlUKJl COTTAGE GARDENER AND HOMB FARMBE. Edited by JOHN WRIGHT,F.R.H:.S.,Y.M.H.,ae8i&te(l by a Staff o<f the Best Writer& on PRACTICAL GARDENING. During FIFTY-TWO YEARS the "JOURNAL OF HORTICULTURE" has heen wrieen by Gardcnera for Gnardenera, and in ita principles, ita practice, and Ita price it attll TQmains the same. One alteration in perhaps, however, necessary. Our modern methods cf prOL duotion have rendered the price ul 1-fachioncd, and hence in order to m'.)et the witihes of iliQ present generation of Gardeners the "JOURNAL OF HORTIOUITURE" wm" from July 36th, 1900, be aoH for TWOPENCE instead of Threepence. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION :—Ore Quarter, 5a; Half Year, 5s 6d; One Year, 10s M. I 41st YEAR OF PUBLICATION. NOW READY. Price Is; Poet Free, 1,3 od. The HORTiCULTURAL DtRECTORY for 1900. This Work contains over 16,000 up-t;<? date A-,Idreo,g of Nui'erymen, Seedsmen, Plonsts, Gardeners, and Country Seats thr'Tughout the United Kingdom a Lint 8" the principal NurHervmen, etc.. en the Continent, ?nd in the 0<?l«nies. i OFFtCBS: 12, MITRE OOURT CHAMBERS, FLTB3T STREET, LONDON, E.C. { CHATSWORTH HOUSE 4, Gloddaeth Crescent Centre of Grand Parade. Facing Se& NO. HR8T CLASS BOAHDlNG AND PR!VATE HOTEL r.r.A.RIPF. 87. r-fI' .WJIr.m.lf'I..QII?'c,T_?!A-fr:iJ".l:IJJ.r.j.MJ, LLANDUDNO. Vincent's & FamHy HoteL SITUATED iu the Oentre of the MARIlIE PARADE, 8nq pOMeS8es the most u te81Ve Sea Frontage on the Parade; an unmterrpted and comma.nding view oi thé Ólr- narvom;h1re M.ounta.ioo. Private Sitting Rooms Facing the Sea. LOFTY AND WELL-ARRANGED SMOIBNG AND BILLIARD ROOMS. EXTENSIVE TENNIS COURTS. TARIFF (graduted. aooording to the St of the yaM), onapphœtIOIt to 7605 John Vincent, Proprietor. M03TYN ARMS HO rj c; Conway Head, L..LANDUDNO. .;¡ HL HOTEL is newly-built, from Designs by G. A. Humphreys, Esq., Architect, Mft1 n tBB Estate Office, Llandudno, and contains all the Latest ELECTRIC LIGHT THROUGHOUT. HOT and COLD BATHS, LAVATORIES, etc., on EACH LANDING. SPACIOUS COFFEE, DRAWING, SMOKE. AND BILLIARD ROOMS. Families, Tourists, and others patronising this Hotel will nnd every Comfort and Attention with very Moderate Charges. C.T.C. Hotel. FULL LICENCE. GOOD STABLING. Few Minutes from Station, Promenade, Pier. and Golf Links. Telephone, No. 115. SAMUEL HUGHES, Proprietor. 8555 (For last 13 years Secretary of Llandudno Pier Co., Ltd.). IT .:k. V,4:ll.4'U ? rrD?nAt r ? rrnNJALL L?6%)?L/nt-.t—. Boardmg Establishment, LI.JA.JL<fDU NEAR STATION AND CENTRE OF PARADE. W P E A R S 0 N Proprietor. 9145 The Promenade Hotet AND RESTAURANT, i5, SOUTH PARADE, LLANDUDNO. [OPPOSITE THE PIER.] 1JI.[ R S D I a K. I N'" [Late of Birmingham] FIRST-CLASS REFRESHMENT, LUNCHEON, DINING AND SUPPER -Y-rrHERE ViAXDS of the Finest Q¡.lality at most Moderate Prices Served &t aM yy Hours. Specia.1 Accommodation Provided for Visitors. Ladies' Coffee Room. English and German CONFECTIONERY, ICES, CREAMS, and JELLIBS. Balls, Dinners, Parties, &c.. Catered for at Moderate Charges. ,t""Y?"XJ1H1,1.'W';r;8IIICft, The Waterloo Hotel, Bettws-y-coed. Close to the Waterloo Bridge and a few minutes' walk from the RaUway Station (turn to tho left at the top of Station Road). I ExceHent StabHng and Lock-up Coach Houses, < Posting in all its Branches. LARGE LAWN TENNIS GROUNDS. Coaching to LLANBERIS AND BEDDGELERT DAILY hi connection with the L. &nd N. W. Railway Co. Q.olf t <_An excellent 9-holc Golf Course h&s been opened in connection with this HOTEL, Mid i3 FREH TO VISITORS. BIL?LIAR?nS. For Tarin of Charges apply to B. L. NcCULLOCH, Proprietor.'.fHt L_ DEGANWY CASTLE HOTEL HaJf way between Llandud.m and the Junction. Directly facing Conway and Bndg&a. The nearest Hotel to the celebrated Carnarvonsbire Golf Links, And within easy dist<tlwe cf the North Wales Linka. V.alIÐN r FOU ALL Cj AC RING AND RAILWAY EXCURSIONS. BATHJNG TENNtS, BiLLIARDS, GOLF Good Accommodation for Cyclists. TARIFF ON APPLICATION TO Mrs TRtTTON, PROPRIETRESS