Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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AV v A GREAT TONIC IRON JELLOIDS. A Great Astronomer—GaUieo (jaiiki. 1 E purse muove." This historic 'aside' of the Great Galileo bears ever witness to the difficulty oj obtaining acceptance of new iruths. It was the same with Harvey's discovery of the Circulation of the Blood, a mostimportanlfacl in dealing with ailments—For the blood in circulating carries oxygen and food to all parts of the body. The red corpuscles carry the oxygen. If these corpuscles are deficient, Weakness and ill-health result and one becomes pale, short of breath, wan and depressed. In all such cases Iron Jelloids should be taken three times a day. For ANALMIA (sowtlby. Breathlessness on slight exertion, Pallor, Depression and Weakness ) Doctors have for many year's prescribed the well-known Iron J elloids No. 2.-there is nothing better. For DEBILITY, WEAKNESS and NERVINESS,, Men find The Ideal Tonic and Restorative in Iron Jelloids No. 2A. Dr. J.M.B., M.D., writesAfter a long and careful study of the different phases of uAn&mia, I find thai no preparation is so easily taken by the patient and so quickly assimilated as Iron felloids." MURIEL, VISCOUNTESS HELMS LEY, Writes:-—" f..have muck pleasure in stating thai your Iron Jelloids haoe been most beneficial to me per^hnally during these anxious months. "I haoe given them to several of our staff nurses and probationers, and -to the children in the uNational Society of Day' Nurseries, and have found them a perfectly excellent ionic." 0 -.a" Iron Jelloids > ( Pronounced Jell-Lloyd. ) Reliable Tonic for Men. IRON JELLOIDS No. 2A. For Anaemia in Men and Women. IRON JELLOIDS No. 2. For Growing Children. IRON JELLOIDS No. 1. Of all Chemists. A Fortnight's Treatment, I j3, large size, 3/-I Manufactured onlu bu The Ircn Jelloid Co.. Ltd., 205, City Road, London. E.G, :2. ,:<, ;z: :;i,'#s. .2Æ" ;i"4.t¡'' ,f,'i' < t;L ¡, "è'] 'i;:t.;¿' "i. :/i. < 'i.u, '<L, '<i' < 'r:. GALILEO GAULEl. Born 1564-Died 1642. i Dr. ANDREW WILSON wrote,To those who suffer from a "deficient quantity of blood, Iron Jelloids will act in a most favourable manner by producing a more natural circulation, which will in turn "replenish every part o f the system with fresh life, increased energy, ry SY "greater strength and healthier conditions. Poorness of blood is known as Ancemia." < 1 GERTRUDE, LADY. DECIES, writes:—"I have the greatest "pleasure in stating that I have found your Iron, Jelloids a marvellous "tonic and most rxcllent for Neuralgia. I have recommended them to manypeople." Ask your Chemist for a box of Iron Jelloids to-day. Price 113. J 'k.T> ->i.},<, .t<>+, -i. '13' ,=:

S P.G.


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